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Why is the money disappearing from the devices: causes and means of protection

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With modern smartphones and mobile applications, the use of mobile devices has become an integral part of our daily lives. We use them to communicate, work, entertain and, of course, buy. However, the use of the devices for financial transactions carries certain risks. Users sometimes face the problem of missing money from bank cards and electronic wallets.

One of the reasons for this disappearance is fraud using harmful programs and applications on the android of devices. Cybercrimers are developing viruses, espionage programs and triplets that can access user financial data and hand them over to culprits. Such programs may be hidden in unprotected appes or appes downloaded from unreliable sources.

Another reason for the disappearance of money could be forgery or hacking into mobile financial applications. Frauders can create fraudulent applications that look and work as original, but intercept bank accounts and passwords.

To protect their money and financial data on the devices, users must comply with certain regulations. First of all, applications should be downloaded only from official stores of applications such as Goo Play or App Store. Also, there is a need to be careful in setting applications and to read the feedback and ratings carefully. Antiviral software, such as Avast or Kaspersky, which can detect and block harmful programs, is recommended to enhance safety.

In addition, attention should be paid to the introduction of financial data and passwords in appes and on websites. It would be better to enter these data only on secure pages with SSL certification and not trust non-exhaustive pop-up windows or links from unfamiliar sources. If the user has detected any activity or transaction that he has not done, it is necessary to contact the app ' s bank or support service immediately and to report on the problem.

Security issue

Vulnerability in the Android security system is a major source of the problem. Many developers have noticed that the system allows for breaking through open ports, weak passwords or Wi-Fi connections.

The main way to protect against such cyber-threats is through the installation of specialized antiviral programs on the device. However, the use of antivirus alone is often not sufficient.

  • Official Google Play applications should always be used, as they are pre-tested and do not contain harmful code.
  • It is important to use strong passwords or pin codes to protect the screen of the device and the financial data applications.
  • The operating system and applications on the device should be updated on time, as this allows for correcting identified vulnerabilities.
  • Regular backup of data is also an important step to re-establish information in the event of loss or break-in.

However, the best way to prevent the theft of money from devices is to be careful and cautious in financial transactions. Public Wi-Fi points should be avoided without the use of the VPN-connection and should not be trusted with suspicious references and appes requiring access to financial data.

System Vulnerability

The devices are exposed to certain vulnerabilities that may result in the loss of money.

One of the main vulnerabilities is the possibility of hacking into the Android operating system. Cybercrimers may use different methods to obtain unauthorized access to the device and to user records.

The second vulnerability is the existence of harmful programs designed to steal money. These programs can be masked by routine applications and deceived users to access their financial data.

There are also vulnerabilities in the most popular payment systems that can be used by malicious people for illicit cash receipts. For example, malicious persons may use weak passwords or inadequately safe communication protocols.

In order to protect their money, Android users must be careful when installing applications and operating system updates. They should also choose reliable and verified payment systems with good reputation.

It is also recommended that strong passwords be used and that a two-factor authentication be included to protect their financial data. Regular software upgrades and anti-virus programs will also help reduce the risk of cash losses.

The smart actions and attention of Android users will help minimize the risk of loss of money and secure their funds.

Modified Appes

Modified applications are fraudulently infiltrated to users ' devices by masking official applications from banks, payment systems or electronic wallets. They look and operate exactly the same as the original applications, which makes it difficult to detect them and the difference between these.

After the installation of the modified application, villains have full access to the user ' s financial data. They can intercept sent and received messages, count bank records, logs, passwords and other personal information. Intelligents may also conduct financial transactions on behalf of the user, make payments and spend with it.

Several basic rules should be observed to protect against modified applications. First, only official and verified sources such as Google Play Store need to be downloaded. Secondly, before setting the application, attention should be paid to its ratings and user feedback. Thirdly, anti-virus software should be installed to help detect and prevent the installation of modified applications.

Users should also regularly update their devices and applications as developers issue updates to correct the vulnerabilities and errors that can be used by malicious people. In addition, the use of public Wi-Fi networks for financial transactions should be strictly cautious in the introduction of personal information in mobile applications.

Breakdown methods

1. Spare Appes

The use of harmful applications is one of the most common methods of hacking the android system. Cybercrimers can create an app that looks safe and secure, but in fact contains a harmful code capable of accessing the user ' s personal data and conducting unauthorized transactions with his money.

2. Fishing

Fisching is a fraud in which culprits create false web pages or electronic letters simulating official bank or payment systems websites. The user, turning to such a page and introducing his personal data, does not suspect that he's handing them over to villains. As a result, villains have access to the user ' s record and can handle its money.

3. Data reading

Some sinisters use a method of reading when they have physical access to a user device, for example through an open USB-port or Wi-Fi. Through special programs, they can count information from the device and access personal data and user money.

4. Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi hacking is another method of hacking. An illustrious man can create a false Wi-Fi access point that simulates an official network, for example in public places. When the user connects to such a network, violators can intercept its data and access its money.

It is important to remember that these methods may exist not only for the android system, but also for other operational systems. However, given the popularity and wide dissemination of the android system, cybercrimes are mainly focused on the platform.


How does that work?

The fraudsters create false web pages, e-mails or applications that copy the design and functionality of official services. They often require users to introduce their logic and password, credit card data or other confidential information. Once the user enters these data, they fall into the hands of fraudsters who can use them for financial transactions or sell them on the black market.

How do you defend yourself?

There are several ways to protect against the fin:

  1. Be careful. Carefully check web pages and e-mail addresses, especially if you're requested to make confidential information. Look at the grammar and the orthography in the text-- often fraudsters make prints.
  2. Use reliable antiviral programs. Set up a reliable antivirus software on your device that will block suspicious references, messages and applications.
  3. Don't introduce your logs and passwords, as well as credit cards for unverified resources. Check that you're on the official service website before you enter your data. It's best to go to the service's website on your choice of reference or use a formal application from the official application store.

In line with these recommendations, you can reduce the risk of becoming a victim of the chinching and keep your money on the Android device.


The infantry on the android of devices can be masked under video players, games or other useful applications. It can be stored in downloaded files or come with suspicious messages or e-mails. After the installation, the young man has access to personal information from the user, including bank records, passwords and other confidential data.

There are several types of microwaves on the android of devices:

  • Trojan programs a small man masked under a useful app. After installation, the Trojan program begins to collect user information or obtain remote access to the device.
  • PIC a small who blocks the user ' s access to the device or reproduces the call commercial.
  • Bronets a small man used to create a bonet where malicious men can remotely control a large number of contaminated devices.

The following measures may be applied to protect against the mall on the android of devices:

  1. Set appes only from official and reliable sources, such as Google Play Store.
  2. Check the feedback and ratings of the applications before they're installed.
  3. Updating the operating system and applications on the device until the last version, as renewals may contain rectifications of the vulnerabilities that can be used by malicious men.
  4. Not to open suspicious references, investments or communications, especially from unknown senders.
  5. Use anti-virus software for devices that will scan applications and check for harmful code.

Methods of protection

A few simple but effective measures of protection should be applied to prevent the disappearance of money from your android device:

1. Installation of antiviral software

Antiviral software is one of the main ways to protect its device against harmful programs and money theft. This will help detect and block harmful applications and enable them to be removed from the device.

2. Update of the operating system and appes

The regular updating of the operating system and the applications on your Android device will help to address the vulnerabilities that can be used by culprits to steal money. All accessible updates should therefore be automatically updated and timely.

3. Installation of applications from unreliable sources

Where possible, non-reliable applications should be avoided. It's best to download applications only from official app stores like Google Play. Such stores check applications for viruses and fraudulent software.

4. Use of reliable passwords

Complex and unique passwords should be created for their records and applications. The passwords shall contain a combination of letters, numbers and special symbols. It is also recommended that different passwords be used for different records so that one password is not endangered by others if one pass is hacked.

5. Custody care

It should be very careful to purchase through a mobile application. The seller ' s reliability must be verified and sensitive information such as bank records should be avoided on unreliable sites.

6. Contingency copy

The regular creation of backup copies of your android data can protect your financial data from disappearance. If something unexpected happens, you can retrieve the data with a backup copy.

Compliance with these simple recommendations will help you secure your financial data on the android device and avoid their disappearance.