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How to correctly replace the battery with iPhone 12: stepping instructions

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iPhone 12 - one of the most popular smartphone models to date. But like all the batteries, the iPhone 12 battery loses its capacity over time and may require replacement. In this article, we'll tell you how to replace the battery by iPhone 12 without going to the service center.

The replacement of the battery on iPhone 12 may be a rather complex procedure, and it is therefore recommended that all instructions be consulted before starting and that the process be conducted with great caution. Otherwise, you can damage the device.

Before you start replacing the battery, make sure you have all the tools you need. You're gonna need a screwdriver, a pizza, a dispenser and a new battery for your iPhone 12 model. It is also recommended to have a mask and gloves to protect against dust and other particles.

Replacement of battery on iPhone 12: stepping instructions

The iPhone 12 actuator has a limited service life, so it may need to be replaced sooner or later. If you want to replace the battery on your own with iPhone 12, follow this postmortem instruction:

  1. Prepare the necessary tools before work begins. You're gonna need a Pentalobe screw, a Phillips 8,000 screwdriver, a new battery.
  2. Turn off the iPhone 12 before work starts. It's important to prevent possible damage to the device.
  3. Use Pentalobe's opening to pull two rifles at iPhone 12.
  4. Use the mounting scotch to lift the plastic rear lid iPhone 12.
  5. Carefully disconnect the battery which is under the flag close to the device. Use the Phillips bayonet for that.
  6. Carefully raise the battery with a plastic scapula or a plastic scapula, moving it up and down.
  7. Set up a new battery instead of an old battery, drawing attention to the correct orientation.
  8. Put the battery down, make sure it's correctly recorded.
  9. Put the back cover on iPhone 12, making sure it's tight.
  10. Use Pentalobe to secure two rifles at iPhone 12.

After completing these steps, your iPhone 12 will be ready for use with a new battery. Make sure that the battery is fixed correctly and firmly to avoid any further problems.

Preparation for battery replacement on iPhone 12

Several preparatory steps must be taken before the battery is replaced on iPhone 12.

1. Check the guarantee.

Before you change the battery yourself, make sure that your iPhone 12 guarantee has expired or is not compromised by battery replacement. If the guarantee is valid, it is recommended to contact the Apple service centre to replace the battery.

2. Prepare the necessary tools and supplies.

To replace the battery on iPhone 12, you will need the following:

  • IPhone sampling tool kit, including openings, plastic opening tools and other necessary tools;
  • New battery for iPhone 12;
  • Static gloves and antistatic rug to protect against electrostatic discharge;
  • Hermetics plastic packaging for storage of an old battery;
  • Time and patience.

3. Create the work zone.

Make sure you work on a clean and flat surface where there's no way to lose small parts or damage the device's screen. It is recommended that a soft substrate or an antistatic carpet be used to protect iPhone 12 during replacement of the battery.

4. Turn off iPhone 12.

Before the battery is replaced, turn off iPhone 12 and disconnect it from the power source. This is necessary to prevent possible short circuits or damage when replacing the battery.

5. Delete the sim card.

Before you start replacing the battery, get a sim card from iPhone 12. Do so with a pin or a pin, insert it in the sym-carta outlet (she is on the side or top of the device, depending on iPhone 12).

The proper preparation before replacing the battery with iPhone 12 will help you avoid losing data, damage and other problems. Keep all the necessary tools and handwriting, work carefully and follow the replacement instructions to successfully implement the procedure.

Battery replacement process on iPhone 12

The replacement of the battery on iPhone 12 might be necessary if you noticed that the battery charge was running fast or your iPhone started to turn off unexpectedly. If you want to save money at the service center and replace the battery by yourself, follow this postmortem.

  1. Step 1: Preparation
    • Turn off the iPhone 12 and remove all the accessories.
    • Safe yourself, wear rubber gloves and protective glasses.
    • Prepare the necessary tools: screen removal pump, Pentalobe triple point, small crust, pine and plastic card to separate the screen from the hull.
  2. Step 2: Removal of the rear panel
    • Use Pentalobe's triple point to obey two IPhone rifles.
    • I'd like you to put the pump on the screen, pushing it to create a vacuum.
    • Pull over the pump to raise the iPhone back panel.
  3. Step 3: Battery off
    • Take off the plastic pad that protects the battery.
    • Turn off the battery, clean it up with a pizza.
  4. Step 4: Replacement of battery
    • Change the old battery to the new one, put it on the spot and connect it to the dial.
    • Set a plastic lining on the battery.
  5. Step 5: Rear panel installation
    • Put the back panel on the spot and set up the two rifles you took off at the beginning.
  6. Step 6: Battery performance check
    • Turn on iPhone 12 and make sure the battery works okay.
    • Testing to make sure the battery's charge is kept and iPhone doesn't turn off unexpectedly.

It is important to remember that the replacement of the battery on iPhone 12 may result in the loss of the guarantee, and it is therefore recommended that the Apple service centre or the authorised service centre be contacted before this procedure to ensure that the replacement of the battery will be performed professionally and safely.


Which battery is suitable for iPhone 12?

To replace the battery on iPhone 12, an identical model that corresponds to the original battery installed on the device shall be used.

Can you replace the battery by iPhone 12 yourself?

Yes, the replacement of the battery on iPhone 12 is possible on its own, but requires certain skills and tools. It is recommended that specialists be contacted or that a step-by-step instruction be followed to prevent damage to the device.

What tools are needed to replace the battery on iPhone 12?

To replace the battery on iPhone 12, the following tools will be required: ad hoc openings, pinks, screen removal pump, component stack, and cell freezer.

How much is the replacement of the battery on iPhone 12 at the service center?

The replacement cost of the battery on iPhone 12 may vary from service centres. It is usually between 2,000 and 5,000 roubles, depending on the region and the quality of the components.