How to reschedule whatsApp to Telegram: simple instruction

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Telesram and WhatsApp two of the world ' s most popular accessories, but sometimes users want to move their correspondence from WhatsApp to Telegram for various reasons.

Transmission instructions from one Massenger to another may seem difficult, but it's actually quite simple. Here, you will find a step-by-step instruction on how to move the correspondence from WhatsApp to Telegram without a special effort.

The transfer of correspondence from WhatsApp to Telegram will preserve important messages, media files and contacts, and continue to communicate with friends and loved ones in the new Messenger.

Roll the app on your smartphone.

Before you move the correspondence from WhatsApp to Telegram, you need to download and put the Telegram app on your smartphone. This can be done as follows:

  1. Open the App Store on iPhone or Google Play on Android devices.
  2. In the search line, insert the Telegram and press the search.
  3. Find an app from the search and press it.
  4. Press the " Set " or " Get " button (for iPhone) and wait until the application is downloaded and installed on your smartphone.
  5. After the application is installed, press his bacon on the main screen of your smartphone to launch the Telegram.

Now you've got a licensed Telegram app on your smartphone, and you're ready to move the correspondence from WhatsApp.

Go to Telegram using your phone number.

1. Roll up and set up the Telegram's app on your smartphone or planchette. It's accessible to Android and iOS devices.

2. Put the app on your device.

3. On the front screen of the app, press the button of “Initi” or “Voiti”.

4. In the next window, select your country and enter your telephone number in the country number. For example, " +380 99 0000000" for Russia.

5. Press the Daleye button to confirm the number.

6. Introduce the code that will come to you at the SMS from Telegram.

7. After a successful matching of the phone number, you can identify the user's name and download the profile photo.

8. Congratulations! You've successfully entered Telegram and you can start rescheduled from WhatsApp.

Create a census team.

To set up a team in Telegram, go to the main menu of the application and press the Connecticut badge. Then select the input " Create the group " .

  1. Give me the name of the band. It is desirable to select an informative name so that participants can easily understand that it is a group to carry the correspondence.

  2. Then add the right players to the group. It's best to add to the group only those users you want to reschedule.

  3. Once the group is set up, establish access rights. In order to move communications, all participants should be entitled to change and remove communications.

The team is established! Now you can start moving the correspondence from WhatsApp to Telegram.

Please note that the group is established only for the purpose of the transmission of the correspondence and can be removed after completion of the process.

Export the correspondence from WhatsApp in format .txt

In the process of transferring correspondence from WhatsApp to Telegram, the first step is to export correspondence from WhatsApp in the format of .txt. This format is universal and can be used in other Massengers and text editors.

In order to export correspondence, follow simple instructions:

  1. Open whatsApp and choose the chat from which you want to export.
  2. If you use Androids, press the menu in the top right corner of the screen and select the Channel. If you use iOS, just press the name of the tip in the top of the screen.
  3. In the open menu, select the Oxport Chata.
  4. Choose if you'd like to export the correspondence with or without the media. Please note that exports with mediofails can take longer and require more space on the device.
  5. Choose the format you want to export the correspondence. Here, select the " txt " option.
  6. Indicate how you want to share the exported correspondence. You can e-mail the file, keep it on the cloud or send it to the computer with USB-cabel.
  7. Press the "Export" button and wait to complete the process.

Now you have a file of .txt with an exported memo from WhatsApp. You can keep it in a safe place for further use or move it to Telegram, following the following instruction.

Import the file.

After you set up a group in Telegram, you're gonna need to import a file from whatsApp to this group. This will preserve the history of all communications and move to discussion in the new Messenger.

Here's a step-by-step instruction on how to import the file.txt:

  1. Start by opening a band in Telegram where you want to import the correspondence.
  2. Press the " attach " to the bottom of the screen.
  3. Pick up the File paragraph.
  4. Go to the file where the file is located. If you don't have it yet, you'll follow the previous steps of this instruction.
  5. Pick up the file you want to import.
  6. Wait for the file to be downloaded.
  7. Now, the file... it's gonna look like an investment in the chat room.
  8. Press the file.txt, and you'll be asked to import his contents into the chat rooms.
  9. Confirm the import, and all the messages from the file...txt will be added to group chat.

If you have more than one file... txt with a rewrite, repeat this procedure for every file. All messages from each file will be added to the panel chat and grouped by dispatch dates.

It is important to note that the entire import process can take some time depending on the size and volume of the files.txt with the memo. So be patient and wait for the completion of the imports before further communication in the group.

Now you know how to import a file from whatsApp to the Telegram group. This instruction will help you keep the message history and continue discussion in the new Massager.