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How to find a man in Telegram who was written earlier: simple ways to search

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Telegram is a popular massager that is used by millions of people around the world. But what do you do if you've forgotten, what's the name of the contact you used to contact? In this article, we will tell you a few simple ways that will help you find the right person in Telegram.

Mode 1: Search by name

The first way is looking by name. If you remember the name of the contact you spoke to earlier, you can use the search function in Telegram. Just open the Telegram's app and put in the name of contact in the search line that's in the top of the screen. The Telegram will search and display the results that correspond to the name. If you find the right contact on the results list, just press his name to open the chat.

Telegram contact methods

If you've already written to someone in Telegram before, and you want to find this contact, there are several ways to find:

1. Use of search by name

At the top of the screen, the Telegram app contains a search field. Introduce the contact name or part of it, and the app will describe the results that correspond to your request.

2. Telephone search

If you have a contact number, you can use the number search. Press the search field on the top of the screen and enter the contact number using the format adopted in your country.

3. Use of the list of contacts

If you don't remember the exact name or contact number, you can check your contact list to find the right correspondence. In Telegram's app, go to the " Contact " deposit and check the list before the required contact.

Using these methods, you can easily find contact in Telegram and continue to communicate with the people you've already spoken to.

Restoration of correspondence via telephone number

If you don't know how to find a man in Telegram, but you know his phone number, that's how you can use to retrieve the correspondence.

1. Use the function of " Find contacts ":

Step 1: Open the Telegram and press the bait for the search.

Step 2: In the search line, insert the country code number and press for search.

Step 3: If a user matching the phone number is on your contact list, his name will be displayed in the search results. You can press his name to open the correspondence.

2. Use external resources:

If your contacts are synchronized with cloud services, such as Google or iCloud, you can use these resources to retrieve the correspondence.

Step 1: Open your devices and find a section related to record management.

Step 2: See if your contacts with the cloud service are synchronized.

Step 3: If the contacts were synchronized, find a recording of the phone number and open it.

Step 4: Inside the records, find a needle to send a message. Press her to open the correspondence.

3. Call Telegram.:

If you can't find a man, despite the methods listed above, you can contact Telegram and provide them with a phone number and other information that can help them find.

Note: When using these methods, consider that the other party should also be registered in Telegram and have an active profile.

User search by name or nickname

When introducing part of the name or nickname, the Telegram will automatically offer users ' options that are appropriate to the established symbols. You may choose the right user from the list or continue to introduce the text to clarify the search.

If you've forgotten the exact name or nickname, try to remember at least one letter or symbol from it. The Telegram displays users who have a match to the symbols in their name or nickname.

Use this search method when you're sure the name or no-one user in Telegram is asked by you or by you. Note that searching by name or by no one leads only to the results that are visible on your list of contacts or chat rooms.


If you know that a user named Ivan Petrov is on your list of contacts, put Ivan Petrov in Telegram's search line, and you'll have the results of this user.

Use of search beans for contacts

If you have information about the nickname or the name of the user you want to contact Telegram, you can use the search boots that provide this service.

Such beans work on the basis of requests and can help you find the necessary contacts in Telegram. The following are several popular telegrams that provide contact services:


To use these boots, we just need to go through the reference and follow the instructions given in their description. Usually, you'll be asked to put in the name of the user or no one you're looking for. Bot will search and give you the results. It can help you find contacts between the people who have already written to you or just new ones in Telegram.

It should be noted, however, that search beans do not always find contact with 100% accuracy. Sometimes the bolts can produce incomplete or inaccurate results, especially if the user ' s information in Telegram is hidden or restricted by confidentiality settings. However, the use of search beans can always be a useful tool for finding contact in Telegram.

Searching with common friends and chat rooms

If you want to find the person you wrote earlier in Telegram, you can use the search with common friends and chat rooms. This method may be useful if you have a common acquaintance or if you've been in some common groups or channels.

For starters, open the Telegram's app on your device and move on to Connect. Then press the bulb on the right upper corner of the screen.

After that, you will be offered some search options. Choose the " Common " or " Common Friends " option. Telegram will start looking for people who are your common contacts.

If there's a name on your list, press him to get on the contact page. Here you can see all available information about the user, including his name, photograph, latest activity and other important information.

If you have common chats with the man you're looking for, you can use the search inside the chat. To this end, open the right chat and press the pin on the top of the screen. Introduce the name or name of the man you're looking for and press the search button.

Now you need to see the results of the search, including all the messages related to the user. It can help you find the right person and continue to communicate with him in Telegram.

Using a search with common friends and chat can greatly facilitate the search for the man you need in Telegram. Use this method if you know you have general contact or chat with the user.

Contact information obtained through specialized services

If you can't find the right person through a standard search in Telegram, you can use specialized services to help you find contact information.

Some of these services provide an opportunity to look for people on the phone number or on the user ' s name. At the same time, you can find not only a human account in Telegram, but also other social profiles like Instagram, Facebook and others.

To use these services, you may need to register on their platform and provide some information about yourself and who you're looking for.

After registration, you will be given a field to find where you can enter the necessary data (phone number or user name). Once the search button is pressed, the system will start scanning its database and give you the results corresponding to your request.

It should be remembered, however, that not all services can be free, and some may require signatures or payment for increased information about the person.

Such services should also be carefully and cautious, as some may contain fraudulent content or be used for illegal activities.

In general, obtaining contact information through specialized services can be a useful tool in the search for people in Telegram, especially if the standard search failed.