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Why does anydesk not work: problems connected to the network

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AnyDesk is a popular remote access application that allows users to use other computers via the Internet through a dextop customer or a mobile application. However, sometimes users face problems in AnyDesk, mainly connected to the network. In this article, we will consider the reasons why AnyDesk may not work and provide solutions to these problems.

An incorrect firewall setting is one of the possible causes of connectivity problems. If your computer is protected by a firewall, it can block AnyDesk and prevent connections with a remote computer. In order to solve this problem, you need to open ports in the firewall used by AnyDesk or add anyDesk to the list of certified applications.

Another possible cause of the network connectivity problem is the inadequacy of your Internet connection. If your Internet provider has a connection problem or your Internet speed is too low, AnyDesk may not work properly. To solve this problem, make sure your Internet connection is stable and has sufficient speed to work with AnyDesk.

The reason for the problem may also be in the configuration of your network. If your router is incorrect or IP address conflict, AnyDesk may not have access to a remote computer. The solution to this problem may be to change the design of the router or to assign a static IP address to your computer.

In some cases, AnyDesk may not work because of problems on the side of a remote computer. For example, if a remote computer is switched off or is in a sleeping mode, AnyDesk will not be able to connect. Make sure that a remote computer is on and works well before attempting to connect to it by AnyDesk.

Why does AnyDesk not work: problems connected to the network

AnyDesk is a popular software for remote access and computer management. However, sometimes users may encounter problems in attempting to connect. One of the frequent reasons is the connection problems with the network. In this article, we will address several major problems that may arise and propose solutions.

1. Internet connectivity issues

One of the reasons why AnyDesk may not work is Internet connectivity problems. See if you have an Internet connection and make sure it's stable. If you have access to other websites and services, but AnyDesk doesn't work, try rebooting the router or modem.

2. Brandmower and anti-virus programs

Another cause of possible problems with connection is the presence of a bridging or antiviral program. Make sure any Desk isn't blocked by your rudder or antiviral software. Check the firewalls and give AnyDesk permission to access the network.

3. Port development challenges

AnyDesk uses ports to connect. If you have problems with connection, it may be necessary to change the port structure. Make sure the ports that use AnyDesk (default, TCP port 7070 and UDP port 7070) are not blocked by your router or network filter. Maybe you'll need to build a port slide in the router.

4. Large quality of compound

If AnyDesk works, but you are facing problems with the quality of the compound (e.g. slow data transmission or interruption), the reason may be in a weak quality of the internet connection or overloaded network. Try to connect with another device or Internet service provider to avoid any problems with your current Internet connection.

5. Updating AnyDesk

If you have an outdated version of AnyDesk, it may also cause problems with connection. Make sure you have the last version of the program, and if you don't, update it to the latest available version.


AnyDesk is a powerful tool for remote access and computer management, but sometimes problems are encountered with connection to the network. In this article, we have considered several main reasons that may cause such problems and proposed solutions. If you're still facing problems, don't be embarrassed to go to anyDesk support service to receive additional assistance.

Insufficient Wi-Fi signal

If you have problems connecting the network when using the AnyDesk program, one possible reason might be the lack of a strong Wi-Fi signal.

The Wi-Fi signal may be weakened by various factors:

  • Physical barriers: walls, ceilings, doors and other objects may weaken the Wi-Fi signal, especially if they are made of metal or concrete.
  • Distance to the router: the further you are from the router, the weaker the Wi-Fi signal will be.
  • Leaking devices: other devices operating on one frequency may influence the power of the Wi-Fi signal.
  • Limits of the router power: some routers have limitations on signal power, which may lead to a weak Wi-Fi signal.

To correct the problem with the insufficient Wi-Fi signal, you can try the following solutions:

  1. Reload the router: sometimes a simple reloading can help remove the time-consuming problems with the Wi-Fi signal.
  2. Check the router position: Make sure the router is located in the center of your apartment or home so that the Wi-Fi signal has maximum coverage.
  3. Set the Wi-Fi rehearsal: Wi-Fi repiters reinforce the signal and extend it to the house or apartment.
  4. Modify the frequency channel: the router may alter the Wi-Fi frequency to avoid interference with other devices.
  5. See the Internet provider: if the problem remains, you might need to contact your Internet service provider to check the quality of the connection and the possibility of renewal.

If the lack of Wi-Fi signal is not solved, perhaps you should consider using wire connections to a network or other remote access to a computer other than AnyDesk.

Problems with wire connection

AnyDesk program may have problems connecting a wire network that may lead to a loss of access to a remote device. These are some of the possible reasons and solutions:

  1. Connection to the wrong network:

    Make sure you're connected to the right network in AnyDesk. Check that the wire is connected to the right port on the router or switchboard.

  2. IP addresses inconsistency:

    Make sure the IP address of your computer and remote computer is consistent with anyDesk requirements. If the IP address doesn't match, you'll change it in technical support settings.

  3. Networking challenges:

    Make sure your computer and remote computer don't include firewalls or other security programs that can block anyDesk. Check the network charts and make sure they're right.

  4. Cabel or port problems:

    Check your Ethernet cable and port for damage. Try using another Ethernet cable or other port on the router or switchboard.

  5. Net interference:

    Problems can be encountered with connections caused by network interference. Try rebooting the router or switchboard as well as all active network devices.

If problems with connections to AnyDesk are not resolved through the above methods, it is recommended that technical support services be deployed to receive additional assistance.

Connection to the wrong network

One reason why anydesk may not work is to connect to the wrong network. In this case, the following problems may be encountered:

  1. Incorrectly selected network

    Before connection to a remote device by anydesk, it must be ensured that the right network has been selected. If you're connected to the wrong network, AnyDesk won't be able to connect, and you'll have a mistake. Check the connection and the status of connection to the network before you try to connect.

  2. Networking challenges

    If anydesk doesn't work because of connections to the wrong network, maybe your system has problems with networking. Make sure that the network adapter on your device is correct and not block access to anydesk. Check that there is an active Internet connection and a local network connection.

  3. Brandmower and anti-virus software

    The presence of active firewall or antiviral software on your device can block access to anydesk. Make sure anydesk is allowed in the building of the firewall or add it to the list of exceptions in your antivirus.

In the event of problems with connection to the wrong network, it is recommended that all of the above factors be verified and that possible problems with networking be addressed in order to ensure that anydesk is correct. If the problem is not addressed, it is recommended that a network technology specialist be assisted.

Restriction of the firewall

Brandmower is a software or hardware that controls the data flow through the network. It allows access rules, blocks certain ports and protocols, and monitors and prevents possible attacks.

One of the reasons why anyDesk may not work is the limitations of the rudmauer. Brandmower may block connections with remote computers or restrict ports used in data transmission.

If anyDesk can't connect with a remote computer, you should check the building of the brandmower and make sure anyDesk is authorized for incoming and outgoing compounds.

In most cases, you may add an exception for AnyDesk in the firewall or allow access to the ports used in anyDesk data transmission. Usually a port of 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS.

Attention should also be drawn to the construction of the firewall that could block certain protocols or IP addresses. Make sure any Desk isn't on the black brandmower list and that he has access to the network and the Internet.

If you're not sure how to change the structure of the firewall, you can contact the network administrator who can help you lift the control of the firewall for AnyDesk or offer alternative means of access to a remote computer.

Incorrect designs of proxy-server

The proxy server plays an important role in ensuring the safety and security of data when using the Internet. He serves as an intermediary between the client and server, concealing the real IP address of the client and providing anonymity online.

If you're using AnyDesk and faced with connection problems, the reason may be related to the wrong designs of the proxy server. Here are a few possible problems and solutions:

  • Wrong designs of the proxy server. Check the correct lines of the proxy-server in any Desk settings. Make sure you give the right address to the proxy server and the port. If you don't have a proxy server, make sure the relevant op is off.
  • Proxy-server's lock. If your proxy-server is blocked or restricted, AnyDesk may not work correctly. Make sure the proxy server doesn't block or limit access to anyDesk. If this is a problem, contact the network manager to allow access to any Desk through the proxy server.

If you have any problems with AnyDesk because of the wrong lines of the proxy-server, the solution may be quite simple. Check your proxy-server designs and make sure they're correctly listed. If you're not sure what designs to use, you're going to call the network administrator or the Internet service provider for help.

IP address issues

IP addresses issues may arise in the process of working with AnyDesk. IP address is the unique identifier of each device on the network, which allows the connection between computers.

These are a few common problems with the IP address that arise in anyDesk:

  1. Wrong IP address: See if you have correctly introduced the IP address when the compound is installed. The error in the IP address could lead to the inability to connect with a remote computer.

  2. Port blocked: Make sure that the port used by AnyDesk is not blocked by your internet screen (firewall) or by a router. Some safety settings may prevent connections with AnyDesk.

  3. Dynamic IP address: If your IP address is dynamic (usually rescheduled), make sure you use the right current IP address. Otherwise, AnyDesk may not work if it attempts to connect to an outdated IP address.

  4. Rolling problems: Sometimes there are problems with routing structures on the network that can prevent any Desk connections. Check the routing designs and make sure you have sufficient routing records to reach a remote computer.

If you have encountered problems with the IP address using AnyDesk, it is recommended that you contact documentation and support for AnyDesk, where you can find additional information to correct the irregularities.

Local area network reloading

If you have problems connecting the network when using AnyDesk, one possible reason might be to overload the local network. Overload occurs when too many devices are connected to one network and attempt to use all available resources simultaneously.

The overloading of the local network may result in slow or unstable connectivity, disruption of the compound or even a complete lack of communication. As a result, AnyDesk may not work properly.

It is recommended that:

  • Check the number of devices connected to the network. If they are too many, it may be worth limiting the number of devices or making the use of resources more effective.
  • Check the speed and capacity of the network. If you have too many active devices, but the network is not capable of providing the required number of data, it may be worth updating the Internet service provider or increasing the network capacity.
  • Turn off all unnecessary devices that are connected to the network. This can help to free resources and reduce the burden on the local network.
  • Check the status and cable infrastructure of the network. There may be problems with cables, dips or other components of the network that may cause problems with connections.
  • Seek a network specialist to conduct further diagnostics and provide advice on improving the local network.

The overloading of the local network may be a possible reason why AnyDesk may not work properly. In line with the above recommendations, you can resolve the problem and establish a stable connection to the network using AnyDesk.

Internet service providers issues

If you have any problems with AnyDesk connected to the network, one possible reason might be the lack or poor quality of Internet service providers. These are a few common issues related to the provider that may lead to problems with AnyDesk:

  • Unstable connection: Sometimes Internet service providers can provide an unstable connection, which can lead to an unexpected break of the connection when using AnyDesk. This may be due to different factors, such as problems of connection on the side of the provider or insufficient capacity.
  • Speed limits: Some Internet service providers may limit data transmission speed for certain applications or services. If your provider limits the speed for AnyDesk, it can significantly reduce the quality of the compound and cause problems using the application.
  • Port block: Some Internet service providers may block access to certain ports that are necessary for anyDesk. This may result in the impossibility of attaching the compound or malfunctioning the app.
  • Problems with router construction: If you have all the necessary facilities to use AnyDesk, but there are still problems with connections, maybe the problem lies in the construction of your router or modem that provides Internet access.

If you suspect that the problem is still linked to the Internet service provider, it is recommended that the service provider be contacted. They will be able to verify the inconsistencies in your area, provide additional information on possible restrictions or structures, and help solve the problem with the connection.