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How to know the number of polygons in Blender: a simple way

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One important point in working with the 3D model is the control of the number of model polygons. The smaller the polygones, the easier the model is processed and the faster it will be displayed in the program. How do you know the number of polygones in Blender?

Blender has several ways of knowing the number of polygones. One of the simplest ways is to use the information panel. Just choose the model you want to learn about the number of polygones, then press the Expert deposit and open the facility's own. In the information panel, you will see the total number of polygones.

Another way is to use Statistics. It allows for the number of polygones, as well as the number of peaks, ribs and model area. In order to take advantage of this function, select a model, then go to the Statistician menu and select " Group by " . In the open list, select the Poligons. After that, you'll see the number of polygones in the model.

Knowing the number of model polygones, you can easily optimize it for more comfortable and faster use. In addition to controlling the number of polygons, remember the quality of the model - textures, lighting and other visual elements.

We hope that our advice will help you learn the number of polygones in Blender and make your work more efficient and productive with 3D models. Good luck with your creative projects!

Blender: Simple

To learn the number of model polygones, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your model in Blender.
  2. Choose the object, the number of polygones you want to know.
  3. Press the combination of the keyboards. Shift + N On the keyboard.
  4. Choose a deposit in an emerging window. Polygo statistics}
  5. In the pole Polygoons The number of sites selected will be indicated.

This method is particularly useful when you need to quickly obtain information on the number of model polygones without the need to include additional panels or use complex teams.

1Open your model in Blender.
2Choose the object, the number of polygones you want to know.
3Press the combination of the keyboards. Shift + N On the keyboard.
4Choose a deposit in an emerging window. Polygo statistics}
5In the pole Polygoons The number of sites selected will be indicated.


  1. Open the Blender and download the model you want to work with.
  2. Go to the editing mode, press the key Tab or selecting the appropriate opaque from the outlet of the regime.
  3. Make a model you want to calculate the number of polygones. One or more objects can be selected by keeping Shift or by a rectangular framework.
  4. In the lower part of the screen, find information on the chosen peaks, ribs and polygons. The polygons are displayed in the format " Verts/Faces/Tris " (tops/poligons/triangles).
  5. Write down the number of polygoons and use this information as you please.

Now you know how to learn the number of polygones in Blender. This information may be useful in optimizing the model or creating the required complexity of the project.

Opening of the model in Blender

In order to know the number of model polygones in Blender, the model itself should be opened first in the program. To this end, follow the following steps:

  1. Open the Blender and choose File in the main menu.
  2. Press "Open" to open an online file selection window.
  3. Choose the model file you want to open and press Open.
  4. Once the model has been opened, it will be displayed on the screen in the 3D Viewport window.

Now that the model is open, you can go to checking the number of polygones.

Statistical Panel

Blender has a convenient role to display model statistics, including polygones. To gain access to this information, the Statistician panel should be opened.

The following steps should be taken to open the Statistical panel:

  1. Choose the object or model for which you want to know the number of polygones.
  2. From the main menu, select the Paneli statistician.

The " Statistics " panel will then be displayed on the screen, containing information on the model chosen, including the total number of polygones.

It's a simple and convenient way to know the number of polygones in Blender. Use them to analyze and optimize your models!

Calculation of total number of polygons

To calculate the total number of polygones in Blender, you may use the following method:

1. Make all the objects in your stage.

To select all objects, you can use a combination of keyboards. (hotkey) A.

2. Open the statistical panel.

On 3D, open the statistical panel, press the N keyboard. Then find the section of Statistics and turn it around.

3. Check the number of polygones.

In Statistics, you can see the total number of polygons identified in the current submission of 3D. This indicator is called " Tris " or " Triangles " .

Please note that the number of polygones may vary depending on what objects you have chosen and what display parameters are established. So, in order to obtain the exact number of polygons in your stage, make sure all objects are identified and the necessary display parameters are established.

Calculation of the number of sites selected

The following steps may be taken to calculate the number of polygons in Blender from selected sites:

  1. Choose your objects of interest in the stage.
  2. Go to the editing mode, press the Tab key.
  3. Press the " Statistician " on the lower panel or select the " Statistics " menu in the upper panel.
  4. In the open window of Statistics, you will see the information on the target, including the number of polygones.

Make sure you choose all the facilities you need and you're in the right mode before counting the polygones. Here, you will find additional information on the sites chosen, such as the number of peaks and lines.

The counting of polygones may be useful in optimizing the models and controlling the number of polygones in the stage to ensure the best productivity of your project in Blender.

Optimization of polygones

Optimizing the number of polygones is important to maintain good productivity in the 3D models in Blender. Too many polygones may slow the program and increase the resources required to work with the model.

There are several ways to optimize the number of polygons in Blender:

Disposal of unused polygones:

One way to reduce the number of polygons is to remove those polygons that are not visible or affect the final object. It is possible to use the " Removal of Invisible Polygones " function, which will remove all polygons not visible from the current level of the Chamber.

Simplification of geometry:

Another method of optimization is the simplification of model geometry. This can be done through the " Simplifier " (Decimate) tool, which reduces the number of polygons in the model by maintaining its general form and main details.

Use of optimized models:

Another way to reduce the number of polygones is through the use of optimised models that have lower polygones density, but remain visually attractive and detailed.

The correct optimization of the number of polygons allows for faster work with 3D models in Blender, the retention of computer resources and the best result in the rendering.

Statistical preservation and completion

Once you have received information on the number of polygones in your Blender project, it may be useful to keep this statistics for further use or analysis. You can use the special function of Blender.

To preserve the statistics, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the File menu in the upper left corner of Blender's work space.
  2. Choose Export and Text.
  3. Indicate the name of the file and the location for the preservation of statistics.
  4. Press the Export Text button.

The statistics will now be retained in the text file you indicated. You can use this file for further data processing or analysis.

When you no longer need information on the number of polygones, you can complete work with Blender. To this end, take the following steps:

  1. Choose the File menu in the upper left corner of Blender's work space.
  2. Choose " Quit " or use the combination of Ctrl+Q.
  3. Confirm that you want to step out of Blender, pushing the Exit button.

Now you have successfully maintained the statistics and completed your work with Blender. You may proceed with further tasks or analyse the data received.