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How to fill the project on GitHub in IntelliJ IDEA: detailed instruction

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GitHub is one of the most popular platforms for storage and joint project work using the Git version control system. If you're developing a project in IntelliJ IDEA and you want to share it or make changes, you'll need this instruction.

First of all, make sure you already have a GitHub account. If not, register, then create a new repository to which you want to download the project. You're gonna need a URL address that needs to be repositoryed later.

IntelliJ IDEA, open your project and move to the menu. VCS (Version Control System). Chose. Import into Version Control, then Share project on GitHub} In the emerging window, bring the URL address to your repository and choose the way to the local project repository. Press. Share to add your project to the GitHub repository.

Now your project will be downloaded to GitHub, and you can work with it using Git and GitHub joint development tools, such as tracking changes, creating branches, merging and resolution conflicts.

The downloading of the GitHub project with IntelliJ IDEA is a simple and convenient way of working together on projects. By integrating with Git and GitHub functions, you can easily track changes, work on tasks and share your code with other developers. The Instruction describes the main steps of the GitHub project, and with it, you will be able to work quickly with this powerful platform.

Project download process on GitHub in IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA is one of the most popular integrated development media (IDE) for software development in Java, Kotlin, Groovy and others. Integrating with GitHub allows producers to easily download their projects on this platform for management and joint work.

To download the project on GitHub in IntelliJ IDEA, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project window in IntelliJ IDEA.
  2. Implement the menu. VCS - Import into Version Control - Main Share Project on GitHub}
  3. If this is your first time that you're uploading the GitHub project, you're gonna need to copy in your GitHub records with IntelliJ IDEA. If you're already authorised, go to the next step.
  4. On Create GitHub Repository, name the repository, select the organization to which you want to add repositories, select the parameters of visibility and press the Share button.
  5. IntelliJ IDEA will create a remote repository on GitHub and link it to your local project. You can also create other parameters, for example, .gitignore, in this window.
  6. After completion of this process, your project will be downloaded to GitHub. You can check that everything works by switching to your GitHub repository page and checking files and files.

Now you have successfully downloaded your project on GitHub with IntelliJ IDEA. You may refer to your repository with other developers and work together on the project by monitoring the versions and project management on GitHub.

Step 1: Establishment of a new repository on GitHub

A new repository on GitHub should be created before starting with GitHub and downloading its project on the platform.

  1. Open the web browser and go to the website. github.com}
  2. If you don't have a scout on GitHub, create a new one, fill the necessary data as indicated on the website.
  3. After successful registration and authorization on the GitHub site, press the New button on the top left corner of the page or the Create a new repository on the main section page.
  4. On the new repository page, fill the following fields:
Repository nameGive me a name for your repository. Usually the name of the repository matches the name of your project.
Description (optional)You can add a description to your repository. It's an option field.
VisibilityChoose the appearance of your repository: public (public) or private (private).
Initialize this repository with a READMESet a flag to create a README file in your repository. It is recommended that this flash drive be left on.
  1. After filling the necessary fields, press the Create repository.

Now you have a new repository on GitHub that you can download your project with IntelliJ IDEA.

Step 2: Opening of the project in IntelliJ IDEA

After the successful installation and launch of IntelliJ IDEA, open the program and take the following steps to open your project:

  1. On the main screen of IntelliJ IDEA, select Open or Open Project.
  2. Then go to the folder with your project and select the project file or the file containing the project files and press the OK.
  3. IntelliJ IDEA will download the project and open it in the IDE window.

Now you're ready to work on your project in IntelliJ IDEA.

Step 3: Initiation of the repository in the draft

Following the establishment of the project and the construction of Git in IntelliJ IDEA, the next step will be the initialization of the repository in the project. The repository is a special folder that contains all versions of your project files and a history of change.

In order to initiate repositories, carry out the following actions:

  1. Open IntelliJ IDEA and select a project where you want to initiate repositories.
  2. Go to the VCS menu (Version Control System), which is in the top of the instrument panel, and select the Create Git Repository.
  3. Pick up the original project file and press the OK button. IntelliJ IDEA will create a hidden folder in this folder ...git, which will contain all the files and repository data.

After these actions, the repositories will be successfully initiated in your project. All changes to the project files will now be monitored by Git and maintained in the history of the repository.

Step 4: Project download on GitHub through IntelliJ IDEA

After the repository on GitHub and initialization of Git in IntelliJ IDEA, you're ready to download your project on GitHub. Follow the instructions below:

  1. Open the VCS window in IntelliJ IDEA, choosing the item " VCS " and then " Git " .
  2. In the upper right corner of the VCS window, press the Git button.
  3. Choose the item “Add” in the emerging window. It'll add all your project files to Git.
  4. Choose the item “Commit”. In the window, make a comment to the committus and press the Commit button. Committ is keeping the changes in your code.
  5. Then select Push.
  6. In the dialogue window, select the Remotes contribution, then origin. That indicates Git that you want to download your changes to the remote repositories on GitHub.
  7. Press Push. IntelliJ IDEA will download your project on GitHub, and you will be able to see your changes on your repository page.

Now your project is downloaded to GitHub! All the changes that you're making in your project can be compressed and put on GitHub so that they can be made available to all the project sponsors.


How do you put a project on GitHub from IntelliJ IDEA?

Open your project in IntelliJ IDEA, then move to the VCS-State Import into Version Control-State Share Project on GitHub.

How to tie the project to the existing GitHub repository?

If you already have repositories on GitHub, in IntelliJ IDEA go to the VCS menu - Import into Version Control - Share Project on GitHub and select your repositories.

How do you create a new repository on GitHub from IntelliJ IDEA?

In IntelliJ IDEA, go to the VCS menu - Import into Version Control - Federal Share Project on GitHub. In the emerging window, select Create a new repository and follow instructions.

What should be done if, in an attempt to shed a project on GitHub, there is a mistake of "fatal: remote origin already exists "?

This error means that Git is already linked to the remote repository of origin. You need to remove this connection before you reset the project. To this end, the "git remote remove origin " team at IntelliJ IDEA terminal. Then repeat the attempt to rig the project on GitHub.

Can I just pour all the project files on GitHub?

Yeah, when the GitHub project is in IntelliJ IDEA, default, all files will be included in the comemite and sent to the server. But you can choose which files and files should be removed from the commite.

May I indicate my own name for the repository of the GitHub project?

Yeah, when you're running a project on GitHub from IntelliJ IDEA, you can put your own name on the repository. In the Share Project on GitHub, simply put the desired name in the Repository name field.