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Why is the line not active in Excel and how to fix it

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Microsoft Excel is one of the most popular applications to work with the tables. It provides users with a large number of functions and opportunities. However, sometimes users face a problem when the line is inactive in Excel, which makes it difficult to work with the tables.

The main reason why the liner does not work in Excel is that the user has activated or changed the design. For example, the liner may be deactivated in program designs or a special combination of keys.

It is important to note that the problem of the inactive line in Excel may arise in different versions of the program. It is therefore recommended that the designs and possible solutions to the problem be checked in accordance with your specific Excel version.

Note: If you have a problem with the inactive line in Excel, don't worry! In this article, we will consider several possible solutions that will help you activate the line and continue working with the Excel tables.

Why is the line not active in Excel and how to fix it?

When the line is not active in Excel, it may be due to several reasons. Maybe you didn't notice that the line is hidden, or the Excel constructions were altered in a way that the liner stopped displaying.

First, make sure that the line is really hidden. To this end, go to Wid's contribution to the top panel of Excel. Then find " Show " and see if the Lenaca flag has been selected. If the flash drive's off, activate it to make the liner visible again.

If the liner is still not active, perhaps Excel has been changed. In order to correct this, open the File menu and select the Parameters. Then move to " Further " and find " Display " . Make sure the liner flag is fixed.

It is also worth checking that there is an appropriate scale. If the scale is too small, the line may not appear. In the Vid menu, select the Mashtation Opposition and set a suitable scale, for example, 100 per cent or the page wide.

If, after all these actions, the linearity is still not active, the problem may be related to updating the Excel program or its designs. Try updating Excel to the last version or redefining the program as a whole. If the problem persists, request assistance from Excel ' s technical support or contact Excel ' s user communities on the Internet for further information.

Reasons for inactivity of the line in Excel

1. Incorrect inspection regime

The line may be inactive if your document Excel is in the " Excel " mode. In this mode, you cannot change the table or use formatting tools, including linears. In order to activate the liner, switch to the " Handling " mode, press the " Reading in the lower part of the Excel window or using a combination of Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

2. Linear cover

Sometimes the linear can be hidden without your knowledge. If this happened, you can't activate it. In order to return the line, go to the Wid deposit to the top end of the Excel instrument panel and make sure that the Linaca flag is fixed.

3. Reading document only

Perhaps your Excel document is available on " Just for reading " , and formatting tools, including linearity, are therefore not available for editing. Make sure that the document is available on " Editing " , and you have appropriate permission to edit the file.

4. Functionality disconnected in Excel settings

If you have installed some ad hoc Excel constructions, such as the protection of the work sheet or the limitation of functionality, this may lead to the deactivation of the line. Check Excel and make sure the line wasn't deactivated in this process.

Given these reasons, you must be able to return the line back to the Excel program and use it to carry out different data formatting and comparison operations.

Addressing the inactive line in Excel

If you found that the line is inactive or inaccessible to Excel, there may be a few reasons why this is happening. In some cases, the problem can be solved through a few simple steps.

There are several reasons that may be responsible for the inactivity of the line in Excel:

1. Leaf type

Check that you're working on List in Excel. If you're in the " Handling " mode, the line may be deactivated. In order to return the line, go to the Vid deposit and select Leist.

2. Command line

Check that Excel command line is available and visible. If the command line is hidden, the line can also be deactivated. In order to return the command line and line, lick the right button of mouse on the head of the columns, then select the section of the " Command Line " . Now the liner should be active.

3. Protected sheet

If Excel-list is protected by password, the line may be disconnected for editing. To activate the line, remove the protection from the leaf. To this end, select the " Protect the leaf " in the " Recensing " contribution, then lick " Remove the leaf " .

4. Installation problems

Perhaps the problem with liner activity is related to the incomplete or incorrect installation of Excel. Try to launch the installation program again and implement the Quick Installation. If it doesn't help, try redefining Excel or turn to Microsoft's support service.

In general, one of these decisions helps to return the liner activity to Excel. If none of the proposed solutions work, the problem may be related to the operational system or program designs. In such a case, it is recommended to contact the technical support of Microsoft or seek additional information on the Excel official website.