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1155 or 1151: what is the best platform?

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In selecting kits for PCs, the choice of maternal fees is a key point. To date, however, there are many different maternity charges and disembarkations, which may be difficult to choose. Special attention should be paid to the 1155 and 1151 sites that are very popular among users.

1155 and 1151 are standard juices to install the processor for the maternity fee. However, the difference between them lies in the generations to be supported. 1155 was developed by Intel for generations of Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge, and 1151 is destined for Skylake, Kaby Lake and Coffee Lake. Thus, choosing between these two rounds should be determined with a generation of processor to be used.

If you need to use the Sandy Bridge or Ivy Bridge intergenerational processors, the choice has to go down 1155. However, if you need the Skylake, Kaby Lake or Coffee Lake intergenerational processors, you should choose a maternity fee with 1151.

In addition to the intergenerational processors being supported, attention should also be paid to the characteristics of each project. For example, 1155 supports DDR3's two-channel memory, while 1151 supports DDR4. In addition, 1155 holds more USB 2.0 ports and 1151 supports a new USB 3.0 port standard. It should also be noted that 1151 are more productive and maintain a higher memory frequency, which may be an important factor in the selection of the platform.

Benefits and disadvantages of platform 1155

Platform 1155 has a number of advantages and disadvantages to be taken into account in selecting a computer system. Let's see the main ones:


  • Broad selection of processors: Platform 1155 supports many processors of different producers. This allows for the optimum solution in line with the objectives and budget.
  • Low cost: Settings for platform 1155 are usually available at a lower cost than for more new platforms. This allows for savings on the orifice of the system.
  • Stability: Platform 1155 has been in the market for a long time and all necessary tests have been carried out. She's proven to be a stable and reliable system.


  • Lower productivity: Compared with more new platforms, the productivity of platform 1155 may be lower. This may be a significant factor in dealing with demanding tasks.
  • Limited opportunities: Some new technologies and functions may not be available for platform 1155. If recent innovations are required, more new platforms should be highlighted.
  • Lack of support: It should be borne in mind that manufacturers may stop producing new platform 1155 sets in the future. This may lead to a limitation of the possibilities for the opgreade.

Thus, the choice between platforms 1155 and 1151 depends on the specific needs of the user. If the budget is limited and requires a stable and accessible system, platform 1155 may be a great choice. However, if high productivity and access to recent technologies are important, it is worth considering platform 1151 or other more new models.

Benefits and disadvantages of platform 1151


  • Compatibility with Intel Sokette 1151, including the sixth, seventh and eighth generation;
  • Extensive choice of maternity fees from different producers;
  • Supporting DDR4 two-channel memory at high data transmission rates;
  • Low cost of maternity fees and processors for the second release (six and seventh generation);
  • Support for advanced technologies such as PCIe 3.0 and USB 3.1;
  • High productivity in applications and games.


  • The inability of new generation of processors (death and tenth generation);
  • Limited facilities for the system;
  • Lower productivity compared to more new platforms;
  • Lack of support for some advanced technologies, such as PCIe 4.0 and USB 3.2.

In general, platform 1151 remains relevant and offers a good price-quality ratio for those who do not plan to adapt the system in the near future and are ready to achieve acceptable productivity.

Comparison of productivity of platforms 1155 and 1151

Platforms 1155 and 1151 are different breeds for processors that have different generations and allow for different types of operational memory. However, in choosing between the two platforms, it is also important to take into account productivity.

Processor production

Platform 1155 offers the Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge processors, which have excellent productivity for their time. These processors provide high productivity in both single-nuclear and multi-point tasks. However, because of the age of these processors, their productivity may be lower than that of the more new ones.

On the other hand, platform 1151 offers the Skylake and Kaby Lake family processors, which have a new architecture and can produce higher productivity compared to platform 1155. They can also work with a faster and more energy-efficient DDR4.

Production of graphic accelerators

In addition to the productivity of the processor itself, it is also important to consider the productivity of the graphic accelerator, which can be integrated into the processor or use a separate video map.

Platform 1155 offers processors with integrated graphic accelerator Intel HD Graphics 2000, 2,500, 3,000 or 4,000 that can provide good productivity in simple graphic tasks. However, they will not be able to cope with more demanding games or multimedia tasks.

Platform 1151 proposes processors with integrated graphic accelerator Intel HD Graphics 530, 630 or Intel Iris 6100, which have higher productivity than the graphical accelerators of the previous generation. The 1151 platform also allows the use of separate videocards, allowing for higher graphic productivity.


If you need greater productivity and support for more new memory technologies, you should focus on platform 1151. However, if you need budget savings and you plan to use less demanding tasks, platform 1155 may be a good option.

How do you choose a platform for your needs?

In selecting a platform for its needs, it is important to take into account several important factors. These are some of them:

  • PurposeDetermine what you need a new platform for. Will you use it for games, work or other tasks?
  • Budget: Set the limits of its budget and find a platform appropriate to this limitation.
  • CompatibilityMake sure that the chosen platform is compatible with your other components and devices.
  • Productivity: Review the characteristics of the platform, such as processor, operational memory and graphic processor, to ensure that it meets your needs.
  • Widernessif you plan to expand your platform in the future, make sure that it has sufficient layers to add new components.
  • Energy consumption: Pay attention to the energy use of the platform, especially if energy efficiency is important.
  • Accessibility of componentscheck the availability and cost of the parts and accessories for the platform chosen.

Note that these factors may vary depending on your individual needs. Undertake some research and compare the different platforms to choose the most suitable for yourself.


What platform do you want for a game computer?

Depending on your needs and budget, you can choose platform 1155 or 1151. Platform 1155 will support more processors and have a broader choice of maternal fees, but platform 1151 can offer more new and fast processors.

What are the advantages of platform 1155?

Platform 1155 supports a greater number of processors, which means you have a wide range of different models and series. She also supports more operational memory, which can be useful if you plan to launch many applications at the same time.

What's the advantage of platform 1151?

Platform 1151 usually has more new and faster processors. It can also offer advanced technologies such as USB 3.1 and high-speed memory support. In addition, platform 1151 has lower energy consumption, which may be an important factor for economic systems.

What platform do you want for music?

If you're doing music, you're probably gonna need a high-capacity processor and a large number of kernels. In this case, it would be better to select the 1155 platform because it supports more processors and can offer you more opportunities to expand and improve your system.

What platform is better for everyday use?

If you use a computer for everyday tasks, such as web sites, social networking and music audition, you probably won't need a powerful processor or a large amount of operational memory. In this case, platform 1151 may be more appropriate because it usually has more energy-efficient processors and can be more affordable.