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How to change disk 0 and disc 1: detailed instruction

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When dealing with a computer, it may sometimes be necessary to change the locations of disk 0 and disc 1. This may be necessary, for example, when the operating system does not start from the first disk or when the loading of the operating systems is required.

It is first necessary to determine which discs are disk 0 and disc 1. To this end, programs for disk work, such as the Windows Disk Dispatch, or command teams in Linux or macOS operating systems, can be used.

Once you've identified the disks, you can start replacing them. To do this, we need to shut down the computer and disconnect all cables from the CDs you're going to work with. It is then necessary to carefully remove disk 0 and place it at the location where disc 1 is located. Attention should also be drawn to the correct connection of cables and the installation of disk in distractions.

How to change Discs 0 and 1 on computer: detailed instruction

Discs on the computer are determined by BIOS or UEFI by settings which indicate how the system is downloaded from designated discs. Sometimes it may be necessary to change the order of discs 0 and 1, for example, if you want to change the load disk or place the data on another disc. In this article, we will consider detailed instructions on how to do so.

  1. Reload the computer and enter the BIOS/UEFI menu.
  2. To change the disk system, it is necessary to move to BIOS or UEFI at the computer menu. This requires rebooting the computer and pressing a certain keyboard that allows entry into BIOS or UEFI. It's usually F2, F10, F11 or Delete. Usually the required key can be seen on the screen when the computer starts. If you can't see her, try to push those keys around the reboot until you get access to the menu.

  3. Find Boot or Load.
  4. Once you entered BIOS or UEFI menu, there is a need to find a section of " Boot " or " Loading " . He's usually on the front page. Use the keyboards with the shooters on the keyboard to move the menu. When you find the right section, press Enter to enter it.

  5. Find a list of available CDs and change their order.
  6. Under " Boot " or " Loading " , you should see the list of assigned discs and their downloading procedures. Usually, this is presented as a list of CD numbers or their names. Use the keyboards with the shooters to move disk 0 and disc 1 to the right order. For example, if disk 0 is on the top of the list, and disc 1 is down, you can move disk 1 up to make it a new CD 0.

  7. Keep the changes and get out of the BIOS/UEFI menu.
  8. After you changed the disk, don't forget to keep the change and leave the BIOS or UEFI menu. Usually, this is done with the F10 keyboard or through the relevant menu options. When you leave the menu, the computer will reboot with a new set of CDs.

Pay attention to: Changes to BIOS or UEFI can influence computer work, so be careful and make sure you know what you're doing. In case of doubt, you better consult a professional or contact the computer documentation.

Step 1: Open the D traffic control room.

To change the places of disk 0 and disk 1 on your computer, you're gonna need to open the DVD. It's a tool in the Windows operating system that allows the sections and discs to be run on your computer. Follow the following instructions to open this utilitator:

  1. Click the right button of mouse on the Pusc button in the left bottom corner of the screen.
  2. In the context of the menu, select the Disk Dispatch.

Once these actions have been carried out, a window of the dashboard must be opened. This window contains information on all your computer CDs and sections.

Step 2: Choose disk 0 and press the right button of mouse.

After you opened the DVA, look at the list of available CDs. You need to choose a disk that is now disc 0.

To carry out this action, follow the following instructions:

  1. Find a disk on the list, which is marked as Deisk 0 or C: Usually this disk contains an operating system, so it'll be the first on the list.
  2. Press the right button of mouse on the selected disc.
  3. In the contextual menu, select the paragraph " Yours " .

Once these actions are carried out, a " disk " window will be opened, where you will be able to examine details of the disc chosen.

Now you're ready to move on to the next step and take the necessary action to move the discs. Turn to step 3.

Step 3: In the context, select the " change the letter or the path of the disc "

To change disk 0 and disk 1 on the Windows operating system, do the following:

  1. Squeeze the right button of mouse on the Pusc badge in the left bottom corner of the screen.
  2. In the context of the menu, select the Disk Dispatch.
  3. In the open window, find the necessary discs, disc 0 and disc 1. They will be displayed as a graphic presentation of the disc space.
  4. Squeeze the right button of mouse on the disk you want to change places with another disk.
  5. In the context of the menu, select the paragraph " Change the letter or path of the disk " .

After the selection of the item " Change the letter or path of the disk " , a new window shall be opened with disk construction. In this window, you can change the letter of the disk or the way to the disk.

The disk will be presented as a table. The table will indicate the current letter and route of the disc, as well as the buttons for editing and removal of the constructions.

In order to change the seats of two disks, select disk 1 in the table and press the change button.

In the open window, remove disk 0 from the list and press the button.

The disk 0 and disc 1 are then changed.

Step 4: Press the change button

Once you've chosen the right disk, it's necessary to press the change button. This button is right next to the outgoing CD list.

Once the " change " button is pressed, a window will be opened to confirm the changes. In this window, you will see a warning that a change in the disk order might lead to the need to redesign the operating system. If you're sure you want to continue, press the "live" button.

Once the " Long " button is pressed, the system will begin to retread the discs. Rebooting of the computer may be necessary during the re-loading process. If the system asks you to reboot the computer, follow the instructions on the screen and reboot the computer.

After rebooting the computer, check the reset of the discs. Make sure that CD 0 and disc 1 were successfully changed. To this end, a disk controller or any disc program can be opened and it can be ensured that the changes have been correctly implemented.

In this step, you successfully switched disk 0 and disc 1 on your computer. Now you can continue using the system with a new disk pattern.

Step 5: Pick disk 1 on the CD list

Now that you've opened the disk controller, you've been informed of all the physical and logic disks connected to your computer. For the next step, make sure you picked the right disc to change its location from CD 0 to CD 1.

  1. Secure the CD list on the CD dispatcher to find CD 1.
  2. Make sure the disc identifier or size meets your demands and expectations.
  3. If it's hard for you to find the right disc, contact the manufacturer's documentation or visit the support site.

As soon as you have identified the right disk 1, go on to the next step to continue the process of exchange of discs.

Step 6: Press the change button

After you've made it clear that the disk system on the screen " Disk management " corresponds to your plans, you're ready to change disk 0 and disc 1. To this end, do the following:

  1. On the instrument panels in the upper part of the disk control window, find the switch.
  2. Push on that button with the left button of mouse.

Once the " Switch " button has been installed, a dialogue window may be created to prevent possible data loss. Read his contents carefully and make sure you understand all the risks and consequences of this operation.

If you're sure you want to perform this operation, press the " OK " button or " Prolong " in the dialogue window.

Once the " OK " or " Prolong " is applied, the system will begin the data transfer process between CDs 0 and 1. During data transfer, it is not recommended that other computer operations be performed to avoid possible errors or loss of data.

Once the data transfer process has been completed, you may need to reboot the computer so that the changes enter into force. If necessary, the system will issue a communication. Wait for the computer to reboot.

After rebooting the computer, check that the discs were successfully changed by opening the disk management window and making sure that the discs are now in line with your expectations.

Now you've successfully switched disk 0 and disc 1 on your computer. Congratulations!

Step 7: Confirm the changes and close the utilitator.

Once you have set the right values in the current disc and the " Replaced disc " , confirm the changes by calling the " Apply " or similar to it.

Utilita will carry out the necessary operations to replace the discs with places. It could take some time, please wait until the process is over.

At the end of the operation, the Utilita will inform you of the results. If it's been successful, you'll see a report that the discs have been successfully replaced by places.

It is important to keep this information in case you need to change or know about the operations used.

Close the utilitus and reboot the computer so that the changes enter into force.


How do you change the places of disk 0 and disk 1 on the computer?

You're gonna need to open the DVDs to change the places on the computer.

Can disc 0 and disc 1 be changed without data loss?

Yeah, you can change disk 0 and disk 1 without losing data by using the O.R. D.I. drive.

What consequences could be with the wrong change of disk?

If you're wrong to change the places of disc 0 and disc 1, there may be an incorrect operating system work, disks may be inaccessible or data may be lost.