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How do you add a man to the GitHub project? Detailed instruction

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GitHub is a platform for designing and working together on projects using the Git version control system. An important opportunity for GitHub is to add developers to projects. This allows access to the code to be managed and shared with other members of the team.

In order to add a man to the GitHub project, you will need to be the owner or have access to the repository of the administrator. If you have these rights, follow this detailed instruction.

Step 1: Go to the repository page

  1. Open the GitHub in the web browser.
  2. Get in your records.
  3. Go to the front page of the repository to which you want to add a man.

Step 2: Open the repository.

  1. On the page of the repository, find the Button Settings in the top of the screen and lick it.

Step 3: Move to Collaborators

  1. On the page of the repository line, find the Collaborators' contribution to the left of the panel and lick it.

Registration and entry to GitHub

To start using GitHub, you need to create an account. Recording on the GitHub platform is free and will only take a few minutes:

  1. Come on. GitHub site
  2. On the front page, press the Sign up button (Register)
  3. Give your user name, e-mail address and password.
  4. Press the "Verify" button to confirm you're not a robot.
  5. Confirm your registration by following instructions sent to your e-mail address.

After successful registration, you will have access to all GitHub functions. Now you can enter your account by means of the data you have provided in your registration:

UsernameName of user you indicated when registering
PasswordYour password

Put your data on the front page of the account and press the Sign in. After a successful authentication, you will be redirected to the front page of your account, where you can start working with the repositories and modify the GitHub projects.

Establishment of an account

Before adding a person to the GitHub project, it must be ensured that he has a built-in account on the platform. If the user doesn't have an account, follow these steps:

  1. Open up. GitHub in the browser.
  2. On the front page, press Sign up (Register) on the right upper corner of the screen.
  3. Fill the registration form on the next page. You'll need to indicate your logic, e-mail and password.
  4. Choose a payment plan that matches your needs. GitHub offers free and paid plans with different functions, depending on your requirements.
  5. Confirm the establishment of the account by checking your e-mail and following instructions.

Congratulations! Now you have a GitHub account, and you're willing to add other users to your projects.

GitHub entrance

Project management and joint work with other GitHub developers should be included in their accounting records.

GitHub entrance can be implemented in several ways:

1. Entry through GitHub

  1. Open the web browser and go to the front page of GitHub (https://github.com).
  2. In the right upper corner, press the Sign in (Woyti).
  3. Enter the user ' s name or e-mail address and password, then press the Sign in (Woyti).

2. Google

  1. Open the web browser and go to the front page of GitHub (https://github.com).
  2. In the right upper corner, press the Sign in (Woyti).
  3. Press Continue with Google.
  4. Choose the right Google account or enter the Google entrance data, then press the Allow.

3. Entering Microsoft

  1. Open the web browser and go to the front page of GitHub (https://github.com).
  2. In the right upper corner, press the Sign in (Woyti).
  3. Press Continue with Microsoft.
  4. Choose the appropriate Microsoft account or enter the Microsoft entrance data, then press the Continue button.

4. Entering Apple

  1. Open the web browser and go to the front page of GitHub (https://github.com).
  2. In the right upper corner, press the Sign in (Woyti).
  3. Press Continue with Apple.
  4. Choose the appropriate Apple account or enter the data for the entrance to the Apple account, then press the Continue button.

After a successful entrance to GitHub, you can run your projects, look and comment on the code, add new files, create branches, perform commies and a lot of other things.

Project search

Before adding a person to the GitHub project, it is necessary to find a project to which you want to add a user. Several ways can be used:

  1. Name search
  2. If you know the name of the project, you can use the search function on the front page of GitHub. To this end, it is sufficient to place the project name in the search line and press Enter. GitHub will issue a list of projects corresponding to the name given.

  3. Keyword search
  4. If you don't know the name of the project or you want to find projects on a certain subject, you can use the search on keywords. To this end, in the search line GitHub, put in key words related to your topic and press Enter. GitHub will issue a list of projects containing keywords.

  5. Study of popular projects
  6. If you don't know what project to look for, you can study the list of popular projects on GitHub. To that end, we need to turn to the contribution of Trending to the main menu GitHub. Here, we can find the most interesting and relevant projects at this point.

Once you've found the right project, you can go on his page and study the information about it, and the function of adding users to the project will be available.

Name search

For a more convenient and quick search for a certain GitHub project, you can use the name search function. This function allows for projects that include a word or phrase in their title.

That's how to search GitHub:

  1. Open GitHub in your web browser.
  2. In the search field up the page, insert the word or phrase you want to find in the title of the project and press Enter.
  3. GitHub will search and map the search results on the new page.
  4. On the search page, you can check the list of projects that meet your request. Each result would contain the title of the project, a description, avatar of the project owner and a reference to the repositories.
  5. To get more information on the project, you can lick on his name or reference to the repositories.

In addition to the name search, GitHub also offers other search functions that can be useful in project searching, such as keyword searches, programming language searches and many others.

Using the GitHub name search function, you can quickly find the right project among a lot of accessible repositories and be aware of the latest developments in the field.

Theater search

The search for the currents is an opportunity to find the necessary information in the GitHub projects with the help of the tags. Theories are marks you can assign to the repository to organize it and easily find the necessary files or resources.

In order to search for the currents on GitHub, it is sufficient to use the search and syntax of the request to clarify the search criteria.

Request syntax for tegas search:

  • user: - Searching the shadows in the repositories of a particular user;
  • topic: - Searching for all public repositories;
  • stars: - Searching for tegam among repositories with a certain number of stars;
  • forks: - The search for the tegams among repositories with a certain amount of forks;
  • language: - The search for the tegams among the repositories in a certain programming language.

Examples of requests:

  1. user:username topic:tagname - searching for the flow. tagname User repositories username;
  2. topic:tagname1 tagname2 - searching the theater. tagname1 and tagname2 in all public repositories;
  3. stars:>1000 topic:tagname - searching for the flow. tagname Repositories with more than 1,000 stars;
  4. forks:=0 language:python topic:tagname - searching for the flow. tagname Repositories in Python without Forks.

The search for the currents on GitHub makes it possible to find the necessary repositories and resources much faster and more efficient. You can use this functionality to search for certain criteria projects, find out which repositories are popular and find interesting projects to study or cooperate.

Transfer to project page

To add a man to the GitHub project, you need to go on the project page where you will manage access rights.

1. Enter your GitHub account.

2. On the front page, find a list of repositories and choose the right project you want to add to the man.

3. After you choose the project, you'll be on his front page.

On the project ' s page, you will have different inputs and sections for project management. For example:

  • Code - a contribution you can examine and edit the project code.
  • Issues - A contribution to the creation and monitoring of the problems and objectives of the project.
  • Pull Requests - A contribution to the management of the merger process.
  • Projects - Contribution to the creation, monitoring and progress of objectives.
  • Wiki - Contribution to the creation and editing of project documents.
  • Settings - A contribution to project design management.

Depending on the type of project and its designs, these deposits may differ and be more or less.

To add a man to the project, you need to move on to a deposit. Settings} On this deposit, you can manage access to the project and add new participants.


How do I add another person to my GitHub project?

To add another person to your GitHub project, you have to co-sponsor the repository. To that end, go to the repository, find the section of the Collaborators (Co-author) and put in the name of your co-sponsor. Then press Add collaborator. Your co-author must now confirm the invitation, and then he will be able to amend your project.

How can another person co-sponsor my GitHub project?

There are a few ways that another man can co-sponsor your GitHub project. You can add it as a co-author, following instructions for adding co-author to repository structures. Also, another person can make the fork of your project, change it and send you a merger request (pull request). If you accept his request, he will co-sponsor your project.

Where are the repository structures in GitHub?

The repository in GitHub can be found by opening up the repositories and pressing the " Settings " , which is located up the page under the title of your repository.

How can I know another person is added to my GitHub project?

You may know that another person is added to your project on GitHub by entering the repository and opening the section of the Collaborators (Co-author). There will be a list of all the co-sponsors of your project. If your co-author's name is on this list, then it's successfully added and can make changes to your project.