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External SSD or flash drive: what's better?

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When selecting a reservoir for storage and transmission of data, the question often arises - which one is better to choose: external SSD or flash? Both types of reservoirs have their advantages and disadvantages, and it is therefore important to consider each aspect before a final decision is taken.

External SSD benefits

  • High data transmission rate. External SSD has a high speed, allowing rapid copying and transmission of large amounts of information.
  • Big stock. Today ' s external SSD reservoirs have a large capacity to store a large number of data.
  • Hope. SSD reservoirs do not have moving parts, making them more reliable and less vulnerable to debris.
  • Longitude. External SSD reservoirs have a longer life than flash drives, using more reliable storage technologies.

Inadequacy of external SSD

  • High cost. External SSD reservoirs usually cost more than flash drives with a similar capacity.
  • Limited number of recording cycles. SSD reservoirs have a limited number of recording cycles that can reduce their service life with intensive use.

Flash benefits

  • Low cost. Flashes are usually cheaper than external SSD reservers, making them more affordable.
  • Small size and light weight. Flashes are small and light, which makes them comfortable with themselves.
  • Use. Flows are simple and do not require additional drivers or software.


  • Lower rate of data transmission. Compared to the external SSD, flyers usually have a lower data transmission rate.
  • Limited capacity. Fleshs have a limited capacity, so several flasks need to be used to store a large number of data.
  • Vulnerability to physical damage. Flesh is more exposed to physical damage, such as bends or strikes.


The choice between the external SSD and the flash drive depends on your needs and preferences. If you need a high rate of data transmission and greater reliability, external SSD can be the best option. However, if you need to store small amounts of data and price is an important factor, the flash drive may be a more appropriate choice. Before making a final decision, it is worth carefully weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of each reservoir.

Comparison of external SSD and flash drives: speed, reliability, capacity

External SSD (Solid-State Drive) and Flash These are two popular external reservoirs offering a higher speed, reliability and greater volume than traditional hard drives (HDD).

Speed: One of the main advantages of external SSD is its high reading and recording speed. SSD uses a flash memory to store data while HDD is based on mechanical disks, which makes it much slower. Flashes also offer high speed, but not as fast as SSD. Overall, external SSD provides faster work and quick access to files.

Reliability: External SSD is a more reliable and durable version of data storage. As SSD does not have moving parts (as opposed to HDD), it is more resistant to physical damage and less exposed to debris. Flashes also have high reliability, but they have a limited number of recording/styranium cycles that can reduce their service life.

Ambush: By volume, external SSD can have a greater capacity than a flash drive. Today ' s external SSD usually offers a capacity of 256 GB to 4 TBs and even more. Flesh may also be sufficiently discreet, but their maximum capacity is usually limited to 2 TBs or less.

External SSDFlower

Ultimately, the choice between the external SSD and the flash drive depends on your speed, reliability and capacity needs. If you need rapid storage and transmission of large quantities of data, external SSD can be the best option. If you need a compact and low-cost option with a good speed and a moderate volume, the flash drive will be a great choice.