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How to create fat lines for the Microsoft Word table

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Microsoft Word tables are one of the most common ways of streamlining and reporting. However, some elements of the table, such as fat lines, are often needed to make them more visible and focused. In this article, we will see how to create fat lines for the Microsoft Word table.

The first way to create the bold lines for the table is to use the " Reference " function in the " Risuna " contribution. To that end, it was necessary to select the necessary area of the table and to press the Risunok button. The thickness of the line and the flooding style, for example, the " Gold leash " , can then be chosen. After that, all the selected cells will be surrounded by a fat line.

The second way to create fat lines is by using the " Table " function. To that end, we need to highlight the area of the table and press the right button of mouse. In the context of the menu, select the item " Yours of the table " . Thereafter, a " table " window will be opened. In this window, the contribution of Grenica can be selected and the necessary parameters for the lines of the table, such as thickness and style, can be presented. Once changes remain, the selected tables will become fat.

Thus, the creation of fat lines for the Microsoft Word table is a fairly simple process. Using the " Reference " or " Table structure " , a more visible and readable table can be made. Choose a suitable way, depending on your needs and preferences. Microsoft Word!

Use of formats for fat lines

In Microsoft Word, you can use different formatting techniques to create fat lines in the tables. Here are a few ways you can try:

1. Use of table boundary formats:

  1. Choose a table where you want to create fat lines.
  2. Press the right button of the mice on the table and select the " Tables " .
  3. In the dialogue window of the Forum, select the input from Granica.
  4. Set the desired line style (e.g. fat lines) for the boundaries of the table.
  5. Press "OK" to change.

2. Use of the formatting of cell boundaries:

  1. Choose the cells you want to build fat lines.
  2. Squeeze the right button of mouse and choose your own cell.
  3. In the dialogue window of the cell, select the contribution of Granica.
  4. Set the desired line style (e.g. fat lines) for cell boundaries.
  5. Press "OK" to change.

3. Use of the label format:

  1. Make the text in the table that you want to put in bold lines.
  2. Push the right button of mouse and select the " Format of text " .
  3. Shrifft ' s contribution will be selected in the dialogue window " Formulate the text " .
  4. Set the desired type of print (e.g., paragraph line) for the intended text.
  5. Press "OK" to change.

These are just some of the ways you can use to create fat lines in Microsoft Word tables. Try these methods or experiment with other formatting functions to achieve the desired result.

Use of fat lines

There are several ways in Microsoft Word to create fat lines for tables. One of them is using styles.

Steel is a set of predetermined formatting lines that can be easily applied to the tables to change their appearance.

To apply styles to create fat lines, follow these steps:

  1. Make a table where you want to create fat lines.
  2. On the tool panel or the input " Gorge " , find the section " Tables " .
  3. Push on the table button and select the appropriate style that contains the fat lines.

Once the style is applied, the table will be automatically displayed with fat lines.

If there is no suitable style in the proposed style, you can also create your own style to add fat lines. To this end:

  1. Make a table where you want to create fat lines.
  2. On the tool panel or the input " Gorge " , find the section " Tables " .
  3. Press the new style button.
  4. In the window, introduce a new style and select the appropriate formatting parameters, including fat lines.
  5. Press " OK " to apply the established style to the table.

Your table will now have fat lines according to the style chosen or established. Using styles, you can quickly and easily change the appearance of your tables in Microsoft Word.

The use of fat styles is one of the most convenient ways of formatting the tables in Word. It makes it easy to change the appearance of the table and preserve uniformity in the document.

Let us take stock of:

  • Use the tables to create fat lines in Microsoft Word.
  • Choose the right style from the proposed or create your own.
  • Apply the style to the table to add fat lines.

Thus, the use of styles is a convenient and effective way of creating fat lines in Microsoft Word tables.

Note: In some versions of Word and some computers, the location of the button and the deposit may differ, so use the instructions corresponding to your version of the program.

Appendix of fat lines by command line

Microsoft Word suggests several ways of adding fat lines to the table and one of them using the command line of the program. With simple steps, you can create fat lines and improve the appearance of your table.

  1. Open a document in Microsoft Word containing a table to which you want to add fat lines.
  2. Make the cells, rows or columns you want to add fat lines.
  3. Push the right button of mice in the area identified and select the Grenica cells in the context menu.
  4. The Granica and Bay dialogue window will open.
  5. Choose the Granica contribution to the top of the dialogue window.
  6. Find and lick on the frontline of the borderline.
  7. Press the " OK " button to apply the changes to the table.

Now you have bold lines in the table that will help highlight it and make it more visible to readers.

You can also use a command line to remove or change fat lines. To this end, repeat the same steps to open the Granica and Gulf dialogue window and select the appropriate boundaries.

The use of a command line in Microsoft Word is a convenient way of managing an external type of table, and you can easily build boundaries to meet your demands. Follow these instructions and establish effective and professional tables!

How to build fat default lines

In order to build fat default lines in the Microsoft Word table, do the following actions:

  1. Open the paper in Microsoft Word and go to the section where you want to build fat lines.

  2. Make a table you want to change.

  3. Press the right button of the mouse to the designated area of the table and select the item " Your table " in the context menu.

  4. In the open window of the " House of Tables " , move to the " Distributor " .

  5. In Steel, select the fat line you want to use.

  6. Push on the default button in the bottom of the window.

  7. Press " OK " to keep the changes and close the " table " window.

All tables established in this document will now have fat default lines. If you want to go back to standard line settings, you can manually remove the fat lines from each table or drop the default structures in the " Your Table " window.

The construction of fat lines in Microsoft Word tables can help visualize sections and make your paper more professional and readable. Try to build lines of your taste and use them in your papers!


How do you create fat lines for the Microsoft Word table?

In order to create fat lines for the Microsoft Word table, make out cells, lines or columns that you want to add fat lines. Then select the input from Granica on the tool rib and select the fat lines under " Border Vidas " .

How do you make the lines in Microsoft Word?

In order to make the lines in the Microsoft Word table, make the cells, lines or columns you want to change the thickness of the lines. Then select Granica ' s input on the tool rib and select the thickness of the lines in the section " Border thickness " .

How do you change the colour of the lines in Microsoft Word?

In order to change the colour of the lines in the Microsoft Word table, make out the cells, lines or columns you want to change the colour of the lines. Then select the input from Granica on the patch of instruments, and in the section " Boundary Colour " , select the appropriate colour or make it tasteful.

How do you add additional horizontal lines in Microsoft Word?

In order to add additional horizontal lines in the Microsoft Word table, set a courseor in the box where you want to start a new line. Then press the Enter on the keyboard to move to a new line and automatically create a new line in the table with all necessary horizontal lines.

How do you delete the lines in Microsoft Word?

In order to remove the lines in the Microsoft Word table, make out the cells, lines or columns that contain the lines you want to remove. Then select Granica ' s input on the tool lane, and in the " Crossing " section, select an option that removes all lines from the identified area.