How to change the path to Riot Games: detailed guidance

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In the installation of the Riot Games games, such as the League of Legends, Teamfight Tactics, Valorant and others, there may be a need to change the way of installation. It might be helpful, for example, if you want to set a game on another CD or another folder on your computer.

In this article, we will tell you how to change the way to be installed in Riot Games. We will provide detailed guidance with all necessary steps and explanations.

Before starting, please note that a change in the way of installation may take some time and require administrative privileges. Make sure you have the administrator's license on your computer and keep all the open files and programs so you don't lose the data when the computer is downloaded.

Now let's move on to the leadership to change the path to Riot Games.

Full guidance on changing the way Riot Games plays

The Riot Games games, such as the League of Legends and Valorant, are default in a folder on your computer. But if you want to change the way the games are set, it's possible, too. In this guide, we will elaborate on how to do it.

Step 1: Closing the client game.

Before you start changing the way Riot Games plays, make sure the game client is completely closed. Make sure the client's badge doesn't appear on the board.

Step 2: Opening of the menu

Start the game client and in the top right corner of the screen, find and press the box to open the menu.

Step 3: Choice of installation

In the menu, find the section " Constructions " and select the deposit " General Designs " . Go on, find the " Towers " , which indicates the current location of the identified play files.

Step 4: Modification of installation

In order to change the route of installation, press the " change " button next to the " Flying installations " option. In an emerging window, pick a new folder that you want to set up a game.

Step 5: File transfer

After choosing a new route, the game client will automatically move the play files into a new folder. It could take some time, depending on the size of the files and the speed of your computer.

Step 6: Confirmation of the way to be installed

Once the files have been completed, the Riot Games player will automatically update the way in which they operate. Make sure the new path is right in the menu.

Step 7: Game launch

Now, after a successful change of installation, you can start your Riot Games game and enjoy the game. Make sure all the files are successfully moved and the game goes off without problems.

That's it! Now you know how to change the way Riot Games plays. Be careful when you change your way of installation and follow instructions to avoid possible problems.

Why is it important to change the way Riot Games is installed?

In Riot Games, a popular company that created and produced many popular video games, such as the League of Legends, Valorant and Teamfight Tactics, it is important to know how to change the way in which new games are downloaded. This is important for several reasons:

  1. Keeping the seat on the disc: In setting up the Riot Games default games, selects a directory on your computer. If this disk is limited, you may have a problem with a lack of space. Modification of the installation route allows for the selection of another disc or section where there is sufficient free space.

  2. Convenience and organization of files: Changing the way of installation makes it easier to locate and manage your game files. You can create a special directory or folder to easily find and launch your Riot Games game.

  3. Prevention of data loss: If your computer or disk stops working, it could lead to a loss of data. If Riot Games is installed on a separate disc or section, your play data will be retained and the installation can be easily re-established on a new device.

  4. Protection against errors and failures: In some cases, if the Riot Games is redesigned, it can help prevent errors and failures in the game. If you have a game problem, Riot Games will be able to find and rectify these problems if you have correctly indicated the way to be installed.

Changing the path to Riot Games can be a useful and important procedure for all players. Be careful when you choose a new path, make sure you have enough space and that the road is right. This will allow you to enjoy the Riot Games games without problems and inconvenience.

How to change the path to Riot Games: detailed steps

Changing the way to set up in Riot Games can be helpful if you want to keep the games on another disc or another folder. Here are the detailed steps that will help you change your way of installation.

  1. Start the Riot Games client.
  2. In order to start the process of changing the way in which the Riot Games client is installed on your computer.

  3. Open the games.
  4. After Riot Games starts, open the game designs. You can find them by pressing the box's badge in the top right corner of the client's interface.

  5. Move to " Installation and displacement " .
  6. In the building of the game, find the section " Installation and displacement " . It is normally located under " General " or similar heading.

  7. Choose a new way of installation.
  8. Under " Installation and displacement " , select the " change the location of the plant folder " . Then choose a new path where you want to set up Riot Games.

  9. Confirm the change in the installation.
  10. After choosing a new route of installation, click on the " Apply " button or similar to confirm the change. Perhaps you'll also need to confirm the change by the management password.

  11. Wait for the completion of the displacement process.
  12. Once the change in the installation has been confirmed, the client of Riot Games will begin to move the games on your new path. Wait for this process to be completed.

At the end of these steps, you will have changed the way to set up Riot Games. Now you can enjoy the games on the new disc or the new folder.

What do you need to know after changing the way to Riot Games?

After changing the way to be installed in Riot Games, there are several important things that need to be known:

  • Games will continue in a new way of installation. If you've set up the game before, and then you've changed the way, the updates will be downloaded and placed in a new folder.
  • If you have additional clients of Riot Games (e.g. League of Legends and Valorant), the change in the way of installation will only affect the chosen client. The other clients will stay in their old files.
  • If you've previously created a label to start a game on the work table or on the menu of Puss, this label may stop working after changing the way. In this case, you're gonna need to remove the old label and create a new direction for the performance file.
  • If you have other programs or utilises that depend on the Riot Games play files (e.g. play process recording programs), you may need to update the ways of these files in these programs or tidals.

It is important to bear in mind that changing the way to be installed in Riot Games may entail some difficulties in updating, labelling and other dependent programs. It is therefore recommended that the necessary actions be carefully considered and implemented after the change in the installation route so that all work correctly.


How do you change the way to set up in Riot Games?

In order to change the path of installation in Riot Games, it is necessary to open a lamb and move on to the construction, then select the " General " deposit and press the " Moving the way of installation " . Then select a new folder for installation and press the OC.

What language version of Riot Games?

Launcher Riot Games, as well as the games developed by the company, are available in several languages, including Russian. You can choose a language version in the lambs after it's installed.

What do I do if I don't see the contribution of the General to Riot Games?

If you don't see the " General " contribution to the Riot Games Launcher building, it may be linked to the outdated version of the launcher. Try to update it to the final version. If the problem is not solved, contact the Riot Games Support Service for further assistance.

Can we change the way of installation only for a certain Riot Games game?

Yes, you can only change the way to be installed for certain Riot Games games. To do this, open the lamb and move on to the construction, then pick the right game and press the button "Replace the Route." Choose a new folder to set this game and press the OC.

How do you change the way Riot Games is set to MacOS?

In order to change the path of Riot Games to MacOS, it is necessary to open a lamb and to select the " Upper menu " . Then select the " Commons " and press the button " Change the way of installation " . Choose a new folder for installation and press the OC.