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Kmode exception not handled on Windows 10: How to solve the problem (BSOD)

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KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED (nine screen of death) is a common problem that users of the Windows operating system may encounter. This error occurs when the system detects a problem with drivers or the compatibility of equipment.

The blue death screen looks not only scary, but it can also cause data loss and the most unpleasant result in a computer breakdown. It was therefore important to address the problem as soon as possible and avoid possible negative consequences.

In this article, we will consider several ways that will allow you to rectify the KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED on Windows 10 and return your computer to work.

Note: Before addressing the problem, it is recommended to establish a backup copy of all important files on a separate host. This will significantly reduce the loss of data in case of unforeseen situations.

What is Kmode exception not handled on Windows 10?

Mistakes of the blue death screen (BSOD) are unpleasant for Windows 10 users. Kmode exception not handled is one of the errors that may cause system instability and lead to the accidental completion of the computer.

When the error of " Kmode exception not handled " , Windows 10 detects problems with the operating system nucleus or the device ' s drive. This error may be caused by various reasons, including damaged system files, inconsistent drivers or equipment problems.

Kmode exception not handled errors can occur both in the Windows 10 launch and in the use of the computer. When a malfunction occurs, the system moves to a blue screen mode and shows a misstatement. This communication may contain additional information on the problem, such as the name of a file drive or a malfunctioning component.

In order to address the issue of the Kmode exception not handled error, Windows 10 may require a number of actions, such as retrofitting, testing for harmful software or recovery. It is important to bear in mind that an accurate solution may depend on the specific cause of error and require additional diagnostic actions.

In general, Kmode exception not handled on Windows 10 may be caused by various factors, and its solution may require careful analysis and rectification of the operational system core, drivers or equipment. If this error constantly occurs on your computer, it is recommended to seek assistance from a specialist or the Windows user community 10.

Reasons for Kmode exception not handled

The error of Kmode exception not handled (the blue death screen or BSOD) on Windows 10 may arise for different reasons. Let's see some of them:

  • Driver problems: Incorrect or obsolete driveways may cause malfunction of the operating system kernel and result in a Kmode exception not handled. This may happen after the system has been upgraded or new equipment installed, when the drivers are incompatible with the current configuration.
  • Equipment conflict: If there are several devices in the system that are incorrectly interacting with each other, this may result in a malfunction of the kernel and a Kmode exception not handled.
  • Breach of memory: If an application or a driveway tries to turn to an inaccessible memory site, it could cause a Kmode exception not handled. There may be various violations, such as reading uninitiated memory or recording data outside the designated area of memory.
  • Problems with system updates: Some updates of the operating system may contain errors or be inconsistent with established programs or drivers. This may lead to a Kmode exception not handled in the installation of such an update.

In order to solve the problem of the Kmode exception not handled, the following solutions can be tried:

  1. Renovate or redesign the drivers of error devices.
  2. Delete or remove conflicting equipment.
  3. Check the memory and correct the errors detected.
  4. Remove the newly established system or program updates.
  5. Use Windows tools to test and correct system files.

If the decisions listed have not helped and the Kmode exception not handled remains, it is recommended that a specialist or technical support be sought to obtain additional assistance.

How to solve the Kmode exception not handled on Windows 10

The Kmode exception not handled is one of the problems faced by Windows users 10. It causes a blue death screen (BSOD) and may result in the loss of data and unstable computer work. In this article we will consider several ways to address this issue.

1. Update the divers.

Often, the problem arises from obsolete or incompatible drivers. To correct the Kmode exception not handled, update all the drivers on your computer to the latest versions. You can do this manually by downloading the driveways from the official websites of the equipment manufacturers, or by using special programs to automatically update the drivers.

2. Turn off the software to conflict with the system

Some software can cause Kmode exception not handled. Try to suspend or remove newly established programs in order to find out if they cause a problem. If after the program was removed, it may have been the cause of the problem, and you should find a new version of this program or contact the developer to solve the problem.

3. Check the system files.

Damaged or missing systems files may cause Kmode exception not handled. To fix this, open the command line on behalf of the administrator and command sfc /scannow} This team will check the system files and automatically fix them if damage is detected.

4. Check hard drive files.

Another possible cause of Kmode exception not handled could be damage to hard drive files. Start a CD verification tool to correct possible errors. You can do this by clicking the right button of mouse on the hard drive in the conductor, choosing the Squad, then moving on to the Servis line and pressing the check button. In order to complete the verification, select the " Verification and Recovery of Incorrect Sectors " and " Test System Files " .

5. Update or reset the Windows update.

It is known that some Windows updates may cause Kmode exception not handled. If after the update, the mistake started to show up, try to roll this up. To that end, open the building window, move to the " Renewal and Security " section, select Windows Update, then " Renewal history " and press the " Remove the updates " button. If you're not sure what updating is causing the problem, try to download some recent updates.

6. Check the hardware.

The Kmode exception not handled error may be related to hardware problems. Check all connected devices for problems or conflicts. Turn off all the external devices and printers to see if they're wrong. If necessary, re-establish the drivers for these devices or replace them with workers.

I hope these recommendations will help you resolve the Kmode exception not handled on Windows 10 and return the stable computer work. If you are still faced with this error after all of the methods listed above, it is recommended that you contact Microsoft or seek expertise.

Module 1: Updating of drivers

One of the most common reasons for Kmode exception not handled on Windows 10 is obsolete or incompatible drivers. Drivers play a key role in the operational system, so updating them can solve the problem.

These are some steps that you can take to update the drivers and correct the Kmode exception not handled:

  1. Enter Pusk and find Dispatch devices.
  2. Open the Dispatch of Devices and find the device associated with the error. Usually, it's a device with an adjective mark or a red mark.
  3. Squeeze the right button of mouse on the device and pick up the Driver.
  4. Choose the Automatic Retrieval of Updated Driver software.
  5. Wait for the completion of the update process.

If the system doesn't find an up-to-date driveway automatically, you can visit the device manufacturer ' s website and download the last version of the driveway manually. Set up a downloaded driveway, following instructions on the screen.

Once the drivers have been updated, reboot the computer and see if the Kmode exception not handled has been corrected. If the error still occurs, you can try other ways to solve the problem.

Mode 2: Verification of systems files

If Kmode exception not handled appears on your computer with Windows 10, the problem may be related to damaged or missing systems files. To correct this, we can use a surge test of Windows systems files that automatically scans and recovers damaged files.

  1. Press the right button of mice on the Pusk button in the left corner of the screen and select the " Command Line (Administrator) " .
  2. Sfc/scannow command and press Enter.
  3. Removing the system files will start scanning your computer for damaged files and automatic recovery.
  4. Wait for the scan process to be completed. It could take some time, so be patient.

Upon completion of the scan, the system files will be restored, and it may correct Kmode exception not handled. Reload the computer and see if the problem remains.

Mode 3: Elimination of harmful software

If the problem with the Kmode exception not handled on Windows 10 arises after the installation of recently loaded programs or driveways, it is likely that harmful software can cause this error. In this case, measures should be taken to disconnect or remove potentially harmful programs.

To do this, follow the following steps:

  1. Start the computer safely. To this end, press the Windows + I key to open the “Confills”. Then select the “Renewal and Security”, “Recovery” and “Reloading now” under “Special launch”. In the menu, select the " Full Exclusion " and press the " Reload " button. After rebooting the computer, select the " Safety regime " from the list of special parameters.
  2. Open the controls. To this end, lick the right button of the mouse on the Pusk badge and select the Management Panel from the contextual menu.
  3. Select program or program and components. In different Windows versions, the name may be slightly different.
  4. Move to established programs. Here, you'll see the list of all the programs on your computer.
  5. Check the list and find potentially harmful programs. Pay attention to the programs that have been recently established and select those that seem suspicious or unknown.
  6. Squeeze the right button of mouse on the chosen program and select the option of " delete " or " change " . If necessary, follow the instructions on the screen to completely remove the program from your computer.
  7. Repeat this process for all suspicious programs on the list.
  8. Reload the computer.

After these steps, see if Kmode exception not handled on Windows 10. If the problem persists, additional action may need to be taken to find and remove harmful software, for example, to launch an antivirus program or to scan through specialized tools.

It is important to remember that the removal of programs that may be harmful should be carried out with caution and only after careful examination. If you have doubts or uncertainty, you better consult with technical support or information security specialist.