What if the DNS address changed? All details and advice

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The problem of changing the DNS address may arise in different situations, and it may often lead to inconveniences and problems with the Internet. DNS (Domain Name System) is a system that translates home names into IP addresses, and it serves an important link between your device and the right web server. If the DNS address has changed, your device may encounter problems of access to the sites or services you need.

If you find that the DNS address has changed, don't panic, there are several ways to solve this problem. First, you can manually change the DNS address on your device. To that end, you need to come into the network and find an appropriate location to change the DNS address. In most cases, you can use public DNS servers, e.g. Google ( and

Secondly, you can address your Internet provider with the problem of changing the DNS address. Frequently, providers are updating their DNS servers, and they can give you a new DNS address. In this case, you'll need to put this information in the construction of your device.

Finally, if the problem of changing the DNS address persists and you can't solve it on your own, you can ask for specialist assistance. They'll help you identify and fix any DNS address issues. Remember that the correct DNS address is important for stable and secure Internet access, so never ignore the DNS address and resolve it as soon as possible.

What if the DNS address changed?

Sometimes there are situations where the DNS address is changing your website. This may be due to several reasons, such as the relocation of the hosting provider, the relocation of the site to another server or simply the DNS construction problems.

Once you find that DNS's address has changed, you need to take the following measures:

  1. See if the DNS address was really changed. Go to the DNS records check site and put in your home name. See if the current IP address matches the A to the new address you received.
  2. Contact your host. If the DNS address has really changed, you're going to have your host service provider to find out the reasons for this change and get new DNS records.
  3. Update DNS records. After you get the new DNS records from your host service provider, you need to update them in your domen construction. If you use the services of another company to register a domain name, enter your records on their website and update the DNS records.
  4. Wait for updates. After the DNS records are updated, you need to wait for these changes to be distributed to all DNS servers. It usually takes a few hours, but in some cases it can take up to 48 hours.
  5. Check the website. After the DNS records are updated, check your access to the browser. If it's all right, your website should be available at a new DNS address.

If you're facing a problem with access to your site after the DNS address changes, contact your host provider to get details and help.

DNS address information

DNS (Domain Name System) is a system that converts home name (e.g., example.com) into IP address (e.g. so that computers can connect via the Internet.

When you put a web address on the browser's address line, your computer sends a DNS server to identify the IP address related to this domain name. Then your computer can connect with the server on his IP address and get the web page or other resources you have requested.

If the DNS address has changed, you may have problems with Internet access or some websites. To solve this problem, you might need to update the DNS on your computer or on the rotary.

To update DNS on the Windows computer, do the following:

  1. Open the control panel.
  2. Choose the Network and the Internet.
  3. Choose the Network Management and General Access Centre.
  4. Squeeze the right button of mouse on the online connection you're using, and choose your own.
  5. Choose the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and press the Button of Yours.
  6. In the section " Get the IP addresses of the DNS servers automatically " , select " Use the following addresses of the DNS servers " and introduce new DNS addresses.
  7. Press the " OK " button to keep the changes.

To update the DNS on the router, you're gonna need to come into his construction. This process may be a little different depending on your Router model. Usually, you can access the Router's designs by putting the IP address of the Router into your browser's address line.

If you have problems with DNS, you can also use public DNS serves like Google Public DNS or Cloudflare DNS. Their DNS addresses can be found on the Internet and redesigned to use these DNS servers instead of the addresses provided by your Internet service provider.

The use of public DNS servers can help improve the speed and reliability of your Internet connection, especially if your Internet service provider has problems with the reliability of its DNS servers.

Examples of public DNS servers:
ProviderAddress DNS
Google Public DNS8.8.8.8.
Cloudflare DNS1.1.1.1

Don't forget to keep up with the DNS address update on your computer or router. If you're not sure which DNS address is to be used, contact your Internet service provider or seek help from a network connector.

Reasons for changing DNS addresses

DNS (Domain Name System) addresses are a sort of " telephone book " on the Internet, which converts home name to the IP address of the computer. The change in the DNS address may be due to various reasons, some of them:

  • Change of hosting service provider: The transition to a new hosting provider may require a change in the DNS address to update the references to the new IP address of the server.
  • New date centre: If the company moved to a new physical address or a date-centre, the DNS address may also be altered to display a new server location.
  • Updating network equipment: If the Internet service provider upgrades the network equipment, this may involve changing the DNS address to build new networks.
  • Security issues: If the DNS server has been compromised or subjected to cyberattacks, a change in the DNS address may be necessary to improve network safety.

It should be noted that the change in the DNS address may result in users not being able to access your site or other online resources until the DNS is updated. It is therefore important to closely monitor the updating process and notify users of any changes.

How do you know the DNS address has changed?

The change in the DNS address, which is a unique identifier for access to the website, can occur for various reasons, such as the relocation and renaming of hosting, the change in Internet service providers or the upgrading of network infrastructure.

Here are a few ways to help you determine that the DNS address has changed:

  1. Check the web site: If you can't open a website that has previously opened without problems, it could be a sign of a change in the DNS address. Try opening a website with different devices and connections to avoid possible problems with your Internet access.

  2. Use online tools: There are various online tools to verify the current DNS website address. Put your name in one of those tools, and he'll show you the current DNS address and other related information, such as the IP address and the name of the host. Some of these tools include D LookNSup, Whois and Dig.

  3. Contact the host-provider: If you suspect that the DNS address has been altered, contact the host of your website and specify this information. They will be able to confirm whether the DNS address has been altered or not.

  4. Watch the changes in DNS records: DNS records contain information on which IP address relates to a certain domain name. If you have access to DNS records of your domain, you can check whether any changes have been made. Changes in notes A (IPv4) and AAA (IPv6) may indicate a change in the DNS address.

If you have learned that the DNS address has changed, you may need to take some additional action to update DNS records on your hosting, such as creating new records or updating existing ones. If necessary, please contact your host or network administrator.

Audit of the correct DNS line

When the DNS addresses are altered, it is necessary to check the correct lines in order to ensure that the changes have been made successfully and that the site is accurately displayed. The following are several ways of verifying the correctness of the DNS on the line.

  • Ping: One of the simplest ways to check the DNS of the building is to fulfil the ping-request for the domain name. In the command line, the home name team should be introduced and Enter pressed. If the IP address is listed in the conclusion, then the DNS construction works correctly.
  • Traceroute: This method tracks the path that makes the request from your computer to the server through a series of ping queries. In the command line, the " traceroute home name " should be introduced and Enter pressed. The result will identify the IP address of all the nodes through which the request is made. If the last IP address is the IP address of your server, then the DNS builds right.
  • Dig: The dig command provides detailed information on DNS records for the said dominance. In the command line, the dig domain name team should be introduced and Enter pressed. The information will be presented in a table containing a list of different records (A, CNAME, MX, etc.) and the values for each record.

Verification of the correct DNS line can help identify potential problems and correct them in a timely manner. It should also be borne in mind that DNS records can be clashed on intermediate servers, so changes may take some time to enter into force.

What if the DNS address changed?

If the DNS address of your site has changed, it could cause problems with access to and operation of your site. In such a case, it is important to take the following steps:

  1. Contact your host-provider: if the DNS address is altered, it's likely that the host-provider is making changes on his side. Report the problem to your provider and ask you to give you a new DNS address for your website.
  2. Update the DNS records: after receiving a new DNS address from your provider, you need to update the DNS records for your domain. It can be done through the control panel of your host-acquant or through the house control panel of your registrar. Update your A-Schedules (IPv4) and AAAA-Records (IPv6) with your new DNS address.
  3. Give time to disseminate the changes: once the DNS records are updated, it may take time to disseminate these changes throughout the Internet. This process usually takes several hours, although in some cases it may take up to 48 hours. Be patient and wait for a complete change.
  4. Check the site ' s accessibility: after the DNS changes are over, check the availability of your website, and put it in the browser. Make sure the site opens without error and is fully operational.

If, after all these steps, your site is still unavailable or not functioning properly, it is recommended that the technical support service of your host provider be contacted for further assistance.

How do you update the DNS address in the operating system?

Step 1: Open the network on your operating system.

Step 2: Find the section " Network connections " or " Network building " .

Step 3: Choose an active network connection you want to change the DNS address.

Step 4: Press the change button or the construction.

Step 5: In the emerging window, find the DNS servers section or the Server DNS.

Step 6: Introduce a new DNS address to the field.

Step 7: Press the button " Use " or " Keep " .

Step 8: Reload your network connection so that the changes can enter into force.

Step 9: Check that the new DNS address is successfully updated. To this end, we can use the ipconfig /flushdns command line (for Windows) or the "su killall-HUP mDNSResponder " in the terminal (for macOS).

Now, your operating system will use a new DNS address to resolve home names. Updating the DNS address may take some time before the change enters into force on all devices and in all appes.

Security Councils when changing DNS addresses

  • Watch your Internet service provider's safety: Before changing the DNS address, make sure that your Internet provider provides reliable protection against cyberthreats and is not compromised.
  • Periodically change the passwords: If you regularly change passwords to access your DNS office, you significantly reduce the ability of culprits to control your DNS.
  • Use a secure password: Choose a complex password for your DNS containing the letters of the different register, numbers and special symbols. It's the ersr45$#@omle12 Respectemgus-#@9dfbw that will increase the reliability of your protection.
  • Incorporate two-factor authentication: If your DNS service offers this function, activate it. It will add additional layer of protection and ensure the safety of your DNS address.
  • Be careful when receiving notifications: Maybe the villains will try to send you phishing e-mails or SMS messages from your Internet service provider or DNS service. Be very careful and verify the authenticity of such notifications so as not to give the villains access to your DNS address.
  • Use VPN for safe data transmission: When the DNS addresses are changed, especially if remote, it is recommended to use the VPN-connection for secure data transmission and confidentiality.
  • Periodically check DNS records: After changing the DNS address, it would be good to check DNS records for all your housemen to make sure they're accurate and that there's no unauthorized access.

Comments and feedback from users

Comments and feedback from users on what to do if the DNS address has changed:

  • Ivan: I've been facing a change in the DNS address a few times, and every time it becomes a problem for me. But I found a good way out of this situation. I'm just adding a new DNS address to build a network on my computer and everything works. I advise everyone to do that.

  • Anna: I often have DNS addresses, and it starts to annoy me. Instead of manually changing network designs every time, I started using public DNS servers like Google or Cloudflare. This allows me to automatically receive relevant addresses without the need to intervene on my part.

  • Dmitri: I prefer to use special tools to automatically update DNS addresses. For example, there are programs that can monitor DNS changes and, if updated, automatically use new addresses. It's very convenient and saves a lot of time.

Each user can find a way to address the problem of changing DNS addresses. It's important to remember that this is an ordinary situation, and there are different ways to solve this problem.


What if the DNS address changed? Short Answer

If the DNS address has changed, you need to update it in your device. To do this, go into the network and find a section with the DNS address. Introduce a new address and preserve the building. If you don't know the new DNS address, contact your Internet provider or system administrator.

How do you know the DNS address has changed? Short Answer

To find out that the DNS address has changed, you can check it in the building of your device's network. Usually, this information is part of the network or network section. If you don't know where to find this information, you can call your Internet service provider or system administrator.

What if the DNS address changed and I can't go on the websites?

If the DNS address has changed and you can't go on the websites, you need to update the DNS address on your devices. To do this, go to the network and find a section with the DNS address. Introduce a new address and preserve the building. Once the DNS addresses are updated, you'll be able to go back to the sites. If you have problems in updating the DNS address, it is recommended that you contact your Internet provider or system administrator.