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GIMP: whose program and what opportunities it offers

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GIMP, whose full name is GNU Image Manipulation Program, is free software for the processing of images. It was developed by the GIMP team and released in 1996. GIMP is available for various operating systems, including Windows, macOS and Linux. The program is one of the most popular alternatives to the Photoshop and offers many opportunities for editing images.

GIMP has a wide range of tools and functions to edit, process and create graphic images. It supports different files, including JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF and others. GIMP can edit colours, contrastity, brightness, adding effects, working with layers, cut and clone objects, paint and many others.

An important feature of the GIMP is the existence of many flames and expansions that enhance the program ' s capacity. This allows users to customize their experience with the program, add new tools and effects. GIMP also supports the use of scenarios, which facilitates and automates recurring tasks.

In general, GIMP provides powerful tools to deal with images and is available free of charge. Through its open nature, it is also actively developed and updated by the community of developers and users, which offers new functions and corrects errors. GIMP is a great choice for those who seek a free and powerful imaging program.

What is GIMP?

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is free software designed to process graphic images. It is being developed by the development community of the GNU project and is analog to popular Photoshop and Corel PaintShop Pro programs.

GIMP has many functions and opportunities to edit and create various graphic projects. These are some of the main opportunities of the program:

  • Reading of images: GIMP provides a wide range of tools for correction and correction of photographs. You can change colors, contrast, brightness, editing and a lot of other things.
  • Building images from scratch: GIMP enables the creation of new images, the drawing of bruises, the addition of text and forms, the handling of layers and effects, the creation of animation and many others.
  • Work on file formats: GIMP supports a large number of file formats, including JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, etc. You can import, export and retain files in different formats.
  • Disposal of unwanted elements: Through cloning and filling tools, you can remove undesirable objects or defective images.
  • Work with layers: GIMP allows layers to be created and edited, allowing for more flexible monitoring of the various image elements and their interaction.

GIMP is available for installation on Linux, Windows and macOS operating systems and its reference code is available for free downloading and modification.

It is worth noting that GIMP is a powerful and functional tool for the processing and creation of graphic images that will enable you to achieve professional results without the need to purchase commercial programs.

History of creation and development

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is free and free software for editing graphs developed by the GNU development community. The idea of establishing GIMP arose in 1995 and software has since continued to develop and improve.

GIMP was created by Peter Mattiss (Peter Mattis) and Spencer Kimball (Spencer Kimball). Their purpose was to create a free equivalent for the commercial graphic editor Adobe Photoshop.

The first version of GIMP was released in 1996 and became a popular user in a short time. The program was based on the GEGL (Generic Graphics Library), which provides a high rate of image processing and powerful tools for handling various effects and filters.

The GIMP community has expanded over time, and dozens of programrs and designers from around the world are now involved in its development. They are actively working to add new functions, improve productivity and correct program errors.

GIMP developers regularly produce new versions of the program that add new opportunities, improve the interface and correct errors. The last stable version of GIMP (at the time of writing) GIMP 2.10, which was issued in 2018.

Major features of the program

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) This is a free and powerful image editing program developed by the free software community. These are several main features of the GIMP program:

  • Open reference code: GIMP is subject to GNU General Public License (GPL), which means that anyone can use, modify and distribute the program.
  • Reversibility: App GIMP is available for different operating systems, including Windows, macOS and Linux.
  • Large editing tools: GIMP provides a wide range of tools for editing images, including tools for allocation, brushing, cloning, layering and many others.
  • Support multiple file formats: GIMP supports many common files including JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF and others.
  • Retuse and rebuilding of images: GIMP has functions to remove defects, restore old photographs and retrieve portraits.
  • Work with layers: GIMP allows for multi-layer combinations of images, allowing for more flexible implementation of different effects and a combination of elements.
  • Support for flames: GIMP can be expanded through flames that add new functions and tools.

These are only a few main features of the GIMP program. It is constantly evolving through community efforts and offers many opportunities to create and edit images.

Possibilities for editing images

GIMP provides many functions to edit images. These are some of them:

  • Art and correction: GIMP improves photo quality by removing defects, restoring colour gamma, changing brightness and contrasting and other adjustments.
  • Size and size change: The program cuts images by size and proportion, and changes their size without quality loss.
  • Colour change and filter addition: GIMP proposes a large number of tools to change image colours, use different filters, add effects and textures.
  • Work with layers and masks: The program enables the creation of multiple images, the control of the transparency of each layer and the use of masks for accurate image processing.
  • Figure and editing of forms: GIMP provides a set of tools for drawings and graphics, as well as for changing their shape, colour and transparency.
  • Removal of the background: GIMP can easily remove the background to the image by making the objects more striking and user-friendly in different projects.

This is only a small part of the opportunities offered by the GIMP program. All these functions make it a powerful tool for processing and editing images.

Interface and tools

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) open-source software for image editing. It is developed by the developer community and accessible free of charge to users.

The GIMP interface is divided into several main areas:

  1. The menus contains different teams and designs of the program.
  2. The toolbox contains tools to deal with images such as brush, discharge, tidal and others.
  3. The image window is the main working space where the selected image is displayed. Here you can edit the image, use the tools and look at the results of your work.
  4. Palitres provide additional designs and tools to deal with images. For example, you can change the color, equilibrium or opaqueness of the image using the palitres.
  5. The paper windows here you can open a few windows with different images for simultaneous work.

The main GIMP tools include:

  • The brush allows the image to be painted and edited by different shapes and sizes of the bones.
  • The extraction allows for the selection of an area of image for post-treatment.
  • The pencil allows the drawing of thin lines and the creation of detailed drawings.
  • The text allows text elements to be added to the image.
  • The olive makes it possible to paint a selected area of images with a certain colour or texture.
  • The effects provide different filters and effects that can be applied to the image to change its appearance.

The GIMP interface and tools enable users to create and edit images at their discretion. Through the open source code of the program, its functionality can be complemented and restructured by the developer community, making GIMP one of the most flexible tools to handle images.

Contained files

GIMP is a powerful graphic editor who supports a large number of different files. This allows users to work with different types of images and keep their projects in their right format.

These are some of the files supported by GIMP:

  • JPEG (.jpg,.jpeg): one of the most popular image compression formats is well suited to retain high-quality photographs;
  • PNG (.png): The loss and quality format is suitable for the preservation of images with transparency and use in the web-based survey;
  • GIF (.gif): The format that supports animation and transparency is widely used to create simple animated images;
  • TIFF (.tiff, .tif): a format with high quality images and support for different types of compression is often used in professional photographs and the press;
  • BMP (.bmp): The format without quality loss is often used in Windows to store high-resolution images;
  • SVG (.svg): The format of vector images is suitable for editing graphs and creating icons;
  • PSD (.psd): The format used by Adobe Photoshop allows layers and other maquito information to be retained, which is useful in collaboration with designers working in Photoshops.

These are just some of the formats that are supported. GIMP also supports many other formats, such as RAW, PDF, XCF (GIMP) and many others.

GIMP also provides an opportunity to import and export files in different formats through an intuitive user interface and the File menu. This makes GIMP a convenient tool to work with images in different projects and scenarios.

Regions and extensions

One of the most useful features of the GIMP program is the possibility of expanding its functionality through flames and expansions. This allows the user to develop GIMP according to their specific needs and to use additional tools.

Different types of plastic are available, including tools, filters, effects, violators and many others. Some crypts automate certain tasks, simplifying the GIMP program.

GIMP is supplied with a set of standard flame retardants, but there are also external developments that can be established to enhance the functionality of the program.

The installation of the flame in GIMP is usually simple enough to include the following steps:

  1. Download the flame from the official GIMP site or from another source.
  2. Unpack the flame if it's in the archives.
  3. Copy the files of the flame in the file of the GIMP.
  4. Reset the GIMP program to apply the changes.

Once the flame is installed in GIMP, it will be available on the program menu and/or through the instrument or filter. Some flames may be designed to work with different parameters or provide additional constructions to enable the user to achieve the desired result.

Some of the most popular flames for GIMP include:

  • G’MIC is a powerful tool for processing images with a large set of filters and effects.
  • Resynthesizer means filling gaps and removing objects on images.
  • Liquid Rescale is a way to change the size of the images while maintaining the proportion of objects in the photograph.
  • BIMP is a baggage-processing tool that allows multiple files to operate simultaneously.

Users can create their own flames and extensions for GIMP if they are familiar with the Program Scheme or Python used for the development of the GIMP. This provides a great opportunity for the creation of tools and functions specifically tailored to individual needs.

The scope of the GIMP program is greatly enhanced by the schemes and extensions, making it an even stronger graphic editor. An objective assessment of users from around the world, even those who are not supplied together with GIMP, can easily be found and established to improve the program.

Comparison of GIMP with other programs

GIMP is a popular free, open-source graphic editor. He offers many functions to edit and create images. However, there are other programs that also offer tools to work with the schedule. The comparison of GIMP with some of them is given below.

Adobe Photoshop

  • Licence: Photoshop is a fee-paying program that needs to be signed monthly.
  • Functionality: Photoshop offers a wide range of graphic editing tools, including advanced work opportunities with colour, text, layers and filters.
  • Use: Photoshop has a rather complex interface and can take time to learn all of his functions.

Corel PaintShop Pro

  • Licence: PaintShop Pro is also a single-time commercial program.
  • Functionality: PaintShop Pro offers tools to edit photographs, create images and retouch. It also includes text and vector functions.
  • Use: PaintShop Pro has a simpler interface, so it's more sophisticated than the Photoshop.


  • Licence: Pixlr is a free program accessible online and for downloading.
  • Functionality: Pixlr proposes a wide range of graphic editing tools, including cutting, retouching, adding effects and text.
  • Use: Pixlr has an intuitively understandable interface and a simple working process that makes it accessible to newcomers.


  • Licence: Inkscape is a free open source program that can be freely downloaded and used.
  • Functionality: Inkscape offers opportunities to create and edit vector images. It includes tools for drawing, creating effects and working with the text.
  • Use: Inkscape has a friendly interface with intuitive tools that makes it accessible to newcomers.

Ultimately, the choice of a program to work with a schedule depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you're looking for a free solution with an open source code and a wide range of functions, GIMP could be the perfect choice for you.


GIMP is a free program or a fee?

GIMP is a free open source program.

What is GIMP doing?

GIMP offers many opportunities for editing and image creation, including retusching, drawings, cuts, effects, size changes and many others.

Who developed GIMP?

GIMP was developed by a group of programrs and designers led by Peter Matt in 1995.

What does the GIMP abbreviation mean?

GIMP is encrypted as " GNU Image Manipulation Program " , which means " Free program for editing images " .

What operational systems are GIMP compatible?

GIMP is compatible with Windows, Mac OS and Linux operating systems.

Can GIMP be used for professional work?

Yes, GIMP is used by many professional designers and photographers to edit and create images. It provides many tools and functions for professional work.