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Replace 8 with 7 in Excel in the telephone number: detailed instruction

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Excel is a powerful numerical tool that can be useful in many areas of activity. One of the problems that can be encountered in dealing with Excel is the replacement of a certain symbol or numerals in cells. In this article, we consider ways to replace digit 8 on 7 in the telephone number with Excel formulas and functions.

For starters, open Excel's file with phone numbers to replace digit 8 by 7. Create a new column in which you'll take out the replacement result. Then select a cell in a new column where the replacement result for the first telephone number will be available.

Then use SUBSTITUTE. This function allows for the replacement of some symbols in the designated cells. Introduce the following formula in the chosen cell of the new column:


For Cell_Number, please refer to the cell containing the phone number to be replaced. Press Enter to apply the formula to the cell.

How to change 8 on 7 in Excel in the phone number: detailed

Frequently, when working with Excel tables, there is a need to change a certain value in the box. One such task could be to replace the figure 8 on 7 in the telephone number. The manual will describe in detail how to perform the operation through various functions and formulas in Excel.

  1. Open Excel and download the file with the table that needs to be replaced by 8 at 7.
  2. Choose a pole or a range of cells containing phone numbers that need to be changed.
  3. Press " Danes " on the top menu Excel.
  4. Under " Data tools " , select " Text into columns " .
  5. In the open window, select the Fixed Width and press the Daleye.
  6. Record the chequebox " Dispatch " and insert 8 into the Druga field.
  7. Press the Daleye and select the box format for the new column.
  8. Press Votovo and close the window of Text into the columns.
  9. The table will now have a new column with modified telephone numbers, with 8 replaced by 7.

If you need to replace 8 by 7 in the telephone number without creating a new column, you can use the replacement function. To this end, do the following:

  1. Choose a pole or a range of cells containing phone numbers that need to be changed.
  2. Press the flag on the top menu Excel.
  3. Under " Managing " , select " Replace " or use the combination of Ctrl+H.
  4. In the field, find 8, and in the field, replace 7.
  5. Press " Replace everything " to replace all 8 by 7 in the selected column or cell range.

Now you know two ways to change eight on seven in the Excel phone number. Choose the most convenient for you and apply it to the Excel tables and data.

Why do you have to replace eight on seven phone numbers?

In Russia, changes in the numbering of mobile telephone numbers have entered into force since 1 October 2021. Instead of a normal eight (8) at the beginning of the number, a seven (7). This change is introduced with a view to harmonizing the number capacity and increasing the efficiency of the numbering space.

The replacement of 8 on 7 telephone numbers is mandatory and all communications operators are required to renumber. This means that all telephone numbers in Russia must be replaced in accordance with the new regulations.

In addition to the introduction of the new numbering, the change in the numbers also involves the establishment of a single number format in the country, which facilitates the use and interaction with other telecommunications providers.

The replacement of 8 per 7 in telephone numbers has the following advantages:

  1. Optimizing the use of resources: The new numbering enables the efficient use of accessible room space, which is particularly important in the context of the ever-increasing number of subscribers.
  2. Improving communication: Telecommunications operators will be easier to process and route telephone calls, which can improve the quality and stability of communications.
  3. User convenience: The uniform format of the numbers facilitates the recollection and the set of user numbers.

The change in numbers from 8 to 7 is an integral part of the development of telecommunications infrastructure and will help to make better use of communications resources in Russia.

Substitution benefits 8 per 7

The replacement of digit 8 on 7 in the telephone number may have a number of positive effects:

  • Facilitating the number set: the replacement of one digit for another significantly reduces the time spent on the phone number. Users will need to press one button less to get a number.
  • Compatibility with international number formats: in some international telephone number formats, figure 8 is replaced by 7. This makes it possible to transfer telephone numbers more easily between different countries or operators.
  • Number universality: The replacement of digit 8 by 7 can make the telephone number more universal, as there is no need to recall different numbers depending on the operator or region. This may be particularly useful for businesses or individual users who often travel or travel.
  • Simulation of service: With the replacement of digits 8 on 7 in the telephone number, the services and support of telephone systems are simplified. Operators no longer need to take into account different numbers and formats, and users can get help or information as soon as possible.

The replacement of digit 8 on 7 in the telephone number can bring many advantages to both users and communication operators. It can simplify the numbering process, ensure compatibility with international standards and the universality of the number, and facilitate the maintenance of telephone systems. This replacement can be a common and convenient aspect of the future use of telephones.

How to replace 8 with 7 in Excel in the phone number

You may need to replace the figure "8 " with the figure "7 " in the telephone numbers in the Excel column. This may be necessary, for example, if you have a list of contacts using an old eight-person format at the beginning.

In order to perform this replacement, you will need to use the data replacement function in Excel. Here's a step-by-step instruction, how to do this:

  1. Choose a telephone column to replace " 8 " .
  2. Press the right button of mouse on the chosen column and select the Format Cell in the context menu.
  3. In the discovery of the Format Catchek, select Text in the Chislo category and press the QC. This will allow Excel to keep the phone numbers in text format and not to change them.
  4. Put the following formula in any empty cell, for example, in a cell next to the first phone number: = SUBST(A1;1;1;1;7 ")where " A1 " is the first cell with a telephone number you want to change. Press Enter after the formula.
  5. Copy the formula by distributing it and compressing the combination of Ctrl+C and then inserting a codified formula into all cell phone numbers. To this end, put all the pole cells where the formula should be inserted, licking on the head of the column and then press the combination of Ctrl+V.

After the above action, all eight phone numbers at the beginning will be replaced by seven. Please note that this method of replacing " 8 " with " 7 " is used only for display, and the number of the telephone itself will remain unchanged. If you need to retain the amended numbers as text, it is recommended that a modified number column be copied and inserted into a new column, then copy the values in this new column and insert them as meanings.

Step 1: Open a phone file in Excel.

Before replacing " 8 " with " 7 " in Excel telephone numbers, a file with these numbers should be opened. To this end, follow the following instructions:

  1. Start Microsoft Excel on your computer. You can find him in the menu of Puske or licking on the label at the working table.
  2. Click on the File deposit at the top left corner of the program.
  3. In the open menu, select the item " Open " .
  4. Pay attention to the location of the phone numbers file and select it with a wire.
  5. Click on your selected file, then open the button.

Now, the phone numbers files are open in Excel and you are ready to move to the next step of replacing the digits " 8 " by " 7. "

Step 2: Make a cell phone number column

Before digit 8 is replaced by 7 in telephone numbers, a column with these numbers should be distinguished. To this end, do the following:

  1. Open the file in Excel, which contains phone numbers.
  2. Find the column where the numbers are in, which needs to be changed.
  3. Squeeze on the letter of this column to make it all.

Now the cell phone number column is marked and ready to take the next step. Move to step 3 to continue the process of replacing digits 8 by 7 in telephone numbers.


How do you replace digit 8 with 7 in the phone number with Excel?

In order to replace digit 8 with 7 in Excel's phone number, you can use the replacement or formula. In the first case, put in a cell phone number column, then press the editorial to the top menu and select the Replacement. In the dialogue window, enter 8 into the " Find " field and 7 in the " Replace " field. In the second case, you may use the following formula: = reset(A1,”8 " , "7 " ) where A1 is a cell with a telephone number that you want to change.

May I replace only the first recorded figure 8 at 7 in the phone number with Excel?

Yes, you can only replace the first recorded figure 8 by 7 in the telephone number by the function of Replacement or formula. If you use the function of Replacement, in the field " Find " . If you use the formula, replace 8 and 7 with references to cells that contain relevant values.

Can I make a few sheets in Excel's book at once?

Yeah, you can make a few leaflets in Excel's book right away. To do that, instead of a cell phone cell on one sheet, you'll have all the right phone numbers on all the sheets. Then carry out the previously described actions: select the Replacement on the " Reading " deposit and place the necessary values in " Find " and " Replace " fields.

Can I fully automate the replacement of digits 8 on 7 in the Excel phone number?

Yeah, you can completely automate the digits 8 on 7 in the Excel phone number with macs. The Macroses allow a series of actions to be recorded and then they'll be on the same team. To this end, open the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Excel, record the necessary actions (e.g., cell phone numbers and replacement function), preserve the macroes and make him a hot keyboard or add a button to the rapid access tool panel.