Disord's origin and history: Who owns it?

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Discord is a popular communication program that millions of users from around the world use. It offers the possibility of group chatting, voice and video calls, as well as the exchange of communications and files.

Disorda started in 2015 when Jason Citron and Stanley Tan founded a company called Hammer Chisel. Citron and Tan developed Disord as a replacement for other programs to communicate players who were uncomfortable and lacked functionality.

Discord has become popular among players, thanks to his simplicity in the use and wide range of opportunities. Hammer ' Chisel was renamed Discord Inc. and Discord received investment from several venture funds. This has enabled the developers to improve the program and increase its capacity.

Discord is now one of the most popular programs for the interaction of players, but its functionality is also used for educational and work purposes. Discord continues to develop by adding new functions and integrating with other platforms.

Discord ownership is one of the most common issues related to software. Despite the fact that Discord Inc. owns and develops the program, numerous incorrect information suggests that Discord belongs to other companies, such as Microsoft or Google. However, in fact, Discord Inc. is an independent company and owns the Discord program.

In conclusion, Discord is a popular communication program that created Hammer Chisel and now belongs to an independent company Discord Inc. It offers many opportunities for communication, and its popularity continues to grow among players, educational institutions and working groups.

Disord and owner

Discord was developed by Hammer Chisel, which was created by Jason Citron (Jason Citron) in 2012. Initially, Disord was intended for heimers and was developed as a communication tool to facilitate communication between players during online games.

Over time, however, Discord has become popular outside the play community through its simplicity, functionality and stability. Many communities, including professional teams, educational institutions and even activists, now use Discord to communicate and coordinate action.

Discord Inc. is the owner of the Discord program, which was created by Citronom to develop and support the platform. Discord Inc. develops and supports Discord by providing new functions, correcting errors and ensuring the safety and security of users.

It is important to note that possession of the Discord Inc means that Discord Inc. has software and intellectual property rights related to Discord. Users can use the program free of charge, but Discord Inc. also offers paid subscriptions with additional functions and advantages.

In general, the origin of the Disord program is related to the desire to improve communication and online organization, and the ownership of the program belongs to Discord Inc.

Disorder platform

The Discord Platform was created in 2015 by Jason Citron and Stan Wislowski. They founded Hammer Chisel to develop a new Heimer Messenger.

Jason Citron had previously established the OpenFeint company, which was developing a social platform for mobile games. OpenFeint was successfully sold for $104 million to Greeee in 2011. After that, Citron decided to create a new game start-up and turned to Stan Wisolowski.

Stan Wisolowski was the co-sponsor of the Revision3 company, which was involved in the production and distribution of video content online. Revision3 was sold for $35 million to Discovery Communications. Visolovski had experience in software development and, under the leadership of Hammer ' Chisel, he was a technical member of the project.

Jason Citron and Stan Wislowski have combined their skills and experience to create a massenger that would be the perfect solution for the gayers. They called their Dixord project and started actively developing the platform.

In early 2015, Discord was released on beta test. The platform quickly attracted the attention of the play community and received positive feedback. Thanks to its simplicity, convenience and reliability, Discord has become a popular tool for the communication of heimers.

The main principles on which Disord was built included simplicity, minimal impact on computer productivity and total lack of advertising. The Hammer Chisel team also worked actively with the Geimers and took their wishes into account in the process of developing the platform.

Discord has improved every year and has attracted more users. In 2021, the number of active users reached 140 million. Discord has become one of the most popular platforms for voice and text messages online and outside.

Today, Discord is a private company with offices in San Francisco and London. It continues to develop and introduce new functions to remain a leader in the field of gay communication.

Key developer and history

Discord was developed by Jason Citron's main developer and his team. Citron is an American entrepreneur and a programr who has previously established and led the OpenFeint company, which has developed multiplier games for mobile devices.

The idea of creating Disord has emerged from Cytron after being unsatisfactory with the current telecommunications platforms for heimers. He wanted to create a simple and convenient way of communicating to players that would be more reliable and powerful. That was the idea of creating Disord.

Work on the project started in 2014 when Citron launched the program. From the very first days, Discord became popular among the heimers because of his simplicity in using and operating widely. This has attracted the attention of investors, and as of 2015, Discord has received the first round of funding from Index Ventures and Spark Capital.

In 2017, Discord was rethinked and a new version of the improved design and operation program was issued. Over time, Disord has developed and expanded its capacities by adding new functions and communication tools.

As popularity grows, Disord has attracted more users not only from the gay communities, but also from other areas, such as artists, musicians and just friends who want to communicate and cooperate in virtual space.

Today, Discord is one of the most popular and widely used programs for online communication. It is actively used by millions of users around the world to communicate, play, cooperate and build communities.

shareholders and owners

Discord was established in 2015 by Jason Citron and Stanley Tan. They started a project to develop a gayer communication platform that allowed users to communicate easily during the game.

Discord is now a closed stock company. Discord shareholders are various investors, including venture funds, start-ups and individuals.

One of the major investors Discord is Index Ventures. Index Ventures is one of the leading venture funds in Europe and is known for its investments in high-technology start-ups.

In June 2020, it became known that Discord attracted new funding of $100 million from Index Ventures and other investors. The company was valued at $3.5 billion at that time.

Discord owners are the founders of the company, as well as investors who have acquired stock throughout its development. The share of ownership of each shareholder depends on the amount of shares they have acquired. Unfortunately, accurate information on the share of ownership of each shareholder is not publicly available.

Despite the fact that Discord is an equity company, the users of the Discord platform ' s main product are not shareholders and have no voice in the company ' s strategic decisions.

Current owner and impact on development

To date, Discord Inc. is the owner and owner of the Discord program. Based in 2015 by Jason Citron and Stan Wishn, Discord Inc. quickly became a leading platform for voice and text messages.

Discord Inc. actively develops the Discord program and seeks to offer users new opportunities and functions. The company regularly updates, corrects errors and listens to users ' fedback to improve the use of the platform.

Discord is free and accessible to all. The basic functionality of the program is provided free of charge, but users can obtain a subscription that offers additional opportunities and advantages, such as an increase in the number of users in group communication or the use of HD sound.

Through its popularity and functionality, Discord Inc. attracts many investments and partnerships with large companies. In 2020, the Brazilian company Tencent purchased the Discord Inc Minorary Stock Package, thus becoming one of its owners.

Discord Inc. works actively with players, strippers, communities and other partners to create unique experience in the use of the platform. Build tools for servers, communication and games attract many people and make Dis an indispensable tool for online communication.

In general, the current owner of Discord Inc. continues to introduce changes and improvements to the platform as a leader in voice and text communication, while creating a comfortable and convenient space for different communities and users from around the world.


What company does Disord's program distribute?

Discord Inc. is owned and distributed by Discord Inc.

When was the Disord program established?

The Discord program was established in 2015.

What's the origin of the Disord program?

Discord was created by Jason Citron and Stanley Tan. The idea arose after dissatisfaction with existing voice chat during online plays. The developers agreed to establish their own program, which combines voice, text messages and other functions.

What platform was originally conceived for the Disord program?

Initially, the Disord program was conceived for use during the PK games. It was subsequently expanded to other platforms, such as mobile devices and consoles.