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How to re-establish Windows 7: simple steps

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The wire (Explorer.exe) program in Windows 7 is one of the main components responsible for the management of files and folders on the computer. Its inconsistencies may lead to various problems, such as dependency or unworking contextual menu. In this article, we will consider a few simple steps that will help restore the work of the conductor and restore its functionality.

The Windows 7 issue should be relaunched as a first step. To this end, the Dispatch of Targets, which is caused by a combination of keyboards, is available. Ctrl + Shift + Esc} Find a process called "explorer.exe " and lick the right button of mice, then select the menu " Let " . The conductor must then re-establish his work.

If the reset of the conductor has not helped, the problem may be related to some damaged system file. In order to address this problem, the built-in " System File Testing " can be used. For her launch, open the command line on behalf of the administrator by dialing the cmd line, then press the right button of mouse on the command line and select the launch site on behalf of the administrator. In the command line, command sfc /scannow And press Enter. Utilita will start scanning system files and automatically re-establish damaged files if found.

If none of the above-mentioned methods has helped to restore Windows 7, the problem may be related to the conflict of software or driver. In this case, it is recommended to seek the assistance of specialists or consult in the forums of the Windows 7 user community, where detailed instructions and recommendations can be found.

How to correct the program errors by a Windows 7 guide

The conductor ' s program (Explorer.exe) in the Windows 7 operating system is responsible for displaying the desk, the task panel, the file manager and other interface elements. Failures in the conductor ' s work can lead to the system ' s unstable work. This instruction describes the main steps that will help correct the errors of the Windows program.

  1. Reset of conductor. Problems with the conductor may be caused by temporary disruptions. Try rebooting the wire:
    • Press the combination of the keyboards. Ctrl + Shift + Escto open the Dispatch.
    • At the Process ' contribution, find the "explorer.exe " process.
    • Give it to him and press the button to finish the process.
    • After completion of the process, press the File button in Dispatch and select a new task.
    • Introduce "explorer.exe " and press " OK " .
    • See if the problem has been solved.
  2. Testing for viruses or harmful software. Harmful programs can damage system files, including a conductor ' s program. scan the antivirus program or use specialized software to detect and remove harmful programs.
  3. Updating the operating system. Corrections and improvements issued by the operational system developers can address the problems of the conductor. Make sure your system is up to the latest available version.
  4. Checking the hard drive for error. File damage on a hard drive could be the reason for the software errors. Check the hard drive for errors and fix them if necessary. To this end:
    • Open the Divine and select disk C.
    • Squeeze the right button of mouse and select the “Militate”.
    • On the Silvis deposit, press the Proverka button.
    • In the emerging window, select the " Verification and Recovery of File Sectors " and press " Start " .
    • Wait for the check and reboot the computer.
  5. Disengagement. Some sides of the wire expansion may cause mistakes. Try to disconnect or remove the side expansion to see if the problem can be corrected:
    • Open the wire and in the upper panel, select the " Organizing " .
    • In the outgoing menu, select the folders and searches.
    • In the " General " contribution, find the section " Panel of Appes " and press the " cut-off " .
    • See if the problem has been solved.
  6. Restoration of the system. If all previous steps have not helped to correct the errors of the conductor ' s program, the system can be re-established to an early recovery point. To this end:
    • Press the Puske button and select the Runel of Management.
    • In the " System and Security " section, select the " Display of the computer " .
    • On the left panel, select the System Protection.
    • In the window, press the system recovery button.
    • Follow the instructions of the re-establishment master to select the recovery point and to carry out the recovery.
    • After the reconstruction is completed, see if the problem has been solved.

If the problem is not addressed after all these steps, it is recommended that a specialist or Windows 7 user support forums be contacted to receive additional assistance.

Reload the computer and check the conductor's functionality.

Following previous steps, when the conductor and related tasks have been re-launched, it is recommended that the computer be rebooted to ensure that all changes have been maintained and that the conductor works normally.

The reloading of the computer allows for the clean-up of system memory and the re-launching of all necessary processes. This can help restore the conductor ' s operational capacity and correct any problems that may have arisen earlier.

To reboot the computer, do the following steps:

  1. Close all open applications and keep your work.
  2. Push on Puske's button in the left bottom corner of the screen.
  3. Choose the item " Exclusion " or " Reload " in the Pusk menu.
  4. Wait till the computer turns off and then turn it on again.

After rebooting the computer, the conductor must work steadily. Open the wire and make sure it opens without error and all functions are available. If problems with the conductor persist, it is recommended to seek the assistance of a qualified technical expert or to contact the Windows Operations Support Service 7.

File system check and repair damaged files

If your Windows 7 program works incorrectly or doesn't start at all, there may be damage to the file system on your computer. To fix this problem, you can complete the file system check and re-establish damaged files.

  1. Squeeze the right button of mouse on the Pusk badge in the left corner of the screen and select the " Command Line (Administration) " .
  2. In the command line, make the following team: sfc /scannow and press the keyboard.
  3. Wait for the process of scanning and rebuilding files. It could take some time.
  4. If there's a team sfc /scannow It is not possible to restore all damaged files, you can refer to the DISM tool (Development and maintenance) to restore system files.
  5. In the command line, make the following team: dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth and press the keyboard.
  6. Wait for the completion of the file recovery process through the DISM tool. It could take some time.
  7. Upon completion of the scan and re-up of the files, reboot the computer and check the work of the program Windows 7.

File system verification and recovery of damaged files can help to address the problems of the Windows 7 program. If the problem continues, it is recommended to seek assistance from a specialist or to seek support from Microsoft.


Why did the wire stop working on my computer?

There are several possible reasons why the conductor ' s program can stop working on the computer. This may be caused by harmful software, errors in the operating system or conflict with other established programs.

What simple steps can be taken to re-establish the program by the conductor?

If the conductor's program stops working on your computer, you can try some simple steps to rebuild it. First try rebooting the computer. If this has not helped, you can test the presence of viruses and malnourished software through the antiviral program. It can also help verify the integrity of systems files and update the operating system until the last version.

How can I verify the existence of viruses and harmful software on my computer?

To verify the existence of viruses and harmful software on your computer, you need to set up and launch an antiviral program. There are many free and paid antiviral programs, such as Avast, Kaspersky, Norton, etc. Start the program, complete the system scan and remove the threats.

What if the conductor doesn't work after all the steps proposed?

If the conductor does not work after all proposed steps have been taken, the problem may be related to errors in the operating system or to conflict with other programs. In this case, it is recommended that a technical support specialist or redesign the Windows 7 operating system to correct the problem.