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How to copy URL from WebView to Android

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WebView is an important component in the development of Android applications, allowing web pages to be displayed directly inside the app. Users often wish to collate the URL address of the web page to share or open it in another app. In this article, we will consider how URL can be copied from WebView to Android.

There are several ways to get a URL address from the WebView. One is to use the WebViewClient.onPageFinished(). This method is called when the web page is downloaded. Within this method, URL addresses can be obtained and the necessary actions can be taken, for example, to collate it in the exchange buffer.

This requires the creation of a separate class inherited from the WebViewClient and the redefinition of the method onPageFinished(). Inside this method, the method of gettingUrl() of the WebView site can be called to obtain URL address. Then you can use the ClipboardManager system service to copy the URL address in the exchange room.

Current URL on WebView in Android

WebView is a tool for displaying web pages in Android. It allows the downloading and viewing of the web content directly inside the app without the need to use the outer browser. The WebView process may require a current URL page from the WebView. In this section, we'll see how to do it.

To obtain the current URL on WebView in Android, a method can getUrl() of the WebView class. This method returns the line with the current URL, which is displayed in the WebView. This requires a copy of the WebView and a method getUrl().

Example of code:

WebView webView = findViewById(R.id.webView);

String currentUrl = webView.getUrl();

If the current page is displayed in WebView, the currentUrl line will contain URL of the page.

If WebView has not yet uploaded the page or page, the method getUrl() will return null. Therefore, before using the URL received, it should be verified null.

It should also be noted that WebView can display not only web pages but also other types of content, such as images or videos. In this case, the method getUrl() will return the URL to the current content displayed in the WebView.

In this section, we considered how to get the current URL on WebView into Androids using the method getUrl(). Now you can use this method in your app to work with URL on WebView.

How to access current URL in WebView

To obtain the current URL on WebView in Android, a method can be used getUrl()} This method reverts to the line containing the current URL displayed in the WebView.

To access the method getUrl() The following steps should be taken:

  1. Get a copy of the WebView that needs access to the current URL.
  2. Use the method getUrl() A copy of the WebView to obtain the current URL.

Example of code:

WebView webView = findViewById(R.id.webview);

String currentUrl = webView.getUrl();

Now the variable. currentUrl contains the current URL displayed in the WebView.

Thus using the method getUrl() access to the current URL on WebView in Android.

Use of WebViewClient for current URL

WebView in Android provides an opportunity to display web pages and operations with them, including current URL. We can use the WebViewClient class.

WebViewClient is a basic class that provides a set of reverse challenge techniques for the management of WebView behaviour in different situations, such as downloading pages, links and other events.

To obtain the current URL on WebView, a WebViewClient sub-class should be created and the method onPageFinished() redesigned. This method is called when the WebView page is downloaded.

The current URL is available inside the method onPageFinished() using the WebViewClient.requestUrl(). This method returns the Uri object representing the current URL of the downloaded page.

Example of code:

android.webkit.WebView webView = findViewById(R.id.webView);

webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {


public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {

super.onPageFinished(view, url);

Uri currentUrl = view.getUrl();

/ Use the currentUrl for appropriate purposes



The code above establishes a new copy of the WebViewClient for WebView and redefines the method onPageFinished(). When the page is downloaded, the method onPageFinished() is generated and can be accessed to the current URL by view.getUrl().

The URL received can be used for various purposes, for example, to display the current URL in the user interface of the application, to verify a given address or to carry out additional actions related to the current downloaded page.

Receipt of current URL via WebChromeClient

If you need to get the current URL from the WebView in App Android, you can use the WebChromeClient class. WebChromeClient provides a variety of methods that provide various web-based developments, including updating of URL.

To get the current URL, you need to:

  1. Create a copy of WebView and add it to your activity or fragment.
  2. Create a class that expands the WebChromeClient and redesign the method onReceivedTitle.
  3. Create a copy of this class and establish it as a WebChromeClient for your WebView.
  4. In the method onReceivedTitle, get the page title and extract URL from it.

This is an example of the code showing this process:

class MyWebChromeClient : WebChromeClient() {

override fun onReceivedTitle(view: WebView?, title: String?) {

super.onReceivedTitle(view, title)

If (title= null) {

val url = getURLFromTitle(title)

/ Use the URL you choose.



private fun getURLFromTitle (title: String): String? {

val start = title.indexOf("): + 3

val end = title.indexOf(" -"

return if (start!= -1 < end!= -1) {

title.substring(start, end)






/ In your activity or fragment

val webView: WebView = findViewById(R.id.webView)

webView.webChromeClient = MyWebChromeClient()

In this example, we create the MyWebChromeClient class, which expands the WebChromeClient class. We're redefining the method onReceivedTitle to get the page title. Then we call auxiliary method to getURLFromTitle, which extracts URL from the heading.

We have a copy of MyWebChromeClient as WebChromeClient for WebView. When the heading of the page is updated, the method onReceivedTitle will be called, and we can get the current URL and use it as we choose.

Note that, in this example, we extract URL from the heading by searching for two-two and the following symbols before the dashing sign. You might need to change that code to match the title on your page.

Copy URL from WebView in the exchange buffer

To copy URL from WebView in the exchange booth, you will need to take several steps:

  1. Find a WebView in your activity or fragment:

WebView webView = findViewById(R.id.webview);

  1. Set a WebView listener to intercept the references:

webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {


public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {

/ Pressure handling of reference

return true;



  1. In method shouldOverrideUrlLoading You can get URL and copy it in the exchange buffer:

webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {


public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {

/ Coping URL in the exchange buffer

ClipboardManager clipboardManager = (ClipboardManager) getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);

ClipData clipData = ClipData.newPlainText("URL, url);


/ Pressure handling of reference

return true;



Now that the user presses the WebView link, URL will be collated in the exchange buffer.

You may also add additional logic, e.g. displaying a notice or visual display to inform the user about copying URL.

Example of URL copying code from WebView

If you're developing an Android application that contains a WebView, and you need to get URL to the current downloaded page, you can use the following code:

WebView webView = findViewById(R.id.webView);

/ Receipt of URL of the current downloaded page

String currentUrl = webView.getUrl();

/ ClipboardManager facility

ClipboardManager clipboardManager = (ClipboardManager) getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);

/ Establishment of ClipData from URL as a text

ClipData clipData = ClipData.newPlainText("URL), currentUrl;

/ ClipData facility in exchange buffer


/ Presentation of successful copying

Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "URL copy), Toast.LENG_SHORT).show();

In this example, we first get the WebView site from the maquita using the ViewById method. Then, using the method getUrl(), we get URL to the current downloaded page.

Next, we're building a ClipboardManager using the method getSystemService(). Then we create a ClipData facility in which we transmit URL as a text. We use the newPlainText() method to create ClipData with a simple text.

This is followed by the installation of the ClipData facility as the main object ClipData in the exchange buffer using the method setPrimaryClip().

Finally, we're looking at a flashing Toast message to inform the user about the successful replication of URL.

Now that you know how to copy URL from WebView, you can use this code in your Android application to remove URL from the current page or transfer it to further processing.

Android ClipboardManager to copy URL from WebView

WebView is a view in Android that allows web pages to be displayed and interacted within the app. Sometimes users may wish to copy URL of the current web page from the WebView to share or retain it. In this article, we will see how to use Android ClipboardManager to copy URL from WebView.

Step 1: Receipt of URL from WebView

First, the current URL from the WebView needs to be obtained. We can use the method. WebView.getUrl()} This is the example of the code:

String url = webView.getUrl();

This code places the current URL in variable url. Now we can get him to ClipboardManager for further copying.

Step 2: Use ClipboardManager to copy URL

Android provides ClipboardManager to work with the exchange buffer. We can use a method to copy URL. setText()} This is the example of the code:

ClipboardManager clipboard = (ClipboardManager) getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);

ClipData clip = ClipData.newPlainText("URL), url;


In this code, we first get a copy of ClipboardManager with help getSystemService(). Then we create a new ClipData with the title " URL " and the importance we want to copy. Finally, we set this ClipData as the main element of the exchange buffer by setPrimaryClip(s).

The URL will now be collated in the exchange buffer and the user will be able to insert it into another app or retain it for further use.

Step 3: Access authorization to the exchange buffer

In addition to the code above, we must also add a permit to access the exchange buffer in the application manifest. Add the following line inside section Ømanifest constituent:

PERuses-permission android:name="android.permission. WRITE_CLIPBOARD /

This permit gives the app access to the exchange buffer and allows for copying and entering data.


Android ClipboardManager to copy URL from WebView is easy. With a few simple steps, we can get URL from the WebView and bury it in the exchange room. This enables the user to share or maintain the interest of the URL address quickly and conveniently.


How do you copy URL from WebView to Android?

WebViewClient.onPageFinished(). The current URL page can be obtained and copied in the exchange buffer using ClipboardManager.

How do you get the current URL pages on WebView?

WebView should be used to obtain the current URL page.getUrl(). This method will return the current URL as a line. This line can be used to copy URL or to perform other activities.

How do you copy URL from WebView in the exchange booth?

In order to copy URL from WebView in the exchange buffer, the current URL page should first be available via the WebView.getUrl(). This line can then be replicated in the exchange buffer using ClipboardManager.

Can we copy URL from WebView without WebViewClient.onPageFinished()?

Yes, I can. There are other ways to get the current URL page on the WebView. For example, WebViewClient.shouldOverrideUrlLoading() can be used. This method can be obtained by URL, which is about to be downloaded, and collated in the exchange buffer.

How do you copy URL from the WebView in the Java code?

In order to copy URL from the WebView in the Java code, the WebView site should first be available using the method findViewById(). Then we need to call the method getUrl() for the current URL. ClipboardManager can then be used to copy URL in the exchange buffer.