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How to create a FTP server through VirtualBox: stepping instructions

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The FTP is one of the most common ways to exchange files between computers on the local network or via the Internet. The establishment of a FTP server may be useful for various purposes, such as sharing files with colleagues or friends, creating a remote databank and accessing files from different devices.

VirtualBox is a powerful platform for virtualization that allows the creation and launch of virtual machines on your computer. The virtual machine will provide you with a separate environment to work with the FTP server, which will allow it to be isolated from other processes on your basic system.

In this step-by-step instruction, we will consider the process of establishing a FTP-server through VirtualBox. We assume you've already got VirtualBox on your computer and you have a basic understanding of his operation. If you don't have it, you need to set it up before you go on.


Virtual machine is a software that emulates the work of a physical computer and allows it to operate another operating system. Virtual machines create isolated environments in which different experiments can be conducted, software tested and applications needed to operate with a certain operating system.

VirtualBox is one of the most popular tools for building and managing virtual machines. It is developed by Oracle and offers the possibility of creating and building virtual machines on a computer.

Virtual machine benefits:

  • Insulation: each virtual machine operates in a separate and isolated environment that prevents interaction between operational systems and enhances system safety.
  • Portability: Virtual machines can be easily transported between different computers, making them user-friendly for different platforms.
  • Flexibility: Virtual machines can quickly create and remove environments for different purposes and develop system performance.

VirtualBox provides a wide range of tools for the development of virtual machines, including the ability to manage the resources and options of the network, connect external devices and develop access to the idling system files and folders.

The creation of a virtual machine through VirtualBox is a simple process that includes several steps:

  1. Setting VirtualBox on a computer.
  2. Creating a new virtual machine and choosing an operating system.
  3. Setting up the parameters of the virtual machine, such as the volume of operational memory and the size of the hard drive.
  4. Installation of an operating system into a virtual car.

Once a virtual machine is established, it can be used for various purposes, including the installation of servers, software testing and application development.

Ultimately, the use of a virtual machine through VirtualBox creates isolated environments to deal with different operating systems, making the development and testing process more flexible, portable and safe.


  1. Put VirtualBox on your computer if it's not yet available. You can download the machine from the official VirtualBox site.

  2. Start VirtualBox and create a new virtual machine. Put a name on the car and select the type of operating system you want to use for the server. Press the Daleye button.

  3. Determine the amount of memory that will be allocated to the virtual machine. It is recommended that at least 512 MB be selected. Press the Daleye button.

  4. Build a new virtual hard drive for a virtual car. Choose the type of hard drive and leave the default settings. Press the button to create.

  5. Choose the size of the hard drive in the megabytes. It is recommended that the value of at least 10 GB be selected. Press the button to create.

  6. Start a virtual car that just started.

  7. Set up an operating system on a virtual car. Follow the instructions on the screen for the installation of your chosen OS.

  8. Set the necessary packages and programs on your virtual car. Also set up a FTP server to be used to access the files on the server.

  9. Set the FTP server according to your project. Indicate the directory where files will be stored, establish user access rights and other facilities.

  10. Start a virtual car network. Specify a web-based adapter to be used to connect with the outside world. Put the IP address on a virtual car so you can connect to it online.

  11. Check the FTP server's work, try to connect to it from another computer. Use the FTP client to connect with the server and check access to files.

Following this step-by-step instruction, you can create a FTP server in a virtual car through VirtualBox. If necessary, you can build a server and set up additional programs to manage and access files.

VirtualBox installation on computer

Virtualization is a process of launching several operating systems on one computer at the same time. VirtualBox is one of the most popular tools to create virtual machines. He's free and supports a large number of operating systems.

To establish VirtualBox on the computer, do the following steps:

  1. Go to the official VirtualBox site at the address. https:/ /www.virtualbox.org/}
  2. On the main page of the site, find the section of the download and select the VirtualBox version corresponding to your operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux).
  3. Once the operating system has been selected, download the VirtualBox installation file and launch it.
  4. Follow the instructions of the master of VirtualBox. Press the Daleye buttons and accept the licensing agreement.
  5. When the installation is completed, launch VirtualBox.

Now VirtualBox is installed on your computer and ready for use.

Establishment of a virtual machine

Before setting up a FTP-server through VirtualBox, a virtual machine is needed. Virtual machine is the emulation of a computer operating on the operating system we choose. To create a virtual machine in VirtualBox, follow the following steps:

  1. Step 1. VirtualBox launch.

    To create a virtual car, we need to start VirtualBox first. To this end, go to the Pusk menu in Windows or use the search to find and launch the VirtualBox program.

  2. Step 2. Creating a new virtual machine.

    After the VirtualBox launch, press the Button to create. In the window, you'll be asked to indicate the name and type of operating system for your virtual car. Choose the name for the car as well as the operating system you want to emulate (e.g. Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.). Then press the Daleye button.

  3. Step 3. Selection of virtual machine resources.

    During the selection phase of the virtual machine, you should indicate the number of operational memory (RAM) and the volume of hard drive that will be available to the machine. It is recommended to select the values corresponding to the operating system requirements that you want to set. To this end, the recommendations of the virtual machine or the operating system should be consulted. Press the Daleye button to continue.

  4. Step 4. Create a virtual hard drive.

    You'll also need a virtual hard drive for your virtual car. To this end, press the button of the virtual hard drive. In the emerging window, select the type of hard drive (recommend to use the VDI format) and select a way of allocating space (possible to indicate the dynamic allocation to keep the computer seat). Then press the Daleye button.

  5. Step 5. Installation of the operating system.

    After a virtual car and a virtual hard drive, you'll have to set up an operating system. To that end, select a virtual car on the left list and press the launch button. Next, you're gonna need a load disk or an ISO-design operating system. Specify the way to this file and follow the operating system installation instructions.

Once the operating system has been installed, you'll have a virtual working machine ready to build a FTP server.

FTP server

The FTP-server structure in VirtualBox virtual car can be performed as follows:

  1. 1. Install a virtual VirtualBox machine and create a new virtual computer.
  2. 2. Start a virtual machine network. FTP server is easy to use network bridgeso that a virtual car can access a local network.
  3. 3. Set the operating system on a virtual computer, like Ubuntu Server or Windows Server. You'll also need the necessary driveways for the online map in the virtual car.
  4. 4. Set a FTP server on a virtual car. Ubuntu Server can use vsftpd, and for Windows Server, the built-in role of FTP-server.
  5. 5. Start FTP server parameters. Indicate the folder that will be available on FTP, establish reading and recording permits, make user authentication.
  6. 6. Open port 21 in the building of a virtual car firewall and on a rotary, if any.
  7. 7. Check the FTP server's access to it from another computer or command line.

After these steps, your FTP server must be determined and ready for use.


What's the FTP server for?

FTP serves to transfer files between computers through the network. It allows users to download and download files and manage access to these files.

What is VirtualBox?

VirtualBox is a software to build and manage virtual machines. It enables the creation of virtual computers on which operational systems can be installed and launched.

How do you set VirtualBox?

To establish VirtualBox, we need to download the installation file from the official website, launch it and follow the instructions of the installer. Then you can build virtual machines and build them.

How do you create a virtual car in VirtualBox?

In order to create a virtual machine in VirtualBox, you need to open a program, press the button, put in the name of the car, choose the type of operating system, indicate the amount of memory and create a virtual hard drive. After that, you can start a virtual car and put an operating system on it.

How do you build a FTP server in VirtualBox virtual car?

To build a FTP-server in VirtualBox's virtual car, we need to start an operating system on a virtual car. Then we need to make sure that a FTP server is installed and launched in a virtual car. There is a need to develop access rights to files and folders that will be transmitted through FTP. The FTP server will be ready for use.