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How to change the rights of access to the macOS folder: detailed guidance

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macOS, the operating system developed by the Apple for its Mac computers has many useful functions. One such function is the possibility of changing access rights to files and folders. Changing access rights allows you to control who can look, change or remove files and files on your computer. In this detailed guide, we will see how to change the rights of access to the macOS folder.

Step 1: Open the Finder and find the file you want to change your access rights. Squeeze the right button of mice on the folder and pick up the information from the context menu.

Step 2: In the window of information on the folder, find the section on " The right of access " below. Push on the lock in the right bottom corner of the window to unlock the construction.

Step 3: Now you can change access rights for different users and groups. If you want to change access rights for a particular user, press a plus one under the user list and select the user from the list. Then establish the necessary rights for the user.

Note: Access rights may be established on reading, recording or performance for each user or group. Reading allows the contents of the folder to be inspected, the record allows the files and folders to be altered or removed, and the performance allows the application to be started inside the folder.

Step 4: After you establish the necessary access rights, close the folder window. The rights chosen will now be applied to the folder and its contents.

Changing access rights to the macOS folder is an important function that helps protect your files and files from unauthorized access. Follow this detailed manual to make it easy to change the rights of access to your Mac computer.

How to change the rights of access to the macOS folder

macOS provides an opportunity for the user to easily change access rights to folders. This may be useful if you want to limit access to certain files or allow access only to certain users or groups.

Here's a step-by-step instruction on how to change access rights to the macOS folder:

  1. Find a folder you want to change.
  2. Squeeze the right button of mouse on this folder and choose to show information.
  3. In the information provided, find the section " General access " .
  4. Turn the section " Users and groups " .
  5. Choose the user or group you want to change access rights.
  6. The list of available access rights will be as follows: “Participation and entry”, “Source reading” and “No access”.
  7. Choose the level of access you need.
  8. If you want to use the chosen rights of access to all the files and folders you put in, press the pole on the bottom of the information windows and choose to use all the elements in the extinguishing menu.

Once these steps have been completed, your chosen access rights will be applied to the macOS folder. Users or groups will now have only the access rights you have indicated.

Changing access rights to the macOS folder is a simple task that allows you to manage the security of your files and data.

Step 1: Open the Finder and pick the file.

The first step to change access rights to a particular folder on your macOS computer is to open the Finder program. Finder is a standard file manager in the macOS operating system, and allows us to navigation on files and files on your computer.

In order to open the Finder, you can press the bacon in the form of a semi-transparent face located in the Dock (a quick start of applications) in the lower part of the screen. Also, you can press the combination of Command + Space and put the name Finder in the search line, and then choose the app from the search results.

After discovery, you'll see the list of files and files on your computer. To pick a specific folder, you need to click on it once with the left button of mice.

If you can't find the right file, you can use the search to finder. To that end, you can lick on the search field in the right upper corner of the window Finder and introduce the name or part of the folder name.

After you choose a folder to finder, you can continue with the other steps to change the rights of access to this folder.

Step 2: Press the right button of mouse and choose to show information

After you opened the folder, in order to change access rights, it is necessary to press the right button of mice on the folder or the file you want access. In the context menu, select the " Show information " option.

This action will create a window with details of the folder or file chosen.

In this window, you will be able to see current rights of access, as well as to carry out various actions related to changing access rights.

To continue the process of changing access rights, move to the next step.

Step 3: Amend access rights to the folder

When you've established the necessary access rights for your folder, you can start modifying them at any time. To change the rights of access to the macOS folder, do the following:

  1. Push the right button of mouse on the folder you want to change your access rights. In the context of the menu, select " Show information " .
  2. In the window of information on the folder, find the section entitled " The right of access " .
  3. Press the lock in the right lower corner of the window to unlock the access rights. Enter the user password with administrative rights and press the OK.
  4. Now you can change the rights of access to the folder:
    • In order to grant the right of access to reading and recording, put a flag on the front " Stock and record " for the relevant user category.
    • In order to grant only reading rights, set up flags against " Reading " for the relevant user category.
    • To disable access to the folder for a certain user category, remove the flag of the relevant category.
  5. As soon as you're done changing access rights, press the castle to block construction and prevent accidental changes.

After these steps, you will successfully change the right of access to the macOS folder. Note that some systems files may require additional authorization or authentication of the user with administrative rights.


Can we change the right of access to the macOS folder through the graphic interface?

Yes, macOS has the opportunity to change the right to access the folder through the graphic interface. To that end, we just need to lick the right button of the mice on the folder, choose a " information " and change access rights in the open window under " General access " .

How do you change the right to access the macOS folder through the command line?

In order to change the rights of access to the macOS folder through the command line, a team called the "chmod." For example, in order to place the rights of access to the Documents folder, the "chmod 755 Documents " team should be implemented.

How do we change the right of access to the macOS folder so that only certain users have access to it?

In order to limit access to the folder to only certain users on macOS, it is necessary to change access rights in such a way that only these users have permission to read, record or perform. To that end, the "chmod " team could be used and the required rights could be indicated in a numerical format, such as the "chmod 700 Documents " , to leave only the holder of the folder.

How do you change the macOS folder rights for all users?

In order to change the right of access to the macOS folder for all users, it is necessary to use the chmod team with the " R " option, which will redirectly change access rights for all files and files inside the selected folder. For example, in order to install the rights of access to the Documents folder and all its contents, a team of "chmod-R 755 Documents " is required.