How to update the operating system without losing applications

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Updating the operating system is an important process that helps to ensure the safety and stability of the device. However, many users fear the loss of their favorite applications in updating. Fortunately, there are ways in which all established programs and applications can be maintained after the operational system is updated.

It is recommended that all data be back-up and that a recovery point be established prior to updating. This would allow, in the event of unforeseen problems, a return to the previous version of the system without the loss of apps and data.

One way to update the operating system without losing applications is to use built-in renewal tools. In many operational systems, such as Windows or macOS, there is a " Renewal of the System " function, which allows for the last available version to be established without the removal of established programs.

It is important to remember that prior to updating, it is recommended to verify the compatibility of your version of the operating system with the new version. Some apps may not work correctly on the new versions of the system, and it is therefore recommended that the software developer or publisher be consulted to clarify this information.

If the built-in means of renewal are not appropriate, side-by-side programs can be used to update the operating system without removing the applications. These programs provide a more flexible approach to updating and maintain all established programs and apps. Some of these programs include Acronis True Image, Clonezilla and Paragon Backup Recovery. Before being used, it is recommended that a technical expert be consulted or that documentation be read to avoid possible problems during the updating process.

Updating the operating system is an important step to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the device. In the right approach, the system can be updated without loss of applications and data, retaining all established programs. Remember the mandatory establishment of a standby copy and the verification of compatibility before updating to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Preparations for updating the operating system without losing apps

Several training steps must be taken before we begin to update the operating system without losing the applications. This will help you keep all the important apps and data without risking losing information.

1. Create backup data

Prior to updating the operating system, it is recommended to establish backup copies of all important data stored on the device. In case of unforeseen situations or errors in updating, you will be able to recover your data without problems.

2. Update all the apps.

Make sure all the applications on your device are updated to the latest versions. Updating the operating system may require compatibility with the new versions of the apps, so updating will be useful.

3. Make a list of the applications.

A list of all applications installed on the device should be drawn up before updating. It'll help you rebuild them after the system is updated. You can use a physical record book or special applications to keep this information.

4. Check system requirements

Make sure your device meets the system requirements for the new version of the operating system. See if you have a free space on the disk, if you have enough operational memory and other resources to update.

5. Turn off the antiviral software.

During the updating of the operating system, it is recommended that anti-virus software be temporarily disconnected. This will avoid conflicts and problems in updating the system.

In line with these simple recommendations, you can successfully update the operating system without losing the applications and important data.

Backup before update

A backup copy of all important data is recommended prior to updating the operational system, especially if this is a major update. This will help to avoid the loss of information in case of unforeseen situations or update problems.

There are several ways to provide a backup copy of the data:

  1. External data reservoir: connect an external hard drive or a computer flash drive and copy all the files and files on it. Make sure you have enough space on the outside reservoir.
  2. Label: Load up all the important files in the exposed vault like Google Disk, Dropbox or OneDrive. This will allow you to have access to your data from any device after renewal.
  3. System design: With special software such as Acronis True Image or Macrium Reflect, you can create a complete image of the entire system, including the operating system, applications and construction. In case of update problems, you can re-establish the system from this image.

Choose the most convenient way for you and transfer all the necessary data to another storage facility. Make sure your backup works and contains all the files you need.

Remember that backup is an important part of the process of updating the operating system. Don't ignore this step to avoid losing important data.

Verification of the compatibility of apps with the new version of the LO

Prior to the updating of the operating system, the compatibility of the installed applications with the new version of the LO should be verified. Incompatible applications may not work correctly or at all stop running, which may result in the loss of data or inconsistencies in the operation of the device.

The following methods may be used to verify the compatibility of apps with the new version of the LO:

  1. Audit of updates at the official application store. It is recommended that the updates for the designated apps be checked prior to updating the LOs. App developers usually issue updates to make their applications compatible with the latest versions of the operating systems.
  2. Check the list of compatible applications. Some developers publish lists of compatible applications for new versions of operational systems. Prior to the updating of the LOs, such lists can be consulted and all specified apps are included in the list.
  3. Finding information in support forums and websites. If you have doubts about the compatibility of specific applications with the new version of the LO, you may contact other users or seek information in forums and websites dedicated to your device or operating system. There you can find feedback from other users and recommendations for updating the LOs.

It is important to remember that verification of the compatibility of the applications before updating the LO will help to avoid unpleasant situations and to preserve the ability of all the necessary applications on your device.

Downloading and installation of the latest version of the operating system

To update the operating system until the last version, it is necessary:

  1. Open the construction on your device.
  2. Revert to the " Updating System " section or similar section relating to the updating of the operating system.
  3. Check out the new version of the operating system.
  4. If the update is available, press the Scotch button and wait until the loading is over.
  5. After loading, the device will propose an operating system.
  6. Press the " Set " button and wait for the end of the installation.
  7. Once the installation has been completed, your device will work on the latest version of the operating system.

It is important to note that additional upgrades and reloading of the device may be required at the time of installation of the operating system. Make sure that your device is connected to the internet and there is a sufficient number of free space to set up an update.

Re-establishment of apps and post-SD data transfer

Updating the operating system may lead to some problems, such as disposal or incompatibility with some apps. However, there are several ways to re-establish the apps and to reschedule the data after the LO has been updated.

1. Reinstatement of apps from backup

If you regularly create backup copies of your system and applications, you can re-establish them after the DS is updated. Just find a backup copy and use an appropriate tool to re-establish applications and data.

2. Transmission of data of apps

If you don't want to re-establish the application from the backup copy, you can only reschedule the applications. To do this, we need to find a folder of the applications on your device and to bury it into the outside storage device or in the exposed storage facility. Once the LO has been upgraded, you can just copy the data back to your device and use it in retreaded applications.

3. Removal of apps

If data retrieval or transfer is not necessary for you, you can just redesign the applications after the LO is updated. To this end, go to the relevant application store on your device, find the apps you need and reset them.

A backup copy of all important data is recommended before updating the operating system. This will help you avoid losing information in case of problems.