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Composite key SQL: what is and how to use

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In the world of databases, the use of unique data identification keys is a key concept. One of these keys is an integral key to SQL. This is a special type of key that consists of two or more fields and allows unique identification of the entries in the table.

The SQL composite key plays an important role in the design of the relay database. It allows several fields in the table to be combined into one unique identifier. For example, a combination of IID purchase orders and IID goods may be a key in the schedule for order information. This will ensure that every record in the table is unique.

The use of the SQL composite key has its advantages. First, it allows for more accurate identification of data that is useful in the search and filtering of records. Secondly, the key enables links between the tables, which facilitates the data process and ensures the integrity of the database.

It is important to note that the use of the SQL composite key requires careful response to data generation, updating and disposal operations. The uniqueness and integrity of the data may be impaired when the value of one of the components is changed.

In general, SQL is a powerful tool for handling databases. It allows for better identification of data, uniqueness of data and links between tables. However, its use requires caution and attention to the details of data handling.

Composite SQL: Basic principles of use

The composite key (composite key) in SQL is the combination of two or more columns used in the unique identification database of each record in the table. The basic principle of the use of a composite key is that it allows for unique links between different content in the database and provides an accurate definition of each record.

Here are several basic principles for the use of the composite key:

  1. uniqueness: Each entry in the table shall have a unique composite key. This avoids duplication of data and ensures the integrity of the database.
  2. Compilation: An integral key consists of two or more pillars of the table. The combination of these columns shall be unique for each record in the table.
  3. Reference integrity: An integral key can be used to link tables. For example, the external key to a single table may be cited as an integral part of another table.
  4. Definition of relationships: An integral key can be used to determine the relationship between different essences in the database. For example, the " one-to-one " or " one-to-man " relationship between the two tables can be defined as an integral key.

The use of a composite key requires careful planning and design of the database. It is necessary to carefully select the pillars that should be part of the composite key to ensure its uniqueness and effectiveness. In addition, when using the composite key, it should be kept under review and modified to preserve the integrity of the data.

In general, SQL is a powerful tool for linking data in the database. The correct use of the composite key facilitates queries to the database, improves its efficiency and ensures a reliable information storage structure.

What is an integral key to SQL

The composite key in SQL is a combination of several fields which together form a unique value for each entry in the table. It is used to identify and link data between different tables.

The composite key consists of two or more fields which together provide the unique identity of each record in the table. Each field of composite key may contain both numerical and symbolic data.

The composite key allows repeatable values for each field, but the combination of the input key fields shall be unique within the table.

Benefits of a composite key:

  • Provides unique values within the table;
  • Allows data to be linked between tables;
  • Improves the productivity of requests for data sampling;
  • It allows for a more precise determination of the conditions for filtering data.

Creation of a composite key in SQL occurs when a table is created using a keyword PRIMARY KEY} For example:

CREATE TABLE employees

emp_id INT,

emp_department VARCHAR(50),

emp_name VARCHAR(100)

PRIMARY KEY (emp_id, emp_department)


In the example, the " Em_id " and the " Em_department " field together form an integral key to the " Emloyees " table. This means that the combination of these fields should be unique to each of the entries in the table.

Benefits of a composite key

The composite key in SQL is the combination of two or more pillars (semis) that are used together to uniquely identify the entries in the database table. The use of a composite key may yield a number of advantages:

  • Identification unique: The composite key allows unique identification of each entry in the table. The use of several key columns reduces the probability of convergence, increasing the accuracy and reliability of the data.
  • More precise requests: Composite key enables more precise requests to the database. When using a composite key, the conditions for each key column can be specified, which allows for more accurate filtering and selecting the necessary data. For example, if there is a composite key, the conditions for two or more fields can be indicated simultaneously to select the necessary records.
  • More effective indices: The use of a composite key allows for more effective indices in the database. Induction of a composite key reduces response time and improves the productivity of the database. With the use of several key fields, the indexed composite key reduces the number of scans and speeds up the search.
  • More flexible structure: The key enables a more flexible database structure. If several key columns are used, they can be combined in different combinations, allowing for different levels of uniqueness and hierarchical data organization.

In general, the use of a composite key in SQL helps to ensure the uniqueness of data, accurate queries, effective database management and flexible structure. This is an important tool for database developers and administrators to ensure the reliability and productivity of the system.

How to use an integral key to SQL

The composite key in SQL is a key consisting of several columns that uniquely identifies each entry in the table. The use of a composite key is an important aspect of database design and can be useful in different scenarios.

Establishment of a composite key

In order to create a composite key in SQL, several columns should be identified in the table that will be the key. For example, the following syntaxis may be used in the Users table to create a composite key of two pillars:


id INT,

name VARCHAR(100),

email VARCHAR(100),

PRIMARY KEY (id, email)


In this example, the "id " and " email " columns have been designated as an integral keyword by "PRIMARY KEY " . This means that the combination of these columns shall be unique to each record in the table.

Use of a composite key

The composite key may be used to uniquely identify the entries in the table and to ensure data integrity. For example, if the " Users " table uses the "id " and " email " component keys, it will not be possible to add two records with the same values of the columns.

In addition, an integral key can be used to search and filter data. For example, a SQL-request can be made to find all users with a certain identifier and e-mail:

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE id = 1 AND email = '[email protected]';

Such a request would return all entries in the " Users " table with the value of the "id " column 1 and the " email " column equal to ‘[email protected]’.


The composite key in SQL is a useful tool for database design and data integrity. It allows unique identification of the entries in the table and use it to search and filter data. The use of a composite key requires careful design and identification of the right pillars for its creation.


What's an integral key to SQL?

The composite key in SQL is a key consisting of two or more pillars used to uniquely identify the entries in the table. It indicates that the combination of values in these columns should be unique.

How do you create an integral key to SQL?

ALTER TABLE operator should be used to create a composite key in SQL and the columns that would form an integral key should be indicated by the keyword PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE. For example, ALTER TABLE name: ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name PRIMARY KEY (shelf_1, column_2);

Can an integral key be used as an external key?

Yes, an integral key can be used as an external key. To this end, the composite column should be indicated in a table that would refer to another table using the keyword FOREIGN KEY. For example, CONSTRAINT constraint_name FOREIGN KEY (sheet_1, column_2) REFERENCES name_tables (sheet_1, column_2);

How do you use an integral key to sort the results of the request?

In order to use the composite key to sort the results of the request, it is necessary to indicate the composite key in ORDER operator BY. For example, SELECT * From the name / Table ORDER BY column_1, column_2;

Are there any restrictions on an integral key in SQL?

SQL has several limitations on an integral key. First, the values in the composite key columns shall be unique within the table. Also, one of the values in the composite key can be NULL only if all the values in the composite key are also NULL. Furthermore, the external key cannot be invoked as a component key.

Can a column be added to the composite key in the existing table?

Yes, a column could be added to the composite key in the existing table. ALTER TABLE operator should be used and a column should be added to the composite key by the keyword ADD. For example, ALTER TABLE name ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name PRIMARY KEY (shelf_1, column_2, column_3);