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What antutu benchmark is and how it works

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Antutu benchmark - is one of the most popular and widely used benchmarks for measuring the productivity of mobile devices. It allows the user to obtain information on the productivity of his device and compare it to other models.

Antutu benchmark performs the testing of various aspects of the mobile device, such as processor, graphic accelerator, operational memory, internal memory, reading and recording speed, and various video and game signs. The results of the tests are presented in the form of chips, which measure the productivity of the device in different categories.

Antutu benchmark is based on a number of integrated tests that address different aspects of the operation of the device. Individual tests check the processor ' s productivity, graphic accelerator, operational memory and disc space. Each test consists of a set of certain tasks that the device must perform in a given time.

After all tests, Antutu benchmark counts the final scores and provides a general assessment of the output of the device. These data can be used to compare with other devices and determine whether your mobile device works well or badly. Test results may also be useful in the selection of a new smartphone or tablet because they measure the productivity of different models before purchase.

What is the Antututu benchmark

Antutu benchmark This is an integrated software designed to measure the productivity of mobile devices. It compares the technical characteristics and productivity of different smartphones and tablets.

Antutu benchmark consists of several tests that test different aspects of the device ' s productivity. It checks the processor, operational memory, graphic processor, internal memory and various sensors and devices. After all tests, the Antutu benchmark produces the result as the numerical value of the total output of the device.

Antutu benchmark uses real tasks, such as launching applications, downloading web pages, performing complex calculations and many others. The results of the Antututu benchmark thus allow an assessment of how well the device manages its daily tasks and how much productivity it has in general.

Antutu benchmark results in the rating of the most powerful and productive devices. This rating helps consumers compare different devices and choose the most suitable for their needs. The rating also allows producers to improve their devices and their competitiveness.

Through antutu benchmark, users can not only compare devices but also test their own devices for productivity. This allows an assessment of how well their device works compared to others.

In general, Antutu benchmark is an important tool for measuring the productivity of mobile devices. It compares different models and selects the most appropriate device for specific needs.

Review of tests and parameters

Antutu benchmark is an application to test the productivity of mobile devices, which enables the measurement and comparison of their characteristics. It launches several tests incorporating various aspects of the operation of the device, such as processor productivity, graphs, memory, energy management and others.


  • Processor test (CPU): This test assesses the productivity of the central mobile processor. It performs a number of computing operations to determine the speed of data processing and the capacity of the processor.
  • Chart Test (GPU): This test checks the productivity of the mobile graphic processor. It launches several three-dimensional graphics and measures the velocity and quality of the graphics.
  • Memorial Test (RAM): This test assesses the operational memory of the device. He performs reading and recording of data in memory to determine its speed and effectiveness.
  • Internal memory test (Internal Storage): this test checks the inner memory of the device. He performs reading and recording of data in memory to determine its speed and effectiveness.
  • Battery test (Battery): This test assesses the energy management of the device and its energy efficiency. It checks the operating time of the device at different loads and measures the battery charge level after the test.

Parameters and indicators:

Overall scoreGeneral performance evaluation of the device. A higher indicator means a more powerful device.
CPU scoreCentral processor productivity assessment. Higher output means more rapid data processing.
GPU scoreAssessment of the productivity of the graphic processor. The higher indicator is the higher quality and speed of the graphic drawing.
Memory scoreEvaluation of operational memory productivity. A higher indicator means faster data access and processing in memory.
UX (User Experience) scoreEvaluation of the use and productivity of the device using different applications and scenarios. The higher indicator means a smoother and faster interaction with the device.

Antutu benchmark allows a general assessment of the output of the device and compares it with other devices. This is a useful tool for selecting and comparing mobile devices before buying.

Test results

Antutu Benchmark is an app that enables an estimate of the productivity of a smartphone or tablet based on a set of tests.

The test results are presented as numerical values and graphs that demonstrate the productivity of the device in various aspects.

Productivity assessment is based on tests such as TP productivity, graphic productivity, operational memory productivity and reading and recording speed on the storage device.

On the basis of testing, each aspect of productivity is assessed separately and then the overall estimate is derived from these values.

Antutu Benchmark ' s evaluation is based on comparison of test results with other devices, so the higher output means higher productivity than other devices.

However, it must be borne in mind that the results of the Antutu Benchmark test are not the only source of information on the productivity of the device. They may be useful in choosing a smartphone or a tablet, but they do not define it completely.

It should also be noted that the test results may vary depending on the configuration of the device, the availability of software updates and other factors.

In general, Antutu Benchmark provides information on the productivity of the device, which can be useful in making decisions on the purchase or selection of a mobile device.

Working principle Antutu benchmark

Antu benchmark is a productivity tech program for Android and iOS operating systems. It assesses the characteristics of the smartphone or tablet based on results obtained during different tests.

Antutu benchmark includes several test loads that assess the productivity of different components of the device, such as the central processor (CPU), the graphic processor (GPU), operational memory (RAM), internal memory (Storage), etc. Each of these tests uses certain algorithms and scenarios to verify productivity.

After antu benchmark, the program starts to perform all automatic tests. The test shows the progress of each test, and at the end the results are presented in the form of antutu scores. This is the average value derived from all tests carried out and is an integrated assessment of the output of the device.

Antutu benchmark also provides detailed results of each completed test, including comparison with other devices. This allows users to compare the productivity of their device with other models and to determine its place in the rating.

It is important to note that antutu benchmark can be used not only to compare the productivity of devices, but also to assess the effectiveness of the different optimization and installation of the system. Users can therefore use Antututu benchmark to optimize their devices and increase overall productivity.

Distinct Antutu benchmark from other benchmarks

Antutu benchmark This is one of the most popular software platforms used to test the productivity of mobile devices and computers. It is developed by Antututu, which is one of the leaders in the area of baccalaureate and productivity analysis.

Here are some of the differences of Antutu benchmark from other baccalaureates:

  1. Extended functionality: Antutu benchmark offers an extensive set of tests that cover not only the processor and the graphic accelerator, but also other features of the device, such as operational memory (RAM), internal memory (ROM), reading and recording speed and speed of interfaces and connectors.

  2. Universality: Antutu benchmark may be installed in different operating systems, including Android, iOS, Windows and Mac OS. This makes it accessible to a wide audience of users of different devices.

  3. Use: Antutu benchmark offers a simple and intuitively understandable interface. The user does not need to be an expert in the field of productivity to use this binchmark. Just run the test and get the results in numerical values and schedules.

  4. Updates and support: Antutu benchmark is continuously updated and developed. New versions of the tool are regularly produced to support new devices, operational systems and recent technologies.

  5. Reliability of results: Antutu benchmark is widely recognized as reliable and accurate. The results of the Antutututu tests are used by both mobile and computer professionals and by common users to compare the productivity of different devices.


What is Antutu benchmark?

Antutu benchmark is a software that measures the productivity and efficiency of the device using different tests and benchmarks. It helps assess the ability of a smartphone or a tablet and compare them to other devices.

How does Antutu benchmark work?

Antutu benchmark performs various tests and measures the productivity of the device in different fields, such as CPU, GPU, operational memory, data repository, etc. It collects information on the productivity of each component and assigns a common score to the device, allowing it to be compared to other devices and to determine its overall productivity.

What tests do Antutu benchmark include?

Antutu benchmark includes various tests, such as CPU, GPU, UX (usual experience) and memory. The CPU test assesses the processor ' s power, the GPU test is graphical possibilities, the UX test is the response and melting of the user interface, and the memory test is the speed of access to operational memory and data repository.

What devices can be tested with Antutu benchmark?

Antutu benchmark can test various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers and other mobile devices. It's compatible with Android, iOS and Windows operating systems.

How do you use antutu benchmark?

Antutu benchmark can be used to compare the productivity of different devices and select the most appropriate. They can also help to identify productivity problems and improve the operation of the device, for example by cleaning up memory or installation of optimizing applications.