Why doesn't the screen fill the entire monitor: causes and decisions

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Many users face a challenge when their monitor screen does not complete the entire accessible area. This may be irritating and unpleasant, as the narrowing of the image can make work unproductive and reduce the satisfaction of the use of the computer. In this article, we will address the main causes of this problem and propose several possible solutions.

One of the main reasons for the uneven completion of the screen is the incorrect construction of the permit. Perhaps you accidentally altered the screen's permission on your computer or when a new program was installed, it was changed without your knowledge. As a result, the screen may become less or more than the physical space of the monitor, and the image will not be concentrated.

Another possible reason is the inconsistency between the parties. Some monitors have a tightly defined party ratio, and if the regime you choose does not meet this requirement, the image will be misrepresented. In this case, the choice of another regime or, if possible, the installation of a monitor may help.

If you're facing a problem of incomplete shielding, don't panic. First, check the permits and the balance of the parties. If it doesn't help, try to update the DVD or ask for help from a specialist.

Incorrect shield resolution

One of the reasons why the screen doesn't fill the entire monitor may be the wrong resolution of the screen. Removing the screen is the number of horizontal and vertical picks that the monitor can detect. Incorrect resolution may cause inconsistency between a screen resolution and a computer permit, resulting in black strips or uneven completion of the screen.

The following steps should be taken to correct the problem of the wrong resolution of the screen:

  1. Setting of screen approvals: The correct resolution of the screen can be built through the installation of the display in the operating system. In the Windows operating system, you can open the display trays and choose the resolution most appropriate for your monitor. In the macOS operating system, it is possible to open " System Buildings " and select " Display " , where you can also change the screen resolution.
  2. Updating of DVDs: If the screen is not allowed, it is also necessary to verify the presence and relevance of the drivers. Outdated drivers may cause problems with screen resolution. To update the DVDs, we need to go to the video card manufacturer ' s site and download the latest version of the driveway for your model.
  3. Scale configuration: Sometimes incorrect scales can cause problems in filling the screen. Check the scale settings in the operating system and set the optimum value. Depending on the operating system, this may be the management of " Mashtation " or " Construction and accommodation " .

If the problem of wrong resolution of the screen is not addressed after these steps have been taken, it may be necessary to contact computer service providers or contact the monitor manufacturer to receive assistance and further guidance.

Video drama problem

One of the possible reasons why the screen doesn't fill the entire monitor may be the problem with the drivers of the videocard. Video cards are software that connects the operating system with a videocard and allows it to correctly screen the image.

If the driveways are outdated, incompatible with the operating system or erroneously installed, it can lead to incomplete shielding. The screen may have black strips on either side or bottom, or the image will be displayed in the wrong balance of the parties.

In order to solve the problem with the drivers of the videocard, you should do the following:

  1. Update the DVDs to the final version. This will require you to find the official website of your video card manufacturer and download the last drivers from their website. Usually, there is a section on these sites, Supporting or Drivers, where you can find the necessary software.
  2. Set up an updated DVD and reboot the computer. Then check if the display has changed on the screen.
  3. If the problem doesn't disappear after the diver's update, try to roll the driveways to the last stable version. To this end, open the menu of Push, find the section " Management of devices " or " Dispatch of devices " , select your videocartape, lick your right button of mice, and select the item " Power " . Then go to the Dreiver deposit and select the Route Driver. Then reboot the computer and see if the display has changed.

If none of the above-mentioned actions has solved the problem, you may need to seek assistance from a specialist or contact a service centre for diagnosis and response.

Non-optimal design of the monitor

If the screen doesn't fill the entire monitor, the problem may be related to the neoptimal settings of the monitor. We'll consider a few possible reasons and ways to solve them.

  1. Permission of the screen. Check the screen resolution in the operating system. If the permit is not high enough, the image can be large, which results in the shield not filling the entire monitor. Increase the screen resolution so that the image can cover all available space.

  2. Position and size of the picture. Check the monitor and make sure the position and size of the image are correct. The image may be shifted or reduced, which results in the shield not filling the entire monitor. If necessary, adjust these parameters.

  3. Large. Some monitors have a scale function that can change the size of the image on the screen. This function may be activated and results in the shield not filling the entire monitor. Check the monitor's designs and turn off the scale so that the image can cover all the space available.

  4. Automatic layout. In some cases, the software for a camera or a monitor can be used on automatic settings that can alter the size and position of the image on the screen. Check the installation of the camera and the monitor drive, and turn off the automatic application function if it's on.

If, after testing and altering the designs, the screen still does not complete the entire monitor, there may be another problem with iron components or software. In such a case, it is recommended to contact a diagnostic and repair specialist.

Insufficient camera capacity

Another reason why the screen does not fill the entire monitor may be a lack of camera capacity. Video is a special memory in a computer designed to store graphic information, including images and videos. If videocards are not enough, the computer can't handle the graphics and, consequently, can't display the images on the screen completely.

In particular, when games or programs that require large graphic productivity are launched, the insufficient capacity of the videocard may cause unstable work and incomplete completion of the screen. In such cases, it is recommended to increase the capacity of the videocard by adding additional video maps or installing a higher memory video.

Attention should also be drawn to the development of a video card in the operating system. In some cases, the default has been defaulted with incorrect designs which may result in incomplete shielding. It is recommended to check the installation of the videocards, such as the frequency of image renewal, the resolution of the screen and the balance of the sides. Modification of these parameters can help solve the problem of incomplete shielding.

Example of videocard settings
Update frequency60 Hz
Permission of screen1920 x 1080
Ratio of parties16:9

If the problem of incomplete shielding continues after changes in the construction and increase in the capacity of the videocard, the incompatibility of the monitor and the videocard or the incorrect cameras may be a cause. In this case, it is recommended that a specialist or computer manufacturer be contacted to further diagnose and resolve the problem.

Black strips on video

Looking at the video on the monitor's screen, you can often see the black stripes around the image. This may be annoying and negatively affect the perception of content. Consider the root causes of black strips and possible solutions to the problem.

1. Inoptimate video resolution

One of the main reasons for turning black strips on video is the inconsistency of the video resolution and the authorization of the monitor screen. If a video resolution is less than a screen permit, black strips will appear on the image. To address this problem, it is recommended that videos be reproduced with the authorization of the monitor screen.

2. Video format

Some video formats have features that can lead to black strips in reproduction. For example, a 4:3 video will have black strips on the side if it is reproduced on the screen with a 16:9. In such a case, it is recommended that the format of the video corresponding to the authorization of the monitor screen be selected.

3. Engine designs

Sometimes the reason for black strips on video can be linked to the design of the monitor itself. Some monitors have the function of " powering " images that extend it to the screen, filling all available space. If this function is included, black strips may disappear. Also, check the design of the monitor's screen and make sure they match the required video resolution.

4. Lack of adaptation

In some cases, black strips on video may appear due to the lack of adaptation of content to the monitor. For example, if a video has been created to look at mobile devices with a vertical view of the screen, black strips may appear on the horizontal screen. In such a case, it is recommended that videos be searched with appropriate adaptation or use of diagrams capable of automatically adapting content to different screen approvals.

By making these recommendations in the table, we have:

Reasons for black stripesDecision
Inconsistency of video and screen authorizationReproduce videos authorizing the monitor screen
Wrong video formatChoose the video format corresponding to the authorization of the monitor screen
Incorrect design of the monitorCheck the " power " of images and clearance of the monitor screen
No adaptation of contentSearch videos with appropriate adaptation or use diagrams that can automatically adapt content

We hope that these recommendations will help you get rid of the black stripes on the video and enjoy a full view of the content on your monitor.

HDMI connectivity issues

One common reason why the screen does not complete the entire monitor may be related to HDMI connectivity issues.

Here are a few reasons why HDMI issues arise:

  1. Incorrect permits: If the permission of your HDMI signal source is incorrectly established, it may result in the shield not filling the entire monitor. Make sure your permission matches your monitor's permission.

  2. HDMI cable problems: HDMI cable damaged or defective may prevent transmission between the source and the monitor. Try to replace HDMI cable and see if the problem is solved.

  3. HDMI port problems: If you have several HDMI ports on your monitor, try to connect the signal to another port. Sometimes the problem may be related to a faulty port of HDMI.

  4. Trouble with the graphic drama queen: An outdated or incompatible groove of the graphic map may cause problems with HDMI connectivity. Update the graphic graphics DVD until the last version and see if the problem is solved.

If the screen still does not complete the entire monitor after checking the above problems, the problem may be related to the monitor himself or to the operating system. See if the monitor's manager is in charge or ask for professional assistance to resolve the problem.

The malfunction of the monitor himself

If your monitor's screen doesn't fill the whole area and you've already ruled out computer and cable design problems, then maybe the reason for the monitor's faults. These are some of the most common failures that can lead to this problem:

  1. Malfunction of the matrix: The monitor ' s matrix is the main element responsible for display. If the matrix is damaged or defective, it may not complete the entire screen or display the image wrong. In that case, the only solution would be to replace the monitor matrix.
  2. Light problems: If the rearlight of the monitor does not work properly, this may lead to a heterogeneous display or to a low level of brightness on the edges of the screen. Failure to illuminate is often caused by malfunctioning lamps or light-drivers. To address this problem, it is necessary to replace defective elements or to contact a monitor repair specialist.
  3. Inadequate management fees: The control fee of the monitor is responsible for the handling of signals and the management of all functions of the monitor. If the fee is damaged or defective, it may result in the malfunctioning of the screen. Repair or replacement of control fees can solve the problem.
  4. Problems with electronic contact: The inaccurate connection or oxidation of electronic contact between the monitor and the computer may prevent the correct transmission of the signal and cause display problems. In this case, the solution may consist of clearing or replacing the communication cab.
  5. Damage to condensers: The monitors are used for electrical energy storage. If the capacitors are damaged or their parameters are broken, this may cause various problems, including the filling of the screen. The replacement of damaged condensers can remove this malfunction.

In the event of malfunctions of the monitor itself, professional repairs or replacements are often required. If you have no experience and expertise in the repair of monitors, it is recommended that you contact a certified specialist or service centre.


Why do I have black stripes on my monitor?

The problem may be caused by the inconsistency of the authorization of your computer and monitor. Check the screen's permission in the settings and set up a permit to complete the entire screen.

How do I change the screen's license?

The right button of the mice on the working table, the choice of " Displays " or " screen settings " can be pressed to change the screen ' s clearance, then the section " Removal of the screen " can be found and the necessary authorization can be obtained. A combination of Win+R keys can be used on the laptop, the word "desk.cpl " and pressure Enter to open screen designs.

What if after changing the screen's permit, the image became unclear?

An unclear image can be caused by the wrong display frequency. Try to change the frequency of renewal of display structures. If the problem persists, maybe you need to update or redesign the DVDs.

Why doesn't my laptop cover the entire monitor after he's out of the sleeping mode?

This may be caused by the wrong energy savings. Check the energy-saving structures in the control panel and make sure that you don't use the Rot on the desk after you're out of the sleeping mode.