FQDN hostname: what is and how to use

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FQDN hostname (Fully Qualified Domain Name) is a fully defined domain name used to identify the unique location of the resource on the computer network. The FQDN consists of two main components: the name of the host and the name of the domen separated by the point. This is an important concept for Internet work, as FQDN is used to link IP addresses to home names and ensures unique targeting.

The use of FQDN hostnames accurately identifies a specific resource on the Internet. It enables the use of servers, postal services, web pages and other resources for their unique names. FQDN also makes it easier to organize and manage the network infrastructure, including the DNS (Domain Name System) on servers.

Example FQDN hostname: www.example.com

There are several advantages in using FQDN hostname. First, it facilitates work with the network by enabling the development and management of servers and other networks. Secondly, FQDN provides user-friendliness for end-users who can access resources with comfort and without need to recall complex IP addresses. Finally, the use of FQDN allows for easy implementation of load-balancing, data replication and other network functions required for modern service and online applications.

What is FQDN hostname?

FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) hostname is a fully defined home name. It is used to identify a specific node (computer) on the Internet.

FQDN hostname consists of several components. Usually, it is a combination of the node name, a home name and a home souffix. For example, www.example.com is an example of FQDN hostname.

The name of the FQDN hostname commonly represents the name of a specific computer or server. Home name points to the specific domain to which the knot belongs. Domain souffix may be an expansion of dominance, such as “.com”, “.org” or “net”.

FQDN hostname can be used for Internet access. It is used in URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to indicate a specific resource on the server. For example, " http://www.example.com/index.html " is URL, which contains FQDN hostname " www.example.com " .

FQDN hostname may also be used for the construction of different services and protocols, such as e-mail or DNS (Domain Name System), where the exact identification of the node is required.

Importantly, FQDN hostname should be unique within the Internet. It is usually registered in the Home Name System (DNS) and is associated with an IP address which allows routers and other network devices to determine where the specific unit is located.

Why do you want FQDN hostname?

FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) English translation means a fully qualified home name. In the context of web-based technologies, FQDN hostnames are used to identify and access specific nodes or computers online.

These are several important reasons why FQDN hostname is a necessary element in the development and management of the network:

  1. Identification unique: FQDN hostname is a unique identification name for the specific network node. This is particularly important in large networks or corporate environments where several devices can have the same IP addresses. Through FQDN, hostnames can easily be distinguished and contacted the right computer or server.
  2. Light use: FQDN hostname is conveniently used in various web applications and services. For example, when establishing a website using FQDN hostname in URL address, users can access a specific site without the need for IP addresses.
  3. Central Office: FQDN hostname allows centralized management of the network. Administrators can easily change the address of nodes online by modifying relevant DNS records (Domain Name System). This enables the efficient management of the network ' s resources and the stability of the system.
  4. Network expansion: FQDN hostname also provides flexibility and network expansion. If it is necessary to add a new node to the network, it is sufficient to give it a unique FQDN name and to create a corresponding DNS record. This facilitates a growing and developing network.

In general, the use of FQDN hostname is an integral part of the efficient and safe operation of the network. It ensures user-friendliness, uniqueness of identification, central management and flexibility in expanding the network. FQDN hostname is therefore a key element in building and supporting the Internet.

How to form FQDN hostname?

Certain rules and structures should be used to create a fully qualified home name (FQDN hostname).

The FQDN hostname structure consists of several components:

  1. Hosta name: This is part FQDN that identifies a specific unit or system on the network. The name of the host may consist of letters, figures and defis, but shall not begin or end with defiance.
  2. Upper level (Top Level Domain): This is the last component of FQDN, which points to the global area or type of domination. Examples of top-level domains include .com, .org, .net, etc.
  3. Upper domain name (Second Level Domain): This is a component prior to the top-level home. He points to a specific organization, site or service.
  4. Homes: sub-houses may be added in front of the top-level home and usually indicate sections, divisions or related services on the website or home.

Example FQDN hostname: mail.example.com

To form FQDN hostname, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Use only the letters in the bottom register, the numbers and the defis.
  • Avoid the use of special symbols, gaps and Russian symbols.
  • Choose smart and short names.
  • Specify correct upper-level domains that are consistent with website or organization objectives and types.
  • Use sub-houses where necessary for logical hierarchy and site or organization structure.

FQDN hostnames can be used for various purposes, such as network identification, DNS recordings and access to resources.

It is important to remember that the rules for the formation of FQDN hostnames can vary depending on the DNS specification and the requirements of your network or service provider.

Examples of use of FQDN hostname

1. Web servers

One of the main examples of the use of FQDN hostnames is the development of web servers. FQDN hostname allows identification of a unique server on the global Internet. For example:

  • www.example.com - FQDN hostname used for the Example website
  • mail.example.com - FQDN hostname used to access Example mail server

2. E-mail

FQDN hostname also plays an important role in e-mail structures. For example:

  • smtp.example.com - FQDN hostname of the outlet server used to send electronic messages
  • imap.example.com - FQDN hostname of incoming mail server used for electronic messages

3. Hosting

In hosting, FQDN hostname is used to identify websites or applications posted on the server. For example:

  • blog.example.com - FQDN hostname for blog on the hosting server
  • shop.example.com - FQDN hostname for the Internet store on the hosting server

4. Lock networks

FQDN hostname is also used in local networks to identify devices and services. For example:

  • printer.example.local - FQDN hostname printer available on Example local network
  • fileserver.example.local - FQDN host name Example file server

5. DNS servers

In the DNS-infrastructure, the FQDN hostname is used to identify DNS servers and their zones. For example:

  • ns1.example.com - FQDN hostname of Example Primary DNS Server
  • ns2.example.com - FQDN hostname of Example Secondary DNS

These are just some examples of the use of FQDN hostname. In general, FQDN hostname has a wide range of applications in computer networks and allows for clear identification of devices and services.

How do you check FQDN hostname?

It is important to verify the correctness of FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) hostname before its use in the system. This ensures the correct operation of web applications and related services. Here are a few methods to verify the correctness of the FQDN hostname:

  • Check the length of the name of the host: The name of the host shall not be longer than 255 symbols in total, including all subdomins and dividers.
  • Check the permissible symbols: The name of the host may contain only the letters of the English alphabet (in the lower and upper register), the figures and defis. Gaps and other special symbols are not permitted.
  • Check the divers: The name of the host may contain points as dividers between the sub-units. However, points cannot be used at the beginning or end of the name of the host or as partitioners within the sub-units.
  • Check the TLD: Make sure you have a correct home name for the top level. The absence of TLD or the use of impermissible TLDs may result in the incorrect work of the system.
  • Check DNS records: Check that you have DNS records for your FQDN hostname. This will allow correct routing of network traffic and contact your host.

If you have checked all the above points and you have doubts about the correctness of your FQDN hostname, it is recommended that you contact the system administrator or hosting service provider to check and support the network lines.


What is FQDN hostname? Short Answer

FQDN hostname is a fully qualified home name for the host. It includes the name of the host and the domain name, which makes it possible to identify clearly the specific computer or device on the network. For example, “hostname.domain.com”.

Why do you want FQDN hostname? Short Answer

FQDN hostname is necessary to define the address of the device online. It allows the use of a particular host, ensures the accuracy and uniqueness of the identification of devices. Through FQDN, hostnames can easily develop network services, virtual hosts and other network infrastructure.

How to form FQDN hostname? Short Answer

For the formation of FQDN hostnames, it is necessary to combine the name of the host and the home name. The name of the host is a unique name that is given by the administrator or default. Home name is part of an Internet resource address that points to the organization or type of network.

How do you use FQDN hostname?

FQDN hostname can be used for various purposes. It may be used in the construction of the DNS server to ensure correct redirection of requests. FQDN hostname is also needed to build mail server, web hosting, FTP service and other network services. It can be used for access to remote resources and network management.

How do you check FQDN hostname? Short Answer

There are several ways to verify FQDN hostname correctly. One is the use of the "ping " or "nslookup " in the command line. If the team results in the right IP address, then the FQDN hostname is correct. It's also possible to check the DNS-server and make sure he correctly redirects the queries to the right host.

Can FQDN hostname contain Russian letters?

Yes, FQDN hostname can contain Russian letters. However, before using Russian letters in FQDN hostname, it is necessary to ensure that the programs and services used support the UTF-8 or other UNcode symbols. It is also important to note that not all DNS serves support Russian letters in domain names.