How to keep the image in Telegram as a file

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Telegram is one of the most popular massagers in the world, offering a rich function and a simple interface. One of the useful opportunities available to Telegram users is the possibility of keeping images directly in the app. It might be particularly convenient if you want to keep any photo or picture on your device.

In this article, we'll tell you how to keep the image in Telegram as a file. This process is quite simple, but may not be clear to new users. Follow our step-by-step instructions to learn how to keep images in Telegram without special problems.

The first step is to open a dialogue with the image you want to preserve. It could be both individual chat and group chat. Then find the image in the dialogue and open it up once. Once the image is fully opened, press the menu as three points in the right upper corner of the screen.

Telegram applications

Telegram This is a popular massage application that offers many useful functions and opportunities to communicate, exchange files and organize group chat.

Telegram capabilities include the following functions:

  • Quick and secure delivery of communications: Telegram uses its own cloud server system, which allows the rapid and reliable delivery of messages to any point in the world. In addition, the app encrypts all communications, especially in the " secret chat " mode.
  • Exchange of files: Telegram can exchange various files, including photographs, videos, audios and documents. The App supports many file formats and allows medicinals to be conveniently organized in chat rooms and channels.
  • Creation of group chat: Telegram can create groups and communicate with several users simultaneously. Groups can produce voice and video, exchange files and build different levels of access for participants.
  • Canals: Telegram supports the creation and subscription of channels where users can receive updates from selected sources of information. Canals may be public or private, and their owner may develop access rights.
  • Boats: Telegram has the possibility of creating and using beans that automatically perform certain tasks and provide different services and functionality to the user.
  • Protection of correspondence: Telegram offers reliable data encryption and the possibility of activation of the " self-destructive message " regime, where messages are automatically removed through a given time interval.

These are just some of the many opportunities that Telegram offers to its users. The App is continuously updated and expanded to meet user needs and needs.

Why keep the image as a file?

There are many ways in which information can be shared, including sending photos with massagers like Telegram. However, the preservation of images in the form of files has advantages and may be preferable, especially in some cases.

Quality of retention: When the image is stored as a file, it is retained in the same format as that in which it was sent, thus avoiding the loss of quality that could result in a compression when sent through the massenger. File remains exactly as the consignor sees, and then the recipient, without unforeseen changes.

Use in other appes: The stored image as a file can be used in different applications. You might need to edit the image or use it in the presentation, website or other project. Keeping the image as a file gives you the opportunity to have free access and use it in different environments.

Security and safety: If the importance of keeping the image to you is of paramount importance, keeping it as a file is a more reliable way of storage. The file can be stored safely, archived or handed over to other users in a secure format. In addition, the file can be easily re-established if it was accidentally removed or lost.

Compatibility: The preservation of the image as a file also ensures compatibility with different operating systems and programs. The file can be stored on a computer or mobile device and easily transferred or opened on another device by means of appropriate programs or applications. It's convenient, especially if you want to move the image from one device to another.

Metadata preservation: When the image remains in the form of a file, metadata, such as the date and time of creation, the camera used for filming, geolocation and other information, remain with it. These metadata can be useful in organizing and managing your photography collection.

Use: Keeping the image as a file is very simple. The retention process usually takes only a few seconds and requires minimum skills and efforts. Choose the image you want to preserve and select the " Keep as a file " or " Rock " . Then indicate where you want to keep the file, and it'll be loaded right on your device. It's much faster and easier than sending and downloading images through the Messengers.

Ultimately, keeping the image as a file provides a more reliable and convenient way of using and exchanging images. It ensures quality, safety, compatibility and simplicity, which makes it preferable in many cases.

Steps to keep the image in Telegram

Telegram allows the retention of images by means of a built-in retention function. The following steps should be taken:

  1. Open the Telegram on the device and go to the chat where the image you want to keep is located.
  2. Find a message with a picture and press it to open a full-dimensional version.
  3. When you open the image, you'll see different ways of working with him, such as sending, transfer, etc. But if you want to keep the image, you need to find a shield badge, it's a disk in the bottom of the screen.
  4. Press the shield to keep the image on the device.
  5. The image will be stored in the gallery or in a folder intended to preserve the media files in Telegram, depending on the construction of your device.

Now you have a retained image with a retention function in Telegram.

Selection of the quality and format of the image

While keeping the image in Telegram as a file, the user is given the opportunity to choose the quality and format of the file. This allows the retention of images to its needs and requirements.

Quality of image:

  • Original: Maintain the image in the reference quality without compression. This option is appropriate if it's important that you keep all the details and the quality of the image.
  • High: Maintains a high-quality image, but can use a compression to reduce the size of the file. This is an option between original and medium quality.
  • Medium: Maintains an image of medium quality and uses a compression to further reduce the size of the file. In this case, the quality of the image will be slightly reduced.
  • Low: Maintains a low-quality image and compresses it to obtain the lowest size of the file. In this case, the quality of the image is significantly reduced, but the file is smaller.

Format of file:

In addition to selecting the quality of the image, the format of the file can also be chosen in Telegram.

  • JPEG: Compression without loss is commonly used for photographs with a large number of flowers or degrees.
  • PNG: the loss compression format is perfect for transparent images.
  • WEBP: a format that provides a high degree of compression without visible quality losses. It supports animation, transparency and other functions.

The choice of the quality and format of the image depends on your needs. If you have the highest accuracy and detail, it is recommended that the original quality and format of JPEG be selected. If you have a transparent image or a vector figure, you better choose a PNG or WEBP format. It is important to note that high-quality files and vector images can occupy more space on the device.

Limitations on the preservation of images

If the images are kept in Telegram, there are several limitations that need to be taken into account:

  • File weight: The maximum value of the file to be retained in Telegram is 20 MB. If the image exceeds this limit, it cannot be retained as a file.
  • Presentation: The Telegram supports different image formats, such as JPEG, PNG, GIF and others. However, some special formats may be inconsistent with the Telegram retention function.
  • Access rights: If the author of the image restricted his access, for example, only to look, the preservation of the image in Telegram as a file could be inaccessible. In that case, you can only keep the image through screaming.

Take these limitations into account while keeping images in Telegram as a file. If your image does not meet the requirements, try to change its size or format before being preserved.

Additional recommendations and advice

1. Check the privacy structures.

Before sending a picture to the Telegram, make sure your privacy structures keep and download files.

2. Use the team to guard.

Telegram has a built-in " Protect " team that allows the image to be stored quickly. Press the image of the right button of mouse and select "Save" in the extinguishing menu. Then pick up the file you want to keep.

3. Change the file name.

In default, while keeping the image in Telegram, the file is known as "IMG_XXXXX.jpg " . In order to be more proactive, it is recommended to change the name of the file by adding a description or key words to it.

4. Use the side appes

If you can't keep the image through standard functions in Telegram, you can use a side application to keep files like FileMaster or Documents by Readdle.

5. Make sure it's true.

Before keeping the image, make sure you have the right to maintain and use this file. If the image is someone ' s intellectual property or is protected by copyright, it is not recommended that you retain it without authorization.

6. Contingency copy

If it's important for you to keep the image, it's recommended that a backup copy be made on the external reservoir or in the exposed vault. So you'll protect the file from loss or accidental disposal.