How to fix Linux and Windows loading in GRUB

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GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader) is a loader of Linux operating systems, which allows for the selection of the system to be downloaded at the start of the computer. However, sometimes when Linux is installed on the computer, the loader automatically defaults Linux and has to choose the operating system every time it is switched on. In this article, we will consider how Linux and Windows are loaded in GRUB so that when the computer is activated, the operating system is automatically loaded.

First thing, we need to open a terminal in Linux. To do this, a combination of keyboards can be pressed. Ctrl + Alt + T} After the terminal has been opened, the following team should be established: sudo nano /etc/default/grub} It'll open the GRUB building file.

This file needs to find a line with a parameter. GRUB_DEFAULT=0} Here. 0 means an operating system number that will be downloaded. If Linux has a serial number 0and Windows 1I'll be default with Linux. To change loading order, we need to change the parameters. GRUB_DEFAULT} For example, if you want Windows to be uploaded first, change the meaning to GRUB_DEFAULT=1}

After the change, the file needs to be kept by a combination of keys: Ctrl + O} Then get out of the text editor to press. Ctrl + X} Now it's important to update the loader. To this end, insert the following team at the terminal: sudo update-grub} GRUB will now load the operating systems according to the modified procedure.

GRUB loader setting for Linux and Windows

GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader) is a standard loader for most Linux distributors. It allows us to choose an operating system that needs to be downloaded when the computer starts. This article will provide you with information on how to build GRUB to load Linux and Windows.

1. Linux installation:

  1. Set the Linux distributive to your computer on instructions given by the developer.
  2. Once the Linux system is installed, GRUB shall be automatically fitted as a loader of the operating system.

2. Windows installation:

  1. Set up the Windows operating system on the computer.
  2. After Windows are installed, GRUB will be re-written by Windows loader.

3. Recovery of GRUB:

  • Load the computer with a Linux installation disk or a system rebuilding tool.
  • Start a terminal or a command interface.
  • Introduce the "sudo grub-install /dev/sdX " team, where X is the " disc " on which the Linux system is installed (e.g. sda or hda).
  • Then lead the "sudo update-grub " team to update the GRUB loader configuration.

4. GRUB set-up for loading Linux and Windows:

  • Open the GRUB configuration file with the text editor. For example, the "sudo nano /etc/default/grub " team will open a configuration file in the Nano editor.
  • Find the line " GRUB_DEFAULT=0 " and change the meaning of " GRUB_DEFAULT=saved " .
  • Find the line " GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true " and make sure that it is not commented (i.e., there is no symbol "# " before it).
  • Keep the configuration file and close the editor.
  • Start the "sudo update-grub " team to apply the designs and update the GRUB configuration.

5. Reloading and selection of the operating system:

Now, in rebooting the computer, you'll see the menu GRUB that will allow you to select an operating system for downloading. You can use the arrows on the keyboard to move on the menu and press Enter to choose the operating system.

That's it! Now you know how to build a GRUB loader to load Linux and Windows. You can switch between two operating systems on your computer without a problem.

What is GRUB?

GRUB (English. Grand Unified Bootloader) a universal loading system used in many operating systems, including Linux and Windows.

GRUB allows the user to choose which operating system to download at the start of the computer. It displays a list of installed operating systems and allows the user to choose the required loading. GRUB may also be used to develop different loading and rebuilding parameters.

GRUB shall be installed on a hard drive of the computer and shall be started at each installation of the device. It allows several operating systems to be downloaded from one computer.

GRUB has a flexible configuration and may be designed to load different Linux kernels or different Windows versions. It also supports loading from different sections of the hard drive or even different physical discs.

GRUB provides many functionalities, such as automatic detection of established operational systems, setting up loading parameters, including screen and language clearance, and the possibility of loading the operating system in a secure mode.

GRUB is a standard loader for most Linux distributives. It may also be used to download other operating systems such as Windows or macOS.

Why is it important to set up a loading order?

The installation of operating systems in GRUB may be necessary when several operating systems such as Linux and Windows are installed on the computer. The correct downloading process helps to ensure the convenience and efficiency of the use of the computer, and prevents possible problems in handling different LOs.

Here are a few reasons why it is important to set up loading procedures:

  • Use: If several operating systems are installed on the computer, the correct downloading procedure allows for quick and easy selection of the required LO for each computer application.
  • Prevention of errors: Incorrect loading procedures can lead to errors and problems in dealing with LOs. For example, if Windows are loaded first and Linux second, there may be a situation where GRUB will not recognize the existence of a designated Linux and will not offer a choice of LOs when loading. This may result in the inability to launch Linux or the loss of data.
  • Protection against harmful software: Some harmful programs are aimed at altering or damageing the loader of the operating system. If the loading order is correct, it can help prevent the interference of harmful software in the downloading process.
  • Acceleration of loading: Installation of correct downloading procedures allows for speeding up the downloading of the computer. For example, if the most commonly used operating system is downloaded first, the time of downloading of the computer can be significantly reduced.

In general, setting up operating systems is an important step in the installation and use of several LOs. This allows for the convenience, safety and efficiency of the computer.

GRUB installation in Linux

GRUBGrand Unified BootloaderThis is an operating system loader that allows the selection and downloading of various operating systems installed on the computer. For GRUB to be installed in Linux, use can be made of a tool grub-install}

This is how GRUB can be installed in Linux:

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Get the team in. sudo grub-install /dev/sdaReplacement /dev/sda to the appropriate name of the disk on which your operating system Linux is installed. If you're not sure what name the CD is, you can do the team. lsblkto see a list of available CDs.
  3. Enter the management password (root).
  4. Wait until GRUB is finished. You may need to confirm GRUB installation or select certain parameters.
  5. After the installation has been completed, the terminal can be closed.

GRUB should now be installed in your Linux system and will be used as a downloader for the computer launch.

If you already have another version of the loader, like LILO, you may need to remove it before the GRUB installation. To remove LILO, you need to complete the team. sudo apt-get remove lilo in the terminal.

Please note that in the installation of GRUB, you may face various errors or problems. If you have problems with the installation of GRUB, it is recommended that you contact the user of your Linux operating system or seek relevant information on the Internet.

GRUB installation in Windows

GRUB (Grand Unified Bootloader) is a downloader program that allows the operating system to be selected for downloading at the start of the computer. If you have a Windows operating system and you want to add Linux up through GRUB, you're gonna need to set GRUB on a Windows CD. That's how to do it.

  1. Download and set up the Bootice program on your computer. This program will allow you to add GRUB to the Windows loading sector.
  2. Launch the Bootice program.
  3. Choose a CD with the Windows operating system.
  4. On the Bootloader, select Install/Config and press the Install button next to GRUB4DOS.
  5. In the window, select MBR and press the OK button.
  6. Close the Bootice program. GRUB is now installed on your Windows CD.

Now, at the start of the computer, you will see the menu of GRUB, which will display operational systems for downloading. You can pick Linux and launch it.

Note that the installation of GRUB on the Windows disk may change the loading procedure and the existence of an installation disk or a USB copycat may be required to restore Windows if something goes wrong. It is therefore recommended that a backup copy of the data be established and be cautious before these actions are implemented.

Determination of loading procedures in GRUB

GRUB (Grand Unified Bootloader) is a loader used in Linux operating systems. He's responsible for downloading the operating system at the computer start. Where there are several operating systems installed on one computer, it is necessary to determine how they are downloaded. In this article, we will consider how to determine the loading procedure at GRUB for the installation of Linux and Windows.

GRUB is based on the grub.cfg configuration file, which provides information on the sections and operational systems available for loading. Changes in this file are necessary to determine the loading procedure.

First, open the terminal in Linux and perform the following team:

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

It'll open the GRUB building file. Find the line. GRUB_DEFAULT=0} This value determines which operating system will be default.

Importance 0 means the first operating system on the list. The list of operating systems is listed in /boot/grub/grub.cfg. If you want to change the loading order, you'll change GRUB_DEFAULT to the operating system number on the list.

For example, if you have two operating systems, Linux and Windows, and you want Windows to be default, you'll change GRUB_DEFAULT's meaning. 2} If you want Linux to be default, leave the meaning as 0}

Once the changes are made, keep the file and perform the following team at the terminal:

sudo update-grub

This team updates the GRUB configuration to bring the changes into force. The operating system defined in GRUB_DEFAULT will now be selected at the next download.


Can operational systems be downloaded in GRUB?

Yes, it may be possible to set up a procedure for downloading various operating systems in GRUB.

How do you change Linux and Windows loading in GRUB?

To change the downloading of Linux and Windows in GRUB, it is necessary to edit the /etc/default/grub file and change the GRUB_DEFAULT variable.

What should be the operating system number so it can be loaded first at GRUB?

The operating system number you want to download first at GRUB should be 0.

Can an operating system be automatically selected when loading?

Yes, an operating system can be automatically selected for loading at GRUB using the GRUB_DEFAULT variable with the saved value and GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true.