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4 pins: characteristics and description

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Connectors and disconnect important computer and electronic components that connect different devices and components. One of the most common types of dips is 4 pin, which is used for the transmission of electrical signals and feeding.

4 pin is a strip consisting of four contacts or conclusions that allow the transmission of electrical currents and signals. It was commonly used in cables and doors to connect to various computer components, such as fans, power units, maternity charges and other devices.

The characteristic of the four pins is its small size and simplicity. Contacts of this separation shall normally be special form which ensures a secure and stable connection between the devices. In addition, 4 pins of the diluents may be carried out in different colours, which makes it easy to identify them when they are connected and operated with them.

Despite its prevalence and simplicity, 4 pins have their characteristics and work requirements. For the correct operation and connection of the different devices and components, it is important to take into account the polarity of communication and to comply with the relevant standards and recommendations of producers.

In conclusion, 4 pins are a common and convenienced section used for the transmission of electrical signals and power in computer components. Its benefits are small, simple use and colour identification. However, for the right work and connections, it is important to take into account the characteristics of this disc, such as polarity and conformity with producer standards.

Pin: characteristics and description

Pin This is a small metal or plastic bay with a sharp end intended for use in different fields. In this article we will describe the characteristics and descriptions of the 4-pin pine.

4-pin pin is different from four legs or contacts which allow for the connection of four different wires or devices. This type of pine is usually used in different electronic devices for signal transmission or electrical energy.

4-pin pin may have different shapes and dimensions depending on its destination. For example, in some cases it may be round or square and in others it may be rectangular or triangle. It may also be covered by special material to protect against environmental impacts.

The main purpose of the 4-pin pine is to connect different devices or components. It may be used to connect fans to the mother ' s computer fee, to transmit data between components of the electronic chart or to connect different sensors.

4-pin pin usually has a standard size and location of contact, which facilitates its use and connection of compatible devices. It may also be easily replaced or connected to other compatible devices without the use of special tools or skills.

While 4-pin pin is an important component in different areas and applications, it may also be a source of problems related to incorrect connectivity or non-compliance with the standards and requirements of devices. It is therefore recommended that the technical documentation of the specific device be consulted or contacted before it is used.

Finally, 4-pin pin is a small but important element that is used to connect different devices and components. It has four contacts to connect different wires or devices. Knowing its characteristics and description, it is possible to correctly use and connect 4-pin pins in appropriate situations.

External type and composition

4-contact (4 pin) is one of the most common types of diluents used in the computer industry. It has the following design:

  • Divorce.4-contact break normally has a plastic hull which protects against damage and enables easily connecting and disconnecting.
  • Contacts: There are four contact points inside the separation, which serve to transmit electrical signals and feeds. Contacts may be carried out as metal plates covered by special material to ensure reliable contact.
  • Colour marking: Contacts can be coloured so that users can easily determine the right connection. Typically, contacts are marked by colours - black, white, red and yellow, but colours may vary depending on the producer.

Typically, 4-contact breaks are used to connect fans to the maternal fee of a computer or other devices. They control the vector speed by ensuring optimum cooling of the system and noise reduction.

Components connected with a 4-contact break usually have the following functions:

  1. Ventilation: The fans refrigerate components, such as the central processor (CPU) or the video card, to help maintain the optimum temperature and prevent overheating.
  2. Rigid discs: Rigid discs can be connected by a 4-contact break to provide food and data transmission.
  3. Optical transmissions: Optical transmissions, such as DVD feeds or CD feeds, may also use a 4-strong dim to feed and transmit data.

In general, the 4-contact break provides a convenient and reliable connection of the various components. It is a standard component of computer systems and is widely used in many computer devices and components.

Working principle

4-pin is the type of diluent used to connect fans to the mother's computer. It differs from the 3-pin split that contains an additional fourth contact group.

The main principle of the 4-pin rolling is to ensure that the vent speeds are managed. This allows the ventilation speed and noise to be adjusted according to user needs and the temperature of the components of the system unit.

In 4-pin, the following contacts shall be used:

  • VCC The power contact through which the fan receives electrical energy.
  • GND Landing contact, allowing the fan to return the electric flow back to the source.
  • TACH The contact that reports the maternal fee on the speed of the fan.
  • PWM The contact used to control the vent speed by means of a pulse width modulation (Pulse Width Modulation).

The pulse width modulation (PWM) allows the vent speed to be controlled by changing the power pulse length. The pulse density determines the rotational speed of the fan.

The computer ' s maternity fee sends a signal indicating the required speed of the fan at PWM contact. The fan in turn accepts this signal and adjusts its speed according to it.

In addition, the 4-pin roll also supports the fan operating mode at constant speed when the PWM contact is not used. In this case, the fan operates at maximum speed without adjustment.

Electrical applications

4-pin of diluents are widely used in electronics for transmission and feeding, signals and data between different components and devices. They provide a secure connection between the reference component and other devices or charges, allowing them to interact and operate together.

The application of the 4-pin of the dishes is found in different electronic devices and systems, such as:

  • Computers and laptops: 4-pin dishes are used to connect fans and component cooling systems.
  • Mobile devices: 4-pins shall be equipped with connections of chargers and headphones.
  • Audio- and video equipment: 4-pin of the dishes are used to connect microphones, headphones and other recording and audible reproduction devices.
  • Medical technicians: 4-pin dips are used in various medical devices for the transmission of signals and data.
  • Automobile electronics: 4-pin dips are used to connect different systems in vehicles, such as lighting systems and audio-power.
  • Industrial equipment: 4-pin dips can be connected to different modules and components of industrial equipment for data and nutrition.

4-pin of diluents may have different standards and configurations depending on the specific application and requirements of the system. It is important to take into account the right connecting and matching of the dishes in order to secure and secure electronics.

Pros and cons

Like any other element, four pin-conctors have their advantages and disadvantages.


  • Connectivity and deactivation: 4 pin-conceptor can easily and quickly connect and disable the device
  • High reliability: this technology ensures a secure connection between devices
  • Universality: 4 pin-contractor used in a wide range of devices and equipment
  • Savings: this type of conjector has low cost, making it available for use in various fields


  • Limited functionality: 4 pin-contractor supports only simple data and energy transmission functions and is unable to provide more complex opportunities, such as audio or video signal transmission
  • Limited data transmission speed: 4 pin-contractor does not have a high rate of data transmission, which may limit its use in some cases
  • Inconvenience in the absence of an appropriate disconnect: if the device does not have 4 pins, the switch or adapter will need to be used to connect it.

As a result, 4 pin-conjector is a convenient and reliable solution for connecting and transmitting energy and data, but its functionality is limited and may not be appropriate for certain specific tasks and requirements.

Technical characteristics

4 pin is a diluent that is often used to connect different devices to a computer or other electronic devices. It contains four contacts that transmit the electrical signal and the power.

Main features 4 pin:

  • Number of contacts: 4;
  • Type of connection: male or female;
  • Contact function: data transmission, nutrition transmission;
  • Connectivity Standard: different standards can be used, including USB, SATA and others;
  • Compatibility: 4 pin may be compatible with different devices, including hard drives, fans and others.

4 pins have been used extensively in the past to connect peripheral devices such as printers and scanners to the computer. However, with technological developments, this type of disembarkation has become less common, as many new devices use more modern interfaces such as USB or HDMI.

It is important to note that the characteristics of the 4 pin may vary depending on the type of dilution and its application. Therefore, before using 4 pins, it is necessary to verify the source of information or instructions to the device which requires the connection of the type of disembarkation.

The price of 4 pin may also depend on the quality of the materials, the length of the cab and the additional functions. It is recommended that prices be compared and that users ' feedback prior to purchase be read in order to optimum proposal.


What's four pins?

4 pin is the diluent used to connect different devices to the computer ' s maternity fee. It consists of four contacts and serves to transmit the electrical signal and feed.

What devices can be connected with 4 pins?

By means of a 4 pin, devices such as cooling fans, light-bands and other devices that require the transmission of the electrical signal and the supply can be connected.

What's the difference between four pins?

The four pins have several features. First, it is designed to connect devices that require a 12 Volt signal. Secondly, this separation has a specific form of contact that prevents incorrect connections. And thirdly, the four pins will provide a stable transmission of electrical signals and power.

How do you connect the device to the four pin?

In order to connect the device to the four pins, the dividing device shall be placed in the corresponding dividing unit on the mother ' s computer. Interacts of the disembarkation shall be matched to ensure proper connection.

What's the advantage of getting four pins?

Four pins have several advantages. First, it provides a stable transmission of electrical signals and power. Secondly, his specific form of contact prevents incorrect connections. Thirdly, this disengagement enables the various devices to be connected to the mother ' s computer ' s fee by ensuring their operation.