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How to deactivate Skype in Windows 10: detailed instruction

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The automatic downloading of Skype when operating Windows 10 can be annoying to users, especially if they do not use the program. Whenever the Skype computer is switched on, it is automatically started on the background, which can slow the system and consume the system ' s resources.

However, there are several ways to disable Skype into Windows 10 and prevent its launch at the start of the operating system. This will improve computer productivity and release systems resources for other programs.

There are several ways to disable Skype in Windows 10. One of them is to use the design of the program itself. Another way is to use Windows' task manager. The following is a detailed instruction on the removal of Skype in Windows 10 by both means.

Open appes

In order to disable Skype in Windows 10, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Open the menu Puske, pressing the relevant button in the left corner of the screen.
  2. Pick up the paragraph " Construction " , which is normally submitted by the box.
  3. In the open window of “Development”, find and select the section of “Annexes”.
  4. On the left room of application design, select the input from the launch.
  5. Check the list of applications until you find Skype.
  6. Switch Skype switch to Village.

After these actions, Skype will no longer be launched automatically when the computer is switched on.

Find Skype on the list of applications.

To start the process of shutting down Skype in Windows 10, it is necessary to find an app Skype on your computer. To this end, take the following steps:

  1. Press the Pusk button in the left corner of the screen or press the Windows logo on the keyboard.
  2. The menu Pusca will be opened. Introduce Skype in the search field below the menu.
  3. When the search is over, you will see the Skype application badge on the list of proposed results.
  4. Push on Skype's badge to launch the app.

After these steps, you have to see the Skype application launched on your computer screen.

Move to launch site

In order to disable Skype in Windows 10, it is necessary to move to " Launch " .

  1. Open the " Puss " and select the " Constructions " .
  2. In the window, select the section " Appes " .
  3. On the left panel, select the launch.

Now you're in the launch section, where you can manage the various Windows 10 programs.

Delete Skype

Skype auto loading can be annoying, especially if you rarely use this program. Here are a few steps that will help you turn the Skype down to Windows 10:

  1. Squeeze the right button of mouse on Skype's badge on the mission panel.
  2. In the context-specific menu, select the item " Construction " .
  3. In the window, select the section " Generals " .
  4. Take off the flag next to Skype launch at Windows.

If you want to completely disable Skype, excluding any background process, you can take the following additional steps:

  • Squeeze the right button of mouse on Skype's badge on the mission panel.
  • In the context menu opened, select the item " Challenges " .
  • In the outgoing menu, select the item " Closure Skype " .

After these steps, Skype will no longer be automatically loaded at Windows 10.

Check the traffic on the dispatcher.

To find out if Skype's on your computer, you're gonna need to open a Windows task manager.

Follow these steps to check Skype's loading in the dispatcher:

  1. Press the combination of the keyboards. Ctrl+Shift+Escto open the Windows task manager.
  2. Go to the deposit. Loading} Here you will see a list of programs that are automatically launched when the system is downloaded.
  3. Check out a list of programs looking for Skype. If Skype is on the list, then it's automatically started when the system is downloaded. If Skype doesn't appear on the list, then the loading is off.

In the event that Skype is on the vehicle list, you may suspend its automatic download so that it does not start at each computer application. To this end:

  1. Put the right button on Skype on the list.
  2. Choose the menu. Deleteto temporarily disable Skype.
  3. Now Skype won't start automatically when the system is downloaded. If you need to re-engineer, repeat the above actions and select the menu. Insert}

So you can check and operate a Skype machine in Windows 10 dispatch.

Remove the cover-up with the textCONFIG

"MSCONFIG " (System Configuration) is a tool in the Windows operating system that allows for the development of different computer download parameters. With the help of the textCONFIG, you can disable the hidden loading of the applications, including Skype, to prevent its launch at each Windows load.

  1. Open the menu Puske and introduce msconfig into the search field.
  2. The search will result in a system configuration application. Press him to open it.
  3. There will be a system configuration window with several deposits. You'll have to go to the Load.
  4. You'll see a list of all the programs that are downloaded with Windows.
  5. Find Skype or any other app you want to deactivate from the truckload, and take off the flag next to him.
  6. Squeeze on the " Apply " button and then on the " OK " button to keep the changes and close the " System configuration " window.
  7. Reload the computer to apply the changes.

Now Skype won't be launched automatically at each Windows 10 load. If you want to reincorporate Skype, just repeat the same steps and put the flag next to him on the MSCONFIG.

Modify the registry to deactivate the loading system

If you want to completely deactivate the Skype vehicle when the Windows 10 operating system is in operation, the relevant constructions in the registry need to be changed.

Follow these steps to build a roster:

  1. Press the keys. Win + Rto open a window to fill.
  2. Get the team in. regedit And press the key. Enterto open the registry editor.
  3. Move to the following path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run}
  4. In the right part of the registry editor's window, find a name value. Skype}
  5. Squeeze the right button of mouse. Skype and select the item " Delete " .
  6. Close the registry editor.

Now the next launch of the Skype operating system will not automatically be loaded.

Reload the computer to maintain change

After all the previous steps, you need to reboot the computer so that the changes enter into force. The reloading allows the upgrade of the system designs and the start-up of the new loading facilities you have installed.

In order to reboot the computer, you can use several ways:

  • Press the Pusk button in the left corner of the working table. Then select the item " Exclusion " and press the button " Reload " .
  • Use the keyboard combination. Ctrl + Alt + Delete and select the item " Reload " .

After rebooting the Skype computer will no longer be automatically started when entering Windows 10. If you need to launch Skype in the future, you can manually open it from the menu of Puss or create a label on the working table.