How to create a second account in Telegram: detailed instruction

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Many of the users of the Telegram Messenger now have a few scouts. It might be helpful if you want to share your personal and work life, communicate with different groups of people or just stay anonymous. In this article, we will consider in detail how to create a second account in Telegram and use it on our device.

Step 1: Telegram installation

Before you set up a second account in Telegram, make sure you set an app on your device. You can download it from the official Android or iOS application store. Make sure you have a stable Internet connection.

Step 2: Exit from current account

Before you create a new account in Telegram, you need to get out of your current account.

Note: If you've just got an app and you don't have a scout, miss this step.

To this end, open the Telegram, press the menu tag (usually three horizontal strips or badges with three points on the top of the screen) and select the Parameters. Then turn down and press Veiti.

Step 3: Establishment of a new account

Now you can create a new account in Telegram. For this, open the app, press the launch button and enter your phone number. Follow the screen instructions to confirm the number and create a new account.

Step 4: Use of second account

Congratulations! Now you have a second account in Telegram. To switch between the scouts, open the menu of the app, press your profile photo and select the appropriate account. You may also establish separate notifications and communication regimes for each account.

Now you know how to create a second account in Telegram. Use this function of your own choosing and enjoy the comfort of communicating with people from different spheres of your life!

How do you create a second account in Telegram?

If you want to create a second account in Telegram, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the Telegram's app on your device.
  2. In the right upper corner of the screen press the menu, which is three horizontal lines.
  3. In the open menu, press the user or profile photograph.
  4. In the section with information on your scout, you'll see the button of "Add the account." Press her.
  5. Telegram will offer you a new phone number to create a second account. Enter the number and press the Daleye.
  6. After the phone's inauguration, Telegram will send you a text code to confirm. Introduce the code in the app.
  7. Then Telegram will offer you a new profile, including a user name and a photograph. Fill the necessary fields.
  8. Congratulations! You successfully set up a second account in Telegram.

Now you have the possibility of switching between the Télegram app account scouts, just pressing the user ' s name or a picture of the profile in the top right corner of the screen.

Step 1: Set the app

In order to put an application on iOS and Android, you can go to the appropriate application stores (AppStore and Google Play) and find Telegram and then press the " Set " button. If you use Windows, macOS or Linux, you can visit the official site and download the relevant version of the application for your operating system.

After the installation has been completed, start the Telegram on your device and start setting up a second account.

Step 2: Record under another number.

To create a second account in Telegram, you'll need to register under another phone number. Follow the instructions:

  1. Open the Telegram app on your device.
  2. Press the " Start " or " Voighti " button if you have already undergone primary registration.
  3. Choose the country of your new phone number and put it in the field.
  4. Press the Dalee button to confirm the number.
  5. Introduce the confirmation code that was sent to a new phone number.
  6. Once the number has been confirmed, you will be asked to create a new user name and download a profile photograph.
  7. Congratulations, you successfully registered under another number and created a second account in Telegram!

Now you have the opportunity to use both scouts at the same time, switching between them in the Telegram App.

Step 3: Authorize the new account.

Upon installation of a second copy of the Telegram's application on your device, open it and press it on the " register " or " Voiti " button, whichever is already available.

If you don't have a Télegram account yet, you'll need to create a new one. To this end, insert your phone number and follow the instructions on the screen. Once the registration of the second account has been completed, you'll get the SMS code that will need to be introduced to confirm your number.

If you already have a Tegram account, insert your phone number that you want to use for a new account, and confirm it with SMS code. Then take the password from your current account to authorise the new Telegrama account.

Please note that when using a few scouts in Telegram, your data (contacts, messages, media files, etc.) will be stored separately for each account. You won't be able to use both scouts on one device at the same time without the use of ad hoc side applications or functions.

Now that you've successfully authorised the new account, you can start using it and communicate with other users in Telegram.